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National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.
Jupiter and Saturn in 2017
by Liz Houle
November-December 2016
In this Issue
• Jupiter and Saturn in 2017
by Liz Houle
• NCGR Board Listings
the movements of Jupiter and
Saturn—the traditional outer
planets—and their relationship to one
another, as an indication of current and
future trends. This article will cover some
of the main themes that may manifest from
January 1-October 10, 2017 based on
Jupiter and Saturn’s location in the sky.
Jupiter shows, from what sign it is in,
where people will be expressing their
morals, beliefs, and opinions. Jupiter also
indicates the direction that higher education, media, news, publishing, travel, and
foreign relations will take. Saturn’s
placement in the heavens reveals where
there will be the most concern, responsibility, restriction, and fear. It builds up
careers, solid structures, and upholds
tradition. In 2017 Jupiter in tropical Libra and
Saturn in tropical Sagittarius will form a
cooperative sextile by sign, which may
produce some spectacular alliances with
international flair.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter entered the sign of Libra on September 9, 2016 and will stay there until October
10, 2017. Jupiter has a 12-year cycle so that
the last time Jupiter was in Libra was from
September 24, 2004-October 25, 2005 and
every 12 years before that. There may be
some related or similar events dealing with
Jupiter’s effects during the prior years when
Jupiter was in Libra.
Jupiter in the air sign of Libra will increase
communications, publishing, social media
activity, and international cooperation.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which
symbolizes love, beauty, art, refinement,
luxury, music, and viewing the world from
another person’s perspective. Librans are
known for being charming, popular, and
indecisive. Libra, represented by a scale,
is concerned with fairness, justice, and
p. 1
p. 6
• Chair Message by Joyce Levine p. 6
• NCGR Board Elections
by David Perloff
p. 7
• Michael Moore and the Winning
Campaign by Elisabeth Grace p.10
• The Dark Side of Uranus
by Gary P. Caton
• The Many Faces of Astrology
Workshops and Seminars
• Embracing the Artist: Pivotal
Moments in the Lives of Two
In 2017 we will probably be asked to fill
out more surveys, polls, and other
attempts to find a general consensus on
various topics. There may also be more
petitions to enforce a balance on decisions that may seem unfair.
Libra is also concerned with relationships, marriage, competitions, and any
one on one interaction. This is an
auspicious year to get married and form a
personal or business alliance. If you are
working on a big project this year,
buddying up with someone may bring
more luck and positive results than
Painters by Cathy Coleman
• Advertisers Wanted for Program
Discounted rates for NCGR 2017 end January 15.
Register now at
p. 21
• Vendors Wanted for Trade Show p. 23
• Uranus-Pluto Themes: How
Today’s Headlines tie into
Historical Trends by David Perloff
• NCGR and PAA News
p. 23
p. 27
• NCGR-PAA Testing in Baltimore p. 29
• Celestial Events
November 2016-January 2017 p. 30
• Book Reviews by Michael
Munkasey and Ronnie Dreyer p. 30
• Transitions: James Santa-Mo
Equality in relationships will also be a
huge concern. Gay marriage, domestic
abuse, stalking, bullying, rape, may be
some subjects that garner more attention
this year. Jupiter in Libra is concerned
with the legal ramifications of relationships. What is the right way for people to
p. 19
p. 33
• Chapter Contacts
p. 34
• NCGR Information
p. 36
treat each other? Also what is the just
punishment of any transgressions in
relating to one another? Jupiter emphasizes the religious, moral, and “correct”
way to judge these situations. We may
have many discussions and publications
centering on these issues in 2017.
Building Community Through Research and Education
page 2
page 3
Libra is symbolized by the scales of
justice. Legal cases and court battles may
also grow in interest in 2017 as people
weigh in with their opinions of a particular
case. There may also be an inflated
interest in how our justice system is
functioning in general. Through the use
of publishing, large numbers of people
may form an opinion concerning what is
right or wrong with a particular case.
Documentaries like A Murder in the Park,
Making a Murderer, and 13th, designed
to garner public support may become
more important in 2017. The cause, effect,
and proposed solutions to fixing the
criminal justice system in America appear
to be a growing concern, symbolized by
Jupiter in Libra.
On a positive note, Jupiter in Libra may
increase art, music and entertainment.
2017 may be an outstanding year for
remarkable movies, music, and theater.
There may be more funding for art
programs, shows, fairs, etc. There may be
more success and financial increase in
artistic endeavors.
In 1957 when Jupiter was in Libra and
Saturn was in Sagittarius, John Lennon
began to collaborate with Paul McCartney
for the first time and went on to create the
Beatles. So this year may be one of
embarking on a new creative partnership
which may become successful in the years
to come. The theater was the scene of a
political protest in November 2016 when
Vice President-elect Mike Pence was given
a prepared speech by one of the actors
after the show.
On a personal level, Jupiter may not be as
wonderful as hoped for in the sign of
Libra. Jupiter does not hold any dignities
in this cardinal, air sign so it can produce
results that are negative as well as
positive. Jupiter—the great benefic, jovial,
wise, and expansive—can be miraculous
or disastrous depending on exactly what
it is that is becoming larger than life.
Jupiter can increase your optimism,
outlook, finances, friends and good
fortune but Jupiter can also expand your
waistline, commitments, choices, and
cause one to feel so much ease in a
particular area of life that it can lead to
becoming lackadaisical. This is especially
so in the sign of Libra, which already
tends to have a lazy streak due to its ruler
Venus wanting to enjoy the finer things.
