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Ancient Rome – The Roman Empire
~ Expansion During the rule of Augustus, Rome enjoyed a Pax Romana or
______________________________. The Roman Empire was large and included people who spoke
different ____________________ and followed different __________________. Augustus was a strong
leader. He made changes that helped unite the empire and set rules that are part of the legal system
of some countries today. For example, he granted _________________________ to people living in the
provinces which gave them special protection that said they did not have to speak out against
themselves in law courts. *This is like our right to remain silent, or the 5th amendment. During this
time, the Romans took a count of the people. This ______________________, or count, made sure
Romans paid taxes and took part in military service. The job of the standing army of the Roman
Empire was to defend the empire’s ________________________. They also built 500,000 miles of
___________________________. This led to __________________________________________________,
or the spreading of ideas, throughout the empire. Why do you think the saying “All roads lead to
Rome” exists? ___________________________________________________________________________
~ A Great City Rome was the capital of the empire. Augustus added government offices, libraries,
temples, and _____________________________. In the city center stood huge government buildings
called ____________________________. He created the __________________________, a place where
people could meet for business or fun. It was there that merchants sold goods and food and that
public notices were posted. The _________________________________ was an arena where Romans
watched battles between _____________________________________. People found it entertaining to
watch the gladiators (slaves or prisoners) who fought to the ______________________. Romans also
built _________________________________. These structures carried water from rivers to cities.
Provinces throughout the empire modeled their cities after Rome.
~ Roman Culture Roman culture borrowed many ______________________ ideas. Architecture, art,
and writing were influenced by Greece. The Roman poet Virgil was asked to write a work that told
of the greatness of Rome’s past. This work of _____________________________, or love of country,
made Romans proud. It was called The Aeneid. Romans wrote and spoke in ______________________.
Today the Latin alphabet is used in English and other languages. Languages based on Latin are
called Romance Languages: Spanish, French, and Italian.