Download SESSION 16 - Thoracic inlet - Hatzalah of Miami-Dade

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SESSION 16 - Thoracic inlet
1. Does the head of the first rib articulate with its own vertebral body only, its
own and the one above or its own and the one below?
2. Does the tubercle of a rib articulate with its own transverse process, the
transverse process above or the one below?
3. How do you classify the first costosternal (chondromanubrial) joint?
4. Which four bones make up the whole thoracic inlet?
5. Define the limits of the superior mediastinum.
6. Does the apex of the lung reach above the anterior part of the 1st rib and/or the
posterior part of the 1st rib?
7. What material is the disc of the sternoclavicular joint?
8. Which of the following is/are true about scalenus anterior
a) It arises from the anterior tubercles of the cervical vertebrae
b) It inserts into the 2nd rib
c) It has the phrenic nerve on its posterior surface
d) It is an accessory muscle of respiration
e) The brachial plexus roots emerge anterior to it
f) The subclavian artery passes posterior to it
9. What do both phrenics and both vagus nerves have in common as they all
enter the thorax?
10. If the left subclavian artery arises from the aortic arch, where does the right
subclavian artery arise?
11. What veins join to form the brachiocephalic veins?
12. What is the surface markings of these junctions?
13. What is the most likely structure to be damaged as a needle is inserted into the
right subclavian vein?
14. How would you know that this damage has occurred?
15. Name 3 of the 5 veins that drain into the left brachiocephalic vein after its
16. Where does the internal jugular vein commence?
17. Does it lie medial or lateral to the common carotid artery in the carotid sheath?
18. What else lies in the sheath at this level?
19. What surgical procedure might damage the left brachiocephalic vein in
20. What large vein enters the superior vena cava and usually leaves an
indentation above the hilum of the right lung in a post-mortem specimen?
21. What is the difference between an aortic sinus and aortic cusp?
22. Name two structures lying within the curve of the aortic arch.
23. Name the 3 branches of the 1st part of the subclavian artery.
24. Where does the thoracic duct enter the venous system?
25. Would it be true to say that the right phrenic nerve "runs down the venous side
of the heart"?
26. Does it pass anterior or posterior to the hilum of the right lung?
27. Do the vagus nerves pass anterior or posterior to the hila of their respective
28. Is shoulder tip pain referred from the gall bladder via the phrenic nerve
visceral or somatic?
29. Where does the right vagus give off the right recurrent laryngeal nerve?
30. What is a grey ramus communicans?
31. What is the stellate ganglion?
32. Each cervical sympathetic ganglion has a branch that supplies the same organ.
Which organ?
33. What are the 3 functions of the sympathetic nerves that join a somatic nerve
destined for the skin?
34. Name one of the two special functions of the sympathetic system in the head.