In this way, Jupiter’s influence can be
extravagant, wasteful, indulgent and could
become negligent. Jupiter makes you feel
good about things and when we feel
content, we don’t necessarily want to
change or build upon matters—even when
we should.
Jupiter in Libra leads to indecisiveness on
ideas regarding judicial affairs, relationships, morals, and diplomatic matters.
Jupiter in Libra can lead to people forming
collaborations based on shared philosophies, beliefs, and opinions but that are
not built to last. Libra, a cardinal air sign,
shows active opinions, which want to be
pushed out into the world forcefully. This
can lead to seemingly arrogant, combative
discussions, which could become overwhelming at times.
Jupiter in a cardinal air sign can ‘talk the
talk’ and will do so in large quantities.
However, the test is if it can also ‘walk the
walk’ which is where Saturn is needed.
Jupiter in Libra may not be as wonderful
as may be expected as a benefic in another
benefic’s sign. It is interesting to note that
in Indian astrology, Venus is Jupiter’s
Jupiter works best in mutable, flexible
signs that allow for beliefs and opinions to
change and adapt. Jupiter is at home in a
fire sign (Sagittarius), which is known for
its honesty and inspiring others with their
beliefs. Jupiter is also at home in the water
sign (Pisces) being generous and expanding one’s compassion for others.
Jupiter in a cardinal, air sign is actively
pushing beliefs and opinions, which is not
the best way for Jupiter to operate, hence
its peregrine status. Jupiter in Libra can
lead to non-stop, escalating debates. The
cardinal air sign of Libra is expanding the
non-stop fighting for what is right and
Jupiter can exaggerate the contest or
combativeness far more than it should be.
This may lead to the results of Jupiter in
Libra to not being as wonderful as may be
hoped. The rules of the game may be
discarded because of people’s beliefs
taking precedence. This can lead to
moralistic superiority with regards to the
common laws or rules of society and
especially in regards to marriage, public
interactions and competitions. In relationships, it could lead to doing too much and
being too easy on others who are not
holding up their end of the bargain.
Expectations based on spiritual, political
or other belief systems may be too high
and not have enough practical considerations to keep it together. Partnerships
may try to do too much, too soon and end
up with a lot of wasted time, effort and
In general, Jupiter in Libra is an auspicious year for marriages, mergers, competitions, court proceedings, finding a new
doctor-counselor, and dealings with the
public. Increasing your one on one
interactions, consultations, and activities
may benefit your life in many ways. As
always with Jupiter, keeping your feet on
the ground and being realistic what can be
accomplished in a certain amount of time
with others will allow you to enjoy a
wonderful year, full of progress and
success with a partner.
Saturn in Sagittarius
Saturn entered the sign of Sagittarius on
December 23, 2014 and will remain there
until December 19, 2017. Saturn has a 29year cycle so the last time Saturn was in
Sagittarius was from November 16, 1985November 12, 1988 and every 29 years
before that. There may be some related or
similar events dealing with Saturn’s
effects during these dates in Sagittarius.
Saturn is the planet that reminds us that
we have work to do. Saturn’s placement
indicates where you must shoulder
responsibility, make sacrifices, suffer, be
restricted or denied something. Saturn’s
placement also signifies where you feel
pressure, concerns, worry, and fears. It
designates where, if you apply yourself
and accept the challenges, you may build
a solid career and elevate your status in
the world.
Since Saturn first began its sojourn in
Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, there
has been an increase of concern for
international travel, religious ideologies,
internet activities, and higher education.
Many have been dealing with extra
page 4
restrictions, delays, fears, suffering and
burdens in these areas. These have been
some of the main topics in the recent U.S.
Donald Trump’s mantra while running for
U.S. President was to build a wall between
the U.S. and Mexico. This notion of
creating a more solid demarcation between
two countries epitomizes Saturn in
Sagittarius. Another interesting fact is that
Donald Trump first ran for president
during Saturn’s previous trip through
Sagittarius. In 1987 Trump gave his first
campaign speech in New Hampshire. He
talked about what he would do as president but then declined to run. He repeated some of the exact same talking
points in his 1987 campaign that he would
use 29 years later when he ran for president again and won. [1]
There may be a push for stricter control
on the internet in 2017. Facebook and
other social media platforms came under
fire recently by President Obama who,
according to, voiced his unease
about being “in an age where there’s so
much active misinformation and its
packaged very well and it looks the same
when you see it on a Facebook page or
you turn on your television.”
He proclaimed that these fraudulent news
stories were a threat to democracy.
Internet hoaxes, biased news reporting,
and computer hacking appear to be among
the troublesome areas to contend with in
2017. There may also be stricter policies
regarding international travel as well.
Saturn in Sagittarius adds gravitas to
people’s beliefs and the feeling that rules
and laws need to be incorporated in the
areas of religion, travel and publishing.
There is a general concern that these
areas are places to be feared as they are
not in control as Saturn would like them to
be. This may result in more restrictions
and clearer boundaries being set while
Saturn is in Sagittarius. This is shown by
groups like ISIL and the way in which
international governments struggle to
make policies that rely on separating
moderate Muslims from extremist threats.
Saturn in Sagittarius is peregrine. Saturn
builds walls and separates the wheat from
the chaff. However this is an exercise in
futility in a mutable fire sign of beliefs
which can change at a moment’s notice.
Cases of young people being converted to
join ISIL via the internet have become a
problem of Saturn in Sagittarius.
On a positive note, Saturn in Sagittarius
may be encourage business and career
goals in travel, higher education and media.
