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largest Religion
in the World-21% of the
entire world and rapidly
Islam means obedience or peace
through submission to the will of
Allah-the Islam God
Beginnings of Islam
Followers are called
Muslims and are found
primarily in the Middle East
Most important event for
the Islamic faith was the
revealing of Allah’s word to
a man named Muhammad
in early 7th Century AD
Muhammad became
known as the messenger
of Allah; or the prophet
Born in Mecca
Grew up a camel driver and was
unhappy with the lawlessness of
his people and troubled because
they worshiped many gods
Said the angel Gabriel spoke to
him while he was praying one
day and told him Allah was the
only God
He began speaking the message
and was forced out of Mecca to
Medina-this migration is called
the Hajj.
His followings grew so strong
that they conquered Mecca in
629 AD
The Koran/Quran
► Holy
book of Islam
written by Allah
through Muhammad
► Advocates
beliefs and the 5
Pillars of Islam
Muslim Beliefs
Belief in Allah
Belief in angels
Belief in the Koran
Belief in the prophets:
Abraham, Moses, David,
Jesus, and Muhammad
Belief in the day of
judgment and life after
Belief in predestination
The Five Pillars of Islam
► The
Shahadah: The declaration of faith; “There is
no god but Allah and Muhammad is prophet.
► The Salah: The five daily prayers said at dawn,
noon, mid-afternoon, dusk, and after dark.
► The Zakat: Give 2½% of savings to the poor each
► The Sawm: Fasting during the 9th Muslim month.
► The Hajj: Make a pilgrimage to Mecca in their
The Hajj
In 1999 there were 2
million Muslims in Mecca
for the Hajj: 1 mill. from
Saudi Arabia; 6000 from
the US
Hajj consists of several
commemorating faith in
the prophet Abraham
Muhammad said that if the
Hajj is performed properly
the person would return as
a “newly born baby free of
all sins”
► Holiest
period in the
Islamic year
► Commemorates the
month when revelations
► During this month most
Muslims over the age of
12 are expected to
abstain from food and
drink from the first light
of dawn until
► This year Ramadan
began on June 29- July
27, 2014
Links to Other Faiths
► Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam are the 3
related faiths. They all revere Abraham as a
spiritual ancestor.
► Different books: Bible, Torah, and Koran
► Concept of Deity: The Trinity: Father, Son
and Holy Spirit; Allah the one god