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 Drug- Any substance that changes how the mind or
body works.
Medicine- a drug that is used to cure, treat, or
prevent pain, disease, and illness.
Controlled Substance-Drugs that are used illegally
without a prescription.
What is the difference between Prescription and
Over the Counter Drugs/Medicine?
Over The Counter (OTC) medicines- are medicines
that can be bought without a doctor’s written order.
Prescription Medicines- medicines that can be
bought only with a written order, or prescription.
Drug Use/Misuse/Abuse
 What would you consider proper Drug Use?
 Misuse-The accidental incorrect use of a drug.
 Abuse- The purposeful incorrect use of drugs
or the use of an illegal drug.
 PI Charting-Looks like/Sounds like/Feels
Explain physical and/or psychological
effects that occur when individuals use,
misuse and/or abuse various forms drugs.
4 Ways Drugs are Administered
into the Body
 Inhalation-Poison resulted in breathing in
toxic fumes.
 Absorbtion-Poison that comes into contact
with the body and can be absorbed through
the skin.
 Injection-Poison that can enter the body by
way of animal or insect bite or sting, or be
injected by a hypodermic needle.
 Ingestion-Poison taken in by mouth.
 Tolerance-The condition in which a person
needs more of a drug to feel the original
effects of the drug.(Chasing the Dragon)
 Withdrawal-The body’s reaction to not
having a drug that is usually present in the
body.(headaches, chills, nausea, etc…)
 Dependence-The need to take a drug in order
to feel normal.
 Addiction-The failure to control one’s use of a
5 Classifications of Drugs
 Depressant-Drugs that slow the body down. Ex.
Alcohol, Rohypnol(date rape drug)
Stimulant-Drugs that speed up the brain and the
heart. Ex. Nicotine, Caffeine
Narcotic- Drugs that reduce the sensation of pain
and are highly addictive. Ex. Heroin, Oxycodone
Hallucinogen-Strong drugs that can make people
see and hear things that do not exist. Ex.
Mushrooms, LSD(acid)
Inhalants-Chemical products that have strong
fumes, or odors. Ex. Nitrous Oxide, Glue, Aerosol
Hallucination Image
Hallucination Video
 You won’t believe your eyes!!!
Effects of Drugs on the Body/
 Drugs are Unpredictable. How a person reacts to
a drug depends on many variables.
 Differences amongst various factors such as
body size, mood, food, mixing, dosage and
allergies can affect a person’s reaction to a
 Medicines come with instructions that explain
how much of the drug can be taken safely at
once. This is one reason why illegal drugs
are so dangerous. Taking too much of a drug
can be fatal.
Designer and Gateway Drugs
 Designer drug-Drugs that are
chemically altered. Ex. Ecstasy, GHB
 Gateway-Drugs that are usually the
first that teens experiment with such
as Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana,
and can lead to a variety of harder
drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or
LSD, etc…
Abstinence & Refusal Skills
 Abstinence-The choice to refrain from doing
something in order to stay healthy.
1. Avoid Drug Environments
2. Drug-Free Coping
3. Refusing Offers
Support Systems
 Who makes up my healthy support system?
 Wall of Support Activity
 What does my support system do for me?
What actions do they take?
Life Line Activity
What skills do I use to resist peer pressure?
Over the Border
What have you learned?/Scrabble Babble