Some people may have to travel more to
build their career or business. Others may
develop their social status on the internet
and through or publishing books, videos,
etc. There may be more desire to obtain
higher education in order to boost one’s
career. All of these ambitions will require
discipline and determination to succeed in
the long run.
existence on October 24, 1945 when
Jupiter was in Libra. Because Jupiter takes
12 years to traverse the zodiac, and Saturn
takes 29 1/2 years they do not repeat
these placements very often. The only
time during the 20th century that Jupiter
appeared in Libra at the same time that
Saturn appeared in Sagittarius was
December 12, 1956-Feburary 19, 1957, and
from August 6, 1957-January 13, 1958.
Some of the most notable events in that
time period revolved around the Civil
Rights movement in the United States.
According to Wikipedia on September 4,
“Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas calls
out the National Guard of the United
States to prevent African-American
Wherever Saturn is, there is work to do and students from enrolling in Little Rock
sacrifices to be made. With Saturn, you are Central High School,” on September 9,
asked to put your present pain aside in
“the Civil Rights Act of 1957 is enacted,
order to achieve long-term goals. If you
establishing the U.S. Commission on Civil
choose to take the easy way out, you may Rights,” and “U.S. President Dwight D.
pay for it later on. However, if you embrace Eisenhower sends federal troops to
the extra work, hardships, and restrictions
Arkansas to provide safe passage into
it may lay the groundwork towards
Little Rock Central High School for the
reaching the height of success in the
“Little Rock Nine.”
Additionally on October 4 the Soviet
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Union launched Sputnik I, which inauguThe silver lining this year, as opposed to
rated the Space Age.
last year, is that Jupiter forms a positive
aspect to Saturn. Jupiter at 21° Libra 11’ will The end of August 2017 is a favorable
sextile Saturn at 21° Sagittarius 11 on
time to get married, begin a company,
August 27, 2017 but will be in orb for much website, or start any new endeavor with a
of the year. For those who use signs and
partner which can grow and prosper.
not degrees they will be sextile by sign
Jupiter is the “to love and cherish” part of
from September 9, 2016-October 10, 2017
a marriage vow while Saturn is the “until
when Jupiter moves into Scorpio.
death do us part.” A truly successful
venture requires both Jupiter and Saturn
This aspect between Saturn and Jupiter is
and in 2017 they will both be at the altar.
strengthened by the reception between
them. Saturn in Sagittarius is ruled by
Jupiter and Jupiter in Libra is the sign of
Saturn’s exaltation. This positive aspect
2016/02/donald-trump-first-campaignand reception suggests that any collabora- speech-new-hampshire-1987-213595
tion begun around this time has the
potential to become a great success.
astrological studies in 1990 and has been
Jupiter and Saturn working together allows writing professionally since 2001. She has
for caution with optimism, foresight with
published Western and Vedic Astrology
enthusiasm and good organization with
articles in the NCGR memberletter, Geocosexpansion. This aspect could herald the
mic Journal, and Horoscope Guide Magastart of a very successful judicial, internazine. Liz has written a 2017 Sun Sign foretional, artistic, and-or publishing venture.
cast book and 2017 Astrology Reference
Around this time, international organizasheet available on Amazon. She is also a
tions like the U.N. may implement a
web developer, maintaining several astronoteworthy commitment, group or policy.
logy websites and can be reached through
The United Nations officially came into
her website at
page 6
NCGR Board of Directors
Elected Officers
Joyce Levine, Chair Pro Tem,
[email protected]
Jackie Slevin, Clerk,
[email protected]
Linda Wilk, Treasurer,
[email protected]
Elected Directors
Judy Johnson, Director of Volunteers,
[email protected]
Jackie Slevin, Education Director,
[email protected]
Liane Thomas Wade, Membership
Director; Editor, E-News Around the
World, [email protected]
Leigh Westin, Chapter Affairs Director
and SIGs Coordinator, Publications
Director, [email protected]
Appointed Directors
Jagdish Maheshri, Research Director,
[email protected]
Nadia Mierau, Public Relations
[email protected]
Christeen Skinner, Advisory Board
Chair, [email protected]
Kyle Ukes, Media and Communications Director, [email protected]
Alvin Burns, Secretary, NCGR Headquarters, 1351 Maryland Ave. NE, Apt B
Washington, DC 20002,
[email protected]
Rita Chabot, E-News Commentary
Editor, [email protected]
Ronnie Gale Dreyer, memberletter
Editor, [email protected]
Ken Irving, Webmaster,
[email protected]
Arlene Nimark, Advertising Manager,
[email protected]
Advisory Board
Bernadette Brady Ph.D. (UK), Nicholas Campion Ph.D. (UK), Gary Christen, Bradley V.
Clark C.P.A., David Cochrane, Priscilla Costello
M.A. (Canada), Adrian Duncan (Denmark),
Michael Erlewine, Mónica Escalante-Ochoa
(Mexico), Madela Ezcurra, Linda Fei, Steven
Forrest, Irene E. Goodale, Robert Hand Ph.D.,
Charles Hannan, Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, Baris
Ilhan (Turkey), Warren Kinsman (Costa Rica),
Babs Kirby M.A. (UK), Arlene A. Kramer, Alphee
Lavoie, Michael Lutin, Vivian B. Martin Ph.D.,
Michael Munkasey, Arlene Nimark, Ingrid Petroff
(Austria), Bill Sarubbi (Austria), Maria Kay
Simms, Gloria Star, Rod Suskin (South Africa),
Richard Tarnas Ph.D., Donna Van Toen
Message from the Chair
Dear Members,
n these times of great challenge and change, we are able to come together to
share the gift of astrology to help guide us and the people who seek our
counsel. In that light, we’ve added a few more activities to the Many Faces of
Astrology conference in Baltimore on Presidents’ Day weekend, February 16-20.
