Download Heart Disease Links - Garnet Valley School District

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Heart Disease and Cancer Web Quest
You have just received your first job as the Director of Wellness at Bank America. After surveying
employees, you have found that many are dealing with cancer or heart disease themselves or within their
families. Concerned for their wellbeing, you have decided to create a presentation for employees to
access and learn more about each disease. When you discuss this idea with your boss, they give you the
following parameters:
You have a choice of technology for the presentation. You must choose one of the
1. Construct a Web site.
2. Construct a PowerPoint presentation.
The focus of the presentation should be…
What can I do to reduce my risk of getting heart disease or cancer?
Your website or power point must also include at least the following information:
What is cancer/heart disease?
What causes the disease?
What are warning signs/ symptoms?
Risk factors- meaning --How age, sex, race or family history impacts the disease?
What are the different treatments? Be sure to explain them.
What can you do to prevent heart disease/cancer?
Once the presentation is completed, it will be presented to employees on
Cancer Links
American Cancer Society- Do
This First- This resource will allow you to look at various types of
cancers and their descriptions as well as a wealth of other information.
Cancer Research institute- coping with cancer, diagnosis and treatment
Center for Disease Control- information on different types of cancer
Immunotherapy for Cancer- explains a treatment option and gives general information about cancer
National Cancer Institute- find information on different types of cancer and information on treatment,
prevention and causes
National Cancer Institute Division of Prevention- look here for ways to prevent certain types of
United States National Library of Medicine- a searchable website where you can look up your type of
Health finder website- a searchable website where you can get information about your topic
The Mayo Clinic- searchable website where you can find information about many health topics
Heart Disease Links
American Heart Association- you will find information on different conditions here
United States National Library of Medicine- a searchable website where you can look up your heart
disease topic
Center for Disease Control- information on different types of heart disease
Health Finder Website – Searchable website where you can find information about your topic
The Mayo Clinic- searchable website where you can find information about many health topics
WebMD - This site has a list of several articles and information about heart disease
Cancer and Heart Disease Rubric
Student Names:
Presentation shows
Presentation shows an
Presentation shows
considerable originality some originality and attempt at originality or
and inventiveness.
inventiveness. The
The content and ideas content and ideas are
are presented in a
presented in an
unique and interesting interesting way.
Text - Font Choice & Font formats (e.g.,
Font formats have been Font formatting has
color, bold, italic) have carefully planned to been carefully planned
been carefully planned enhance readability. to complement the
to enhance readability
content. It may be a
and content.
little hard to read.
Presentation is a
rehash of other
people's ideas and/or
graphics and shows
very little attempt at
original thought.
Font formatting makes
it very difficult to read
the material.
Content - Accuracy
All content throughout
the presentation is
accurate. There are no
factual errors.
Most of the content is
accurate but there is
one piece of
information that might
be inaccurate.
The content is generally Content is typically
accurate, but one piece confusing or contains
of information is clearly more than one factual
flawed or inaccurate.
Spelling and
Presentation has no
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1-2
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 3-4
Presentation has more
grammatical errors or than 4 grammatical
and/or spelling errors.
Sequencing of
Information is
organized in a clear,
logical way. It is easy
to anticipate the type of
material that might be
Most information is
organized in a clear,
logical way. One item
of information seems
out of place.
There is no clear plan
Some information is
for the organization of
logically sequenced.
More than one item of information.
information seems
out of place.
Use of Graphics
All graphics are
A few graphics are not All graphics are
attractive (size and
attractive but all support attractive but a few do
colors) and support the the theme/content of
not seem to support the
theme/content of the the presentation.
theme/content of the
Several graphics are
unattractive AND
detract from the content
of the presentation.
Group delegates tasks
and shares
effectively all of the
Group delegates tasks
and shares
responsibility effectively
most of the time.
Group delegates tasks
and shares
responsibility effectively
some of the time.
Group often is not
effective in delegating
tasks and/or sharing
Group covers all 6
required topics in
Group covers 5
required topics
Group covers 3-4
required topics
Group covers 0-2
required topics