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1.Get your Text books
2. Pre bell – Page 369, #1-3
-Write the questions and
Chapter 12
Section 1
• Rise of the Roman Republic
Rise of the Roman Republic
• Rome lies near the center of the Italian
Early days
• Historians do not know exactly how Rome was
founded, but the Romans have a legend about
the city.
• Legend says, Rome was founded by two twins,
Romulus and Remus.
• Their mother was a Latin Princess, and their
father was Mars, the god of war.
• The boys jealous uncle had them put in a
basket and sent down the Tiber River.
• A she wolf rescued the boys from the river,
and a shepherd raised them.
• Romulus and Remus once they were older,
gathered a group of men to found a new city.
• However, they could not agree on a name, so
they got in a fight, and Romulus killed Remus.
• Romulus named the new city Rome.
• Historians do not believe the legend, but the
story does show that the Romans believe that
their city has a special connection to the gods.
• First people settled Rome around 800 B.C.
• Villages were built on top of seven hills over
looking the Tiber River.
• Over time, these villages formed a single
town, and eventually a city.
• Romans drained the swampy area between
two of the hills, and this became the Forum.
• The Forum was the center of Roman
government, religion, and economy.
Factors for success
• City’s hills gave the Romans a natural defense
from invaders
• Had access to a nearby port
• River moved too fast, so ships could not attack
• Located on key trade routes
Roman Kings
• In early Roman days, kings ruled the city.
• Kings served as head on the army, chief priest,
and supreme judge.
• Kings helped the city grow
• Kings ruled with the consent of the senate,
which was made up of older male aristocrats.
• Over time, the aristocrats grew tired of the
• Tarquin was the 7th king of Rome, and he was
a cruel leader. Leading Romans overthrew
him, and created a republic.
• A republic is a government in which citizens
have the right to vote and elect officials
• Romans borrowed from different Italian
• Before Rome formed, Greeks moved into
southern Italy around 700 B.C. and brought
their culture with them.
• Romans would later come in contact with
these people and this taught the Romans
about Greek culture.
• Greeks in Italy had a strong influence on
Roman culture.
• Romans identified their gods with Greek gods
• Romans also adopted Greek legends and
heroes as their own.
The Etruscans
• Etruscans were the most powerful people in
Italy when Rome was founded
• Etruscans also had influence on Romans
• Etruscans were advanced artist and builders,
they also sailed around the Mediterranean as
Roman Expansion
• Romans were feared conquerors
• By the late 200s B.C., Rome ruled all of Italy
• Basic unit of army was the Legion
• Legions had 4,500 to 5,000 heavily armed
• Most of these soldiers were infantry or foot
• Each legion was broke into a maniple, which
was 60-160 soldiers
• Romans adopted war innovations from other
– For example: The gladius or short sword from
– Maniples were first used by the Samnites, who
lived in mountains in central Italy
Friends and allies
• Rome gained power with help from allies
• Romans often signed treaties with people they
• These treaties often required conquered
people to send troops to fight with the
• Eventually loyal allies were given Roman
• Page 369 questions 4-9
• Write questions and answers
*Do on the same sheet from last class!
• Page 375 #1-3
• Write the questions and the answers
Pride time!!!
• Get a book and read silently
Chapter 12 Section 2
The Government of the Republic
• The Roman Republic lasted for 500 years
Principles of the Roman Government
• Roman government consisted of an
aristocracy, democracy, and monarchy
• The government was constructed by a
• Unlike the United States, the Roman
constitution was unwritten.
• The main idea of Roman Government was
Separation of powers.
• Power is shared among different people with
set roles.
• After the last king was thrown out, Roman did
not want to be ruled by a single ruler.
Latin name – Lucius Tarquinius
How did Romans limit officials power?
• Romans elected two men for the same
• The two men were called consuls
• Consuls could veto each other
• Romans only allowed men to be in office for
one year
• Government was split into three branches
– Assemblies
– Senate
– Magistrates
• Each Branch had its own power, and was
balanced against the other branches
• One branch could not hold all the power
• Most of the time however, the Senate was the
most powerful branch.
• Rule of law means that the law applies to
Roman Citizens
• Free Roman men were citizens
• Women and slaves were not citizens, and had
no role in government.
• The toga was the symbol of Roman Citizenship
• Any adult male citizen had the right to vote
• Male citizens also had the responsibility to
serve in the army if he could afford his own
• Citizens were divided into two groups
• Patricians- members of the oldest families
– Wealthy
– Controlled most government offices
– The minority group
• The second group was the Plebeians
– Were the majority
– Did not come from old Roman families
– Common farmers or artisans
– Some were wealthy
Assemblies and Senate
• All adult male citizens participated in
• Officials were elected, and laws were passed
at assemblies
• The senate was made up of the wealthiest and
best known Roman men
• The senate advised the assemblies on decision
• Magistrates were wealthy men
• Ancestors had to have held office to get this
• Magistrates enforce laws, and were like
Other positions
• Tribune was the office that protected the
interest of the plebeians
• Praetors judged cases, managed the city of
Rome, and led armies in times of war
• Consuls were top officials, & their most
important job was to lead the army, and also
presided over the senate and assemblies
• Dictators were elected only in times of
emergency, and this person would hold
complete power, but only for a limited time.
• He served for a maximum of six months
• Questions 4-9 on page 375
• Write the questions and the answers
Bell Work
• Page 383 - # 3-5
• Write the questions and answers
Chapter 12 Section 4
The Republic’s and Crisis
• 10-30-2014
The Struggle is Real
• Rome fought in a series of three wars known
as the Punic Wars
• Hannibal was Carthage’s most successful