Conference details can be found at
The first is a Financial Panel to our opening on Thursday evening February 16.
The panel, Economy and Stock Markets for 2017, will feature four very knowledgeable financial astrologers: Mitchell Lewis, Bill Meridian, Grace Morris,
and Christeen Skinner. No matter who you voted for or what your political
views, this is a not to be missed panel, and one that’s likely to have divergent
The NCGR-PAA Graduation Ceremonies have been moved to the banquet,
where they can be better celebrated. And lastly, we’ve added a Get-Together on
Friday night in the Trade Show area.
If you’ve already registered, please book your hotel room if you have not done so
already. We want to be sure you receive the discounted conference rate.
Elections for the National Board are upon us and you should have received your
Survey Monkey Ballot. This year the Chair and two Director positions are up for
election. A big thank you to David Perloff, Chair of the Nominating Committee,
and Committee members Cathy Coleman, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, and Eliza
Graney (see p. 7).
For the upcoming term, Jackie Slevin has stepped into the Clerk’s position to fill
out my term until the end of 2017. My term as Chair Pro Tem is up at the end of
the year, and I am running for Chair. People running for Director positions are
the incumbent Leigh Westin, Armand Diaz, and MJ Patterson. You will receive
a ballot by Survey Monkey if l we have your email or a mailed ballots if we do
UAC is coming up in May 2018 and will take place at the Marriott Hotel on the
Miracle Mile in Chicago. (see ad) All veteran speakers have been chosen, and
new speakers are in the process of being chosen. Take a look at
Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous holiday season and new
Joyce Levine
Chair Pro Tem
Visit us at, on Facebook (NCGR), and on Twitter (Twitter@geoalchemy).
page 7
NCGR National Board Elections
e are approaching the time when
we will be voting for the NCGR
Board. This year, we will be
electing a Chair, plus two Directors. See
the statements and bios for the candidates
below. The electronic balloting will begin
December 1 and run through December 31.
Those members who do not have an email
account will be sent a paper ballot.
On behalf of the Nominating Committee
(Cathy Coleman, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Eliza
Graney), I would like to thank all the
candidates for volunteering to serve
NCGR, and also thanks to those who
nominated them.
Please take the time to read the candidates’ statements and to cast your ballot
in December.
David Perloff
Chair, Nominating Committee
[email protected]
Candidates’ Biographies
Chair Position (running unopposed)
Joyce Levine
[email protected]
have been involved in astrology for 40+
years. I began studying in the fall
of 1973 and have been a full-time consultant since the end of 1979. In my consulting practice, I work with individuals, couples, families, and businesses. My work is
geared toward helping the people I see (1)
to overcome personal obstacles so that
they can achieve their full potential and
(2) take action at the right time to attain
desired results.
My work as an astrologer has led me
down many different roads. In the 1980s
to early 1990s I was a guest on and hosted
many radio shows. In the 1990s I founded
Vizualizations publishing, which has
produced my book, A Beginner's Guide to
Astrological Interpretation, and two
Meditation CD series: the Self-Help Series
includes Meditation, Creative Visualiza-
tion, Healing Anger and Resentment,
Contacting Your Guardian Angel. The
Astrology Series includes Pluto, Neptune,
Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter. My last book
Breakthrough Astrology, How to Transform Yourself and Your World was
published by RedWheel/Weiser in 2006.
During all my time as an astrologer, I have
been involved in the astrological community. I am currently serving as Chair Pro
Tem of NCGR, a member of the UAC
Board, and as President of the NCGR
Boston Chapter. I served as Clerk of
NCGR from 2005 until becoming Chair Pro
Tem in July. Before becoming NCGR's
Clerk, I was the Chair of NCGR's Advisory
Board from 2000 to 2005 and was an
Advisory Board member from 1990 until
Other organizational service includes
being Secretary of the UAC 2002 Board,
President of the New England Astrological
Association from 1977 to 1980 and Board
member from 1974 to 1984. In addition, I
have lectured and given workshops all
over the world.
Astrology has been my life's work, not a
hobby. I believe that strong astrological
associations bring astrologers together,
help educate budding astrologers, and
advance our public image. I believe that
NCGR's conferences, journals, Education
Program, and Professional Empowerment
Program all work to that end. I am
committed to helping NCGR move forward
in the 21st Century in a way that will not
only enhance NCGR but enhance the
image of astrologers overall.
Director Position (in alphabetical
order). Vote for Two.
Armand Diaz, Ph.D., C.A. NCGR-PAA
[email protected]
ontributing Editor, NCGR E-News and
Commentary Books and Articles
Editor, Astrology News Service, NCGRNYC Hospitality Chair 2005-2015, NCGRNYC Research Chair 2010-2016, Author
and/or editor of three books, National and
international speaker, Active consulting
Participating in activities that further our
passion—astrology—is both an opportunity and a responsibility, and I would like
to expand my role to NCGR’s national
board. I see four prominent priorities for
NCGR over the next few years, all emphasizing our role as an educational and
research organization.
We need to actively cultivate new voices.
Our publications and conferences already
reflect the great diversity of astrological
thinking, yet we need to more consciously
address the incorporation of younger—or
simply newer—perspectives. Fortunately,
we already have an excellent supply in our
local chapters. As an example strategy, we
should have a means by which chapters
can nominate their members for reserved
speaking places at national conferences.
