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Key Terms-Joints
Hinge joint
Hyaline cartilage
Plantar flexion
Range of Motion
Synovial cavity
Synovial fluid
Movement away from the midline of the body
Movement toward the midline of the body
Hyaline cartilage attached to articular bone surfaces
The action or manner in which the parts come together at a
An articulation (as the hip joint) in which the rounded head of
one bone fits into a cuplike cavity of the other and admits
movement in any direction
A usually translucent somewhat elastic tissue that composes
most of the skeleton of vertebrate embryos and except for a
small number of structures (as some joints, respiratory
passages, and the external ear) is replaced by bone during
ossification in the higher vertebrates.
A movement at a synovial joint in which the distal end of the
bone moves in a circle while the proximal end remains
relatively stable
Bending the foot in the direction of the dorsum (upper
An unbending movement around a joint in a limb (as the
knee or elbow) that increases the angle between the bones
of the limb at the joint
A bending movement around a joint in a limb (as the knee or
elbow) that decreases the angle between the bones of the
limb at the joint
An instrument for measuring angles (as of a joint or the skull)
Joint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that permits
motion in only one plane
Translucent bluish white cartilage consisting of cells
embedded in an apparently homogeneous matrix, present in
joints and respiratory passages, and forming most of the fetal
The point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton
whether movable or rigidly fixed together with the
surrounding and supporting parts (as membranes, tendons,
or ligaments)
Dense regular connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
Bending the foot in the direction of the plantar surface (sole)
The range through which a joint can be moved
Moving a bone around its own axis, with no other movement
The space between the articulating bones of a synovial joint,
filled with synovial fluid. Also called a joint cavity.
Secretion of synovial membranes that lubricates joints and
nourishes articular cartilage
© 2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Human Body Systems Lesson 4.1 Joints and Motion – Key Terms – Page 1
Synovial joint
A fully moveable joint in which the synovial (joint) cavity is
present between the two articulating bones
A white fibrous cord of dense regular connective tissue that
attaches muscle to bone
© 2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Human Body Systems Lesson 4.1 Joints and Motion – Key Terms – Page 2