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Chapter 12  The Early Romans
Lesson 1  The Founding of Rome
I. Settling the Seven Hills
A. The Italian Peninsula
1. Surrounded by water on three sides
a. Tyrrhenian Sea
b. Adriatic Sea
c. Mediterranean Sea
2. Has mountain range extending the length of the Peninsula
a. Apennines
3. Some of the mountains are volcanic
a. when they erupted, the ash made the soil fertile
b. this led to many people settling on the peninsula
B. Latins (people from central Europe) settled on the Peninsula
1. They settled on the Seven Hills south of the Tiber River
a. These hills eventually became Rome
b. building villages on hillsides allowed them to
see people approaching
2. Latins were herders and farmers
a. hilly area also produced resources like wood and stone
II. A Cultural Mix
A. The Etruscans lived just north of the Latins
1. They were traders, ironworkers, and artists
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B. The Greeks controlled the southern part of the peninsula
1. They spread Greek culture and achievements across the region
C. Trade flourished between the Etruscans and the Greeks along the peninsula
1. The Latins often encountered them in their lands
D. 750 BC, the Latin Villages united as a the city of Rome, the people known as
1. They adopted Greek religion
a. gave Latin names to Greek Gods and Goddesses
2. The Romans borrowed from the Etruscans alphabet (which was borrowed
from the Greeks)
3. Both groups influenced Roman architecture
III. The City of Rome
A. Romans told legends of the beginning of Rome
1. Romulus and Remus
a. Latin King’s cruel brother took the throne by force
b. the rightful heir gave birth to twins
c. the new king feared the boys would grow
to take the throne back
d. he ordered them drown in the Tiber
e. they were saved by a wolf who dropped them
with a farmer
f. the boys grew to retake the throne
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B. The Roman Forum
1. Romulus built the city of Rome, in which is named for him
2. The Seven Hills that became Rome are surrounded by flat land, which is the
Roman Forum
a. Rome’s central location was idea for trading
1. Tiber River gave access to the sea
2. Rome was linked to Europe, Asia, and
Africa through water trading
IV. Etruscan Rule
A. Earliest rulers of Rome were descendents of Latins
1. The Etruscans grew in the north in wealth and advancements
a. Independent city-states, but used the same government
b. King ruled each city-state
i. They were elected to the throne
B. Etruscan confederation expanded into the territory of the Romans
1. Takeover was peaceful, Romans adopted Etruscan culture
2. Etruscans organized Rome into districts, easier to manage under one
a. Also built an army in Rome
b. Rome’s power and strength began to grow
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