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 1 218-­‐202 BC: Hannibal invades Italy 753 BC: Traditional date for the founding of Rome 149-­‐146 BC: Third Punic War(Cartha
ge destroyed) 390 BC: Gauls sack Rome c. 500 BC: Beginning of the Roman Republic 264-­‐241 BC: First Punic War (Sicily becomes a Roman province, as well as small islands west of it) 121 BC: Gaius Gracchus killed 133 BC: Tiberius Gracchus elected tribune 100 BC: Julius Caesar born on July 13 107 BC: Marius Xirst elected consul 91 BC: Beginning of Social War (between Marius and Sulla) 80 BC: Caesar serves in Asia, awarded the corona civica 84 BC: Caesar marries Cornelia 88 BC: Sulla marches on Rome 87 BC: Caesar chosen as Xlamen dialis 81-­‐79 BC: Sulla dictator in Rome 67 BC: Caesar marries Pompeia 73-­‐71 BC: Revolt of Spartacus 75 BC: Caesar captured by pirates 69 BC: Caesar's funeral speeches for Julia (wife of Marius) and Cornelia 63 BC: Cicero elected consul. Conspiracy of Catiline. Caesar elected Pontifex Maximus 59 BC: Caesar elected consul. Pompey marries Julia. Caesar marries Calpurnia 61 BC: Caesar governer of Further Spain 62 BC: Scandal of Clodius. Caesar divorces Pompeia 60 BC: Beginning of First Triumvirat
e (Pompey, Crassus, & Caesar) 55 BC: Caesar crosses the Rhine. First expedition to Britain 57 BC: Caesar Xights the Belgae 58 BC: Beginning of the Gallic War 56 BC: Caesar's campaign against the Veneti 53 BC: Crassus killed in Parthia 54 BC: Second expedition to Britain. Death of Julia. Revolt of Ambiorix 49 BC: Caesar crosses the Rubicon 51 BC: End of Gallic War 52 BC: Clodius murdered in Rome. Revolt of Vercingeto
rix in Gaul 46 BC: Suicide of Cato. Caesar celebrates triumph at Rome, appointed dictator for ten years 50 BC: Gaius Scribonius Curio prevents recall of Caesar 48 BC: Caesar defeats Pompey at Pharsalus, crosses to Egypt 31 BC: Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra at Actium 44 BC: Murder of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March 45 BC: Caesar defeats last of Pompey's forces in Spain, appointed dictator for life 42 BC: Brutus and Cassius defeated at Philippi 1 Adapted from: Freeman, Philip. Julius Caesar. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008.