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(a) - Two results of Rotation
 Day and Night
 Rising and falling of ocean tides
 Deflection of winds
- Two results of Revolution
 Seasons of the year
 Phases of the moon
(b) Characteristics of the sun
 It is self-luminous
 It is stationary
 It controls the whole solar system
 It produces heat
(c) Proofs that the earth is spherical
 Circumnavigation
 Curved horizon takes the shape of the earth
 The sun does not rise and set at the same time
 All planets are spherical, the earth is a planet, and therefore the earth is
copied from
(e) Equinox is a period of the year when days and nights are equal while Solstice is
the period of the year when there is the longest day ever and shortest night ever
and the vice-versa for the whole world except in equator.
(f) Place X (60oE) is 10.00am
Place Y (30oE) is ???
30o =2hrs
10.00am-2hrs= 8.00am
(g) GMT stands for Greenwich Meridian Time
(h) International Date Line (IDL) does not cut across countries in order to avoid the
confusion of having two days in one country.
a) i. two main types of weathering
 chemical Weathering
 Physical/Mechanical Weathering
ii. How carbonation occurs:
Carbon dioxide is dissolved in water to form weak carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Calcium carbonate present in limestone rocks react with carbonic acid
This forms calcium BI-carbonate
Calcium carbonate is not soluble in water but carbonic acid turns it to
Soluble Calcium Bi-carbonate
 This soluble compound can be carried away in solution thus weakening
the rock.
b) i. exfoliation is the peeling off of the rock.
 This occurs as a result of repeated expansion and contraction.
 Expansion of a rock occurs when it is hot during the day
 Contraction of a rock occurs when it is cold during the night
ii. Exfoliation is common in desert areas
c) Frost action
d) Weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles in situ by
weather elements, plants and animals
While Erosion is the wearing away(corrosion/abrasion) and breaking down of
rocks(attrition) and the transportation of broken down rocks from one place to
e) Chemical weathering is common in equatorial region because it is too humid and
average temperature is high.
f) Two effects of weathering on the environment
 Stalactites (structures in Sekubu cave)
 Stalagmites
 Grikes
a) Properties of soil
 Texture
 Structure
 Colour
b) Three factors affecting soil formation
 Climate
 Topography
 Vegetation cover
 Parent material
 Permeability
 Thickness
 pH
c) i. Leaching: Drain away from soil the soluble minerals
ii. Soil Profile: a vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock.
iii. Soil Erosion: the wearing, breaking and or washing away of soil by the flow of
water, wind, waves, glaciers and gravity.
d) two agents of erosion
 running water
 wind
 Glaciers (Moving ice)
 Waves
 Gravity
e) i. Human Malpractice that cause soil erosion
 Deforestation
 Overgrazing lifestock
 Ploughing up and down the slope
ii. How each problem can be solved.
 Afforestation
 Practicing Rotational grazing
 Ploughing across the slope
a) Processes of wind erosion
 Deflation
 Abrasion
 Attrition
b) Saltation is the process whereby the sand-sized particles carried by wind bounce
along the ground surface in a ‘leap-frog’ movement
(2) /features-produced-wind-erosion
[Total: 70 marks]
Compiled by Ntate ’Musa,M.
(Deputy Principal @ Sept 2013.