I am a strong advocate for certification,
and proudly display my NCGR-PAA Level
IV Consulting Certificate. Although I
oppose certification requirements to
practice astrology, I believe that certificates strengthen the credibility of our
While a national or international standard
is probably a long way off, I’d like to see
greater cross-recognition of credentials
among the organizations that offer
certificates. It’s important that NCGR not
compromise its high standards, while on
the other hand it is equally important that
credentials be recognized by the public,
and that is most likely to come from a
unified standard.
“National” is the lead word in our title, yet
we are already an international organization. We can greatly enrich NCGR by
incorporating a wider range of speakers
and writers from around the world, with
the reciprocal benefit of sharing our
education and research programs internationally. Supporting my ability to help
NCGR expand its global platform, I have
experience coordinating international
publications, and have presented at a
page 8
number of conferences and workshops in
Europe, and in the South American online
conference, Cinastro 2015.
co-founded the Atlantic Professional
Astrologers’ Association, to promote
professional practice in Astrology.
Finally, NCGR would benefit from a greater
presence on the internet. Education in
general, and conferences specifically, are
often best accomplished in-person—a
sense of community is difficult to maintain
in the digital world. Yet it is through our
online presence that we are most likely to
attract new members to our organization,
and it will help to create greater continuity
between major events.
As to what I might bring to the table, I am
trilingual and would dearly love to see the
possibility of examination in peoples’
native languages to afford a more even
playing field. I would also like to explore
the idea of using the web to make examination more affordable and accessible to
our members worldwide, yet maintaining
our world-renowned standards of excellence.
Mj Patterson
[email protected]
y name is Mj Patterson, BA, BSc,
BEd, MEd, CA NCGR-PAA. I am a
long-time NCGR member from Canada and
am presently one of the Level IV Astrologers adjudicating examinations. We have
had two successful Level II examinees
here in Halifax Nova Scotia, with four more
presently studying.
I am also a longtime educator both in
Canada and the UK; I hold my CELTA for
teaching English as a second language
and have over 20 years’ experience of
both classroom instruction and curriculum
development, with a Master's Degree in
Educational Psychology and Measurement. In 2001 Bruce Scofield and Helen
Huber selected me as one of very few
NCGR Level IV recipients for the category
of Education.
I specialize in rectification and have
taught my basic techniques to other
astrologers in a variety of settings,
including an NCGR webinar this past
summer, and taught at the SOTA conference in Buffalo this past November. I love
the marriage of art and science that
astrology affords and am interested in
using modern computing techniques to
test various astrological techniques
To this end, I have been working with the
“Gators” research group for the past few
years and will be co-presenting research
findings in 2017 at the NCGR Conference
in Baltimore. I am active in my own
astrological community, and have recently
I am a systems programmer with over 15
years at Statistics Canada and can
implement these skills for NCGR on the
website, in Education, and in other areas
that require technical expertise. If you put
your faith in me, I promise to marry my
two biggest passions of education and
astrology and put them to good use for
Leigh Westin (incumbent)
[email protected]
hen Leigh Westin ((MS; MA; D.F.
Astrol. S.; C.A. NCGR-PAA) joined
the Board as Chapter Director in 2003,
there were no resources for developing or
working with Chapters. From input of
multiple sources, including direct contact
with Chapter Presidents, Leigh developed
the first NCGR Chapter Handbook; then in
2008 created an addendum addressing
leadership. Recently she updated and
revised the Handbook and addendum in
PDF format and they were redistributed.
Among many other initiatives for Chapters, Leigh developed a much-needed bylaw template, defined rebate timing,
volunteer of the year program; organization of conference Delegate meetings, and
the Presidents' Council email list, allowing
greater communication among the groups
and National.
In 2006, still serving as Chapter Director,
Leigh volunteered as editor and graphic
designer for the Geocosmic Journal and
remained so for five years. In 2012, she
was invited to serve on the NCGR-PAA
Board Examiners. Then in July, 2016, she
was asked to serve as Publications
Director and once again as Editor of the
Geocosmic Journal.
As background, Leigh offers the unique
perspective as astrologer and
metaphysician of 40+ years, combined
with expertise from other professional
positions involving large budgets,
corporate interface, innovation and
accountability; and spanning several
years in curriculum development, university instruction, product management,
marketing and editing.
In traditional education, Leigh finished
with honors: B.S., Education; M.S.,
Management; and M.A., General Counseling. One of the first to teach astrology in
colleges in the 1970s, Leigh achieved the
Diploma of the Faculty of Astrology
Studies under Jeff Mayo in 1972 and
NCGR's Certified Astrologer, Level IV in
Research in 2003.
Early on, she built a client base, later
turning solely to declination research.
Since then, she has presented original
findings; lectured for multiple groups and
conferences, and authored for many
publications. In 2000, she published the
book, Beyond the Solstice by Declination, and is currently working on two
Leigh’s vision: As a Board we have met
and resolved many challenges—many
remain. I’d like to see even stronger
Chapters; more Chapter interface; more
leadership tools; greater outreach to
young astrologers; quicker response and
easier sign-up for new members and
renewals—and Chapters, as our
grassroots representatives, working with
National to bring these about.
I am honored to have been entrusted with
an NCGR directorship, and with your vote
for re-election, I will continue to work
toward an even stronger and greater
page 9
page 10
Michael Moore
and the Winning
by Elisabeth Grace
astrology. But if he does, I’m impressed with his forecasting technique.
The provocative filmmaker is one of the
few who publicly predicted that Donald
Trump would win the Republican nomination and the election on November 8th. He
posted it all on his website starting in the
summer of 2015:
Michael Moore is no stranger to elections.
