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SBI3U – Unit 3: Evolution
Date: ____________________
7.2 Natural Selection
Selective Pressure
Environmental conditions that _______________ certain characteristics of individuals and
___________________________ other characteristics.
The _______________________ selects which variation survives best.
Natural Selection
The process by which _____________________________________________ over many generations
as organisms with __________________________________________, passing their traits to offspring
Natural Selection does not:
Does NOT _______________________ in the environment nor have any _______________________
A trait that was once advantageous may become ______________________ in the future
The relative contribution an individual makes to the next generation by ________________________
_______________________________________________________ (Survival of the Fittest)
Artificial Selection
___________________ - a type of artificial selection
Artificial Selection - when the selective pressure is exerted by __________________
Human desired traits
– food crops, food animals
– dogs, cats, horses
Results of Selective Breeding for Oil Content in Plants
In the Venn Diagram below, list key difference between natural selection and artificial selection on
each outer circle and the similarities of both in the middle circle.
Section 7.2 p. 307 #7 – 12, p. 311 #1 – 13
Read and make notes on ‘Consequences of Artificial Selection’ p. 310