He himself scored an unprecedented
victory when he was 18, becoming the
youngest person ever elected to office in
the State of Michigan. Imagine that! I had
to investigate patterns in his horoscope
that might suggest this extraordinary
public seal of approval at such a young
In my research I also considered what
other patterns might reflect his ability to
accurately read the current pulse of the
voting public, where so many other
pollsters and forecasters failed. Let’s take
a look.
Michael Moore was born on April 23,
1954, at 12:45 PM in Flint MI. He is a
Taurus, born with the energy to build and
maintain material comfort and security
with a sense of rightness. He is driven by
the Moon in enterprising, status-conscious Capricorn. He needs to make
things happen with a passionate,
“scorched Earth” application of energy,
suggested by the Moon’s partile conjunction with high-functioning Mars
(scorched) in Capricorn (Earth).
In the 5th house this Moon-Mars conjunction suggests strong creative and
performance needs, expressing a behindthe-scenes perspective (Moon rules the
12th) in the broadest way possible (Mars
rules the 9th).
His Taurus Sun is in the 9th house—in a
spotlight-grabbing conjunction with the
Midheaven. The Sun and MC are opposed
by Saturn in a partile conjunction with the
6 Scorpio IC. In a psychological take on
Moore’s horoscope, a retrograde Saturn
suggests the relationship with the father
may have been experienced as remote.
With Saturn ruling the 6th, we’d wonder
how the relationship influenced his
attitude toward work, service, health,
cooperation, and the body politic. In
Scorpio, Saturn suggests a need for
advance in ways that may be ruthless and
controlling in its effort to expose rot and
decay. With Saturn in the 4th, we can see
how that effort would be focused on core
foundation and homeland concerns.
Michael Moore has made exposing our
country’s rot, fear, and corruption his life’s
work. We see those concerns reflected in
the films he makes, starting with Roger &
Me. Stark and dark, Roger & Me
chronicled the economic downfall and
(failed) regeneration of Flint, Michigan
after General Motors closed factories in
Mr. Moore’s hometown. In his storytelling
you can feel the urgency and passion
suggested by his Moon-Mars conjunction
working seamlessly with the earthy
structure suggested by its trine to his
Taurus Sun. The Moon-Mars sextile to
Saturn in Scorpio, suggests another
cooperative flow in his efforts to ruthlessly confront us with the truth about our
core. It’s no coincidence that one of his
TV series was called The Awful Truth.
His awful truth-ness can be disruptive,
even when served with a wicked sense of
humor. Where do we see this potential in
the horoscope? Why does he need to be
so sharp and avant garde? A look at his
Mercury (mindset, communication) will
help us understand how Mr. Moore needs
to think.
His Mercury is at 17 Aries. He needs to be
a pioneering thinker, leading a crusade—
and possibly ahead of his time. Mercury is
squared by Uranus at 19 Cancer—aha!
Aspects from Uranus—especially to the
Moon and Mercury—often suggest
humor, reflecting the Uranus need to
disrupt the status quo. It also suggests a
highly energetic mind perceived as
eccentric and reckless—or possibly
In the 12th house, Mr. Moore’s Uranus
needs to shake up the whole system, not
just a comedy club. Ruling the 7th,
Uranus suggests a need for disruption in
matters of partnership and with the public.
Disruption may be obsessive-compulsive,
suggested by Uranus in a quindecile (165
degrees) relationship with that intensely
effective Moon-Mars conjunction. His
page 11
last book—a memoir—was aptly titled
Here Comes Trouble. It is interesting to
note that Mr. Moore’s Uranus is conjunct
the Fixed Star Castor, suggesting a
creative use of words that may be
Let the record show that since 2015,
Moore’s Mercury-Uranus square has
been supercharged by transiting Uranus
and Pluto. Mercury is in the 9th house,
supporting his Taurus Sun’s immersion in
“big picture” belief systems, broadcasting, and publishing. Ruling the 11th and
2nd houses, Moore’s Mercury suggests
its big picture focus will be reflected in
matters of self-worth and value (including
money), as well as networks and appreciation received from others. He’s had quite a
buzz going, with one reflection being his
shocking flash of insight on the 2016
election—now proven correct. Genius?
Meanwhile, Moore’s Nodal Axis at 18
Capricorn-Cancer is also engaged with
Mercury, Uranus, Moon, and Mars. A
psychological astrologer might argue that
this suggests a dominant maternal
influence in his early home life. Other
astrologers might argue that Moore’s
pioneering thinking and/or his need for
rebellion may have destructive or toxic
consequences. Both arguments would be
accurate. The 3rd house also gives clues
to how one needs to think and communicate. In Michael Moore’s horoscope we
see Neptune in the 3rd, ruled by Venus in
Taurus. Neptune in the 3rd suggests the
potential for vision, imagination, and/or
idealism. He may serve as an intuitive
channel—and here’s another pattern
suggesting an ability to accurately tune in
to the electorate.
I tend to use tight orbs—six degrees
max—but we could argue that Mercury at
17 Aries qualifies as an applying opposition to Neptune at 24 Libra, echoing this
horoscope’s potential for vision, idealism,
delusion, and/or intuition. In a trine with
Jupiter at 23 Gemini in the 11th, ruling the
5th, we see that need for idealism expanded and flowing with Gemini information: who, where, what, when, how, and
why. With the Neptune influence added to
the ruler of his 5th, we can appreciate how
Mr. Moore would serve us facts and
figures with an extra dose of razzle-dazzle.
We can also see how the way he needs to
express himself could be over-the-top.
Venus, ruler of the 3rd house, sits in the
very public 10th house, squared by Pluto.
This square suggests emotional overkill.
Why drive home a point with a mallet
when there’s a sledgehammer at your
feet? His social expression and aesthetics
reflect Venus conjunct the Fixed Star
Capulus at 23 Taurus. Capulus is associated with male sexual energy with a
visceral appeal. In his trademark baseball
cap, black T-shirt, sneakers and baggy
pants, this seems to fit.
With Venus ruling his Taurus Midheaven
it’s fair to say that Mr. Moore’s primal male
expression is part of his public status and
reputation. Other horoscopes with planets
tied to Capulus—off the top of my head—
include Donald Trump, Roger Ailes, David
Crosby, Gretchen Carlson, and Mick Jagger.
What’s the cover for this bundle of
nerves, driving passion, expansive
idealism, and need to get things done?
Mr. Moore has a Leo Ascendant, ruled by
the Sun at the top of the horoscope.
Whatever tension he may be feeling
inside, Leo rising suggests the ability—
and a need—to be seen as someone who
exudes confidence, and is perhaps even
regally entitled to being appreciated and
loved. This “king complex” is amplified by
page 12
Pluto—also in Leo—in the 1st house. We
could expect him to make an impact like a
ton of bricks, projecting an image of
empowerment, attracting, or provoking the
Powers That Be.
Looking at the vocational profile of the
horoscope, it’s clear Mr. Moore needs to be
an artistic communicator—and an empowered one! Venus, the final dispositor, rules
the 10th and the 3rd and it is square to Pluto.
With the Sun on the Midheaven, it’s also
clear that Mr. Moore needs to work as a
With Saturn also angular (in the 4th, ruling
the 6th), we see a need for executive
authority and business concerns needing to
be put into public service. With Moon in the
5th ruling the 12th, we see the need for
performance combined with that insider’s
perspective. Mr. Moore works behind the
camera and in front of it.
A noteworthy midpoint is Saturn/Pluto at
the Aries Point. Saturn/Pluto suggests
anguish and tremendous effort in the face
of loss.[1] At the Aries Point, anguished
effort needs to be prominent. And it is
prominent—in every word or picture
Moore writes and produces, whether it is
corporations (Downsize This! and
Capitalism: a Love Story), gun violence
(Bowling for Columbine), Attacks on
September 11, 2001 (Fahrenheit 911), or a
failed health care system (Sicko).
Also noteworthy: the midpoint of Uranus/
Pluto = MC, suggesting “grand awareness
of what’s going on; the opportunity to
rise to leadership.”[2] Works for me—and
here we have a third measurement
suggesting the potential for his accurate
read of the populace.
So about this election Michael Moore
won, when he was only 18...
His horoscope has a Southern hemisphere
emphasis, with more planets above the
horizon than below. This suggests
someone who may be pushed around by
circumstance—even to the point of being
victimized. And victimized he was around
March of 1972, when the assistant
principal of his high school beat Moore
with a wooden paddle in front of other
students, as punishment for walking the
halls with his shirt tail not tucked in.. [3]
• He was a few weeks shy of his 18th
• He decided to make something
• He ran for a seat on the school board.
That month, his horoscope was under the
influence of several dynamic transits and
solar arcs. Transits include Uranus
opposing Mercury, firing up a need for
innovative and pioneering thought.
Transiting Jupiter had just conjoined his
natal Moon-Mars conjunction, suggesting
opportunity for exuberant and expansive
A solar arc between the Nodal Axis and
the Midheaven suggested opportunity for
public recognition. Another solar arc
between Saturn and Venus (ruler of his
MC) suggested opportunity for structure
and ambition in matters of communication,
mindset and public status. A third arc—
between the Nodal Axis and Saturn—exact
the first week of May 1972—echoed the
potential for serious—albeit potentially
lonely—public meetings.[4]
Acting on his daring idea, Michael Moore
gathered the necessary signatures
required to get himself on the ballot and
launched his campaign, no doubt using
the assertive energy suggested by
transiting Mars conjunct Jupiter, followed
by Mars opposing his Moon-Mars
conjunction. The election was held on
June 12, 1972, one day after transiting
Mars was conjunct his Uranus—and two
weeks after this rare solar arc: Midheaven
to Venus, ruler of his MC and 3rd house!
Sweet—and just the thing to support
moving a career forward, with transiting
Jupiter making its second conjunction
with Moore’s Moon and Mars one week
after the votes were cast.
office resigned, along with the school
principal. Well, it wasn’t quite a resignation. The two had been asked to leave—
by the school superintendent. In Michael
Moore’s horoscope, transiting Pluto
squared his Moon and Mars, suggesting
tremendous force of emotion and effort.
He accomplished much in the first year of
his term—until that lovely solar arc
between Venus and the MC was just a dot
in his rear-view mirror.
Michael Moore was not so lucky when he
ran for re-election at the age of 22. He lost.
However, with transiting Uranus conjunct
his Saturn and opposing his MC at the
end of March 1976, we could argue that a
fresh start in matters of career was in
order. He left politics to pursue a career in
So what’s Michael Moore been doing
lately? In 2013 and 2014, he experienced
his second Saturn return, which conjoined
his IC. That, along with transiting Neptune in hard aspect to his Sun/Moon
midpoint, was an apt backdrop for the
break-up of his marriage. Saturn returns—
which occur for everyone just before age
30 and 60—are often intense periods of
focus on what is working in life and what
isn’t. The upside is that a new life can
begin once what is outworn is let go.
Throughout 2016, his life has reflected the
intense mental buzz and persuasive
influence of transiting Uranus and Pluto
conjunct and square his Mercury. Certainly he’s been fired up about this past
election. In February he had solar arc
Neptune = Jupiter, a measurement suggesting (including, but not limited to): film,
viruses, toxins and water. All of these
themes were hot in his life at that time.
Michael Moore won one of two open
seats on the school board, winning more
votes than any other candidate. He was
the youngest elected public official in the
entire country. And as one of seven
elected members of the school board, he
was now the abusive assistant principal’s
new boss. Every candidate should be so
lucky to have these measurements in the
weeks leading up to an election.
When it was disclosed that Flint’s water
supply was inadvertently poisoned by
inattentive, budget-minded officials,
Moore issued a call to action, demanding
that the governor be arrested. He released
Where to Invade Next in Feburary, but had
to cancel a two-week publicity tour when
he was admitted to the ICU on January 31
with pneumonia. Transiting Mars was a
few days away from a square to his 16 Leo
Eight months later, the assistant principal
whose abuse inspired Mr. Moore’s run for
A hard aspect from Mars to the Ascendant suggests an outburst of energy—an
page 13
action or an attack—sometimes involving
health. Undaunted, he channeled his
need to make things happen with the
tech-savvy potential of transiting Uranus
to his Mercury. Using supercharged
technology (social media), he launched
an innovative public relations campaign,
reaching out to his fan base, asking them
to spread the word on his behalf.
On October 18 he released yet another
film: Michael Moore in Trumpland. It was
a surprise—and not his typical documentary. It was a film of a one-man show he
wrote and performed for a live audience
in Ohio, just 11 days before the film
premiered. That’s right—less than two
weeks in post-production. He needed to
make something happen! And it wasn’t
an anti-Trump effort; it was an effort to
build support for Hillary Clinton. He was
concerned she would lose in the swing
states. Michael Moore was right.
Birth Data
Michael Moore. April 23, 1954. 12:45 PM
EST, Flint MI. 43N0, 83W41. Source.
Birth Certificate.
1. Noel Tyl, Prediction in Astrology, St.
Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1991, p. 314
2. Noel Tyl, Prediction in Astrology, p.
3. Michael Moore, Here Comes Trouble,
New York: Grand Central Publishing,
2011, pp.247-8
4. Noel Tyl, Prediction in Astrology, p.
ELISABETH GRACE earned her B.A. in
Philosophy from Wellesley College. She
is ISAR CAP-certified and a highesthonors graduate of Noel Tyl’s masters
course for professional astrologers.
Freelance assignments at WNBC and
CNBC inspired her daily forecast, which
covers the astonishing synchronicity of
headlines and planetary patterns.
Elisabeth has presented her research at
conferences in the U.S. and Japan. She
has been published in Mountain Astrologer. To schedule a personal consultation,
book a lecture and/or subscribe to her
forecast, visit,
email [email protected]; phone
917- 743-2571. She would be delighted to
talk to you.
The Dark Side of Uranus
by Gary P. Caton
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of Worlds.”
Krishna/Vishnu, in the Bhagavad-Gita—and the first reflections of
J. Robert Oppenheimer on the atomic bombings in Japan [1]
S A CLASSICALLY INFORMED astrologer I find it very hard to reconcile
the commonly heard astrological
associations of the planet Uranus with its
discovery chart. We know that Herschel
recorded in his diary that his first observation of “a nebulous star, or perhaps a
comet” was made between 10:00 and 11:00
in the evening on Tuesday, March 13,
1781. Any chart cast for Bath in that hour
will yield a Scorpio Ascendant. And using
whole sign houses (which seems appropriate given the elasticity of the time), this
puts Uranus in Gemini in the 8th house.
Scorpio rising together with the fact that
Uranus is located in the 8th house in the
discovery chart gives an initial impression
that is not at all like what most astrologers
use to describe Uranus.
so mass death is certainly a potential
signification of Scorpio in a mundane
analysis. In fact, with Scorpio and the 8th
house accentuated, at first glance this
chart would seem to much better befit the
modern associations of Pluto.
Most people give the significations of
death, nuclear power and the nuclear age
to Pluto; however it should be noted that
Uranium was discovered by German
chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789,
and named after the newly discovered
planet Uranus, which Herschel had
discovered just eight years earlier.
Uranium was an integral part of the “little
boy” bomb, which was dropped on
Hiroshima in month 1945 during the
second Uranus return to Gemini after its
Yet, this combination does fit the entire
discovery process, which has been
described as “a system of complicated,
interrelated processes which involved a
number of actors in the 17th-century
astronomical community.”[2] So, the
collective nature of this first modern
planet is illustrated by the communal
effort necessary to recognize it as a
The same year that Uranium was discovered Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a French
physician, stood before the National
Assembly and proposed the reformation
of capital punishment. The first execution
by guillotine was in 1792 and was soon
followed by the Reign of Terror. The
guillotine was used for mass executions as
late as 1944-45 in Nazi Germany.
Of all the feminine (earth and water) signs,
Scorpio is the only sign that does not
carry the exaltation of a planet. What this
means in terms of a classical mundane
analysis is that Scorpio has three lords:
Mars, the domicile lord (who giveth),
Venus, the debility lord (who taketh
away), and Moon, the fall lord (who
diminishes). So right away we see that in a
mundane chart Scorpio rising tells us the
balance sheet is skewed toward potential
The domicile lord of the rising sign
Scorpio is Mars, and as a morning star
and square the Sun, Mars is relatively
early in the synodic cycle in this chart.
This certainly does not represent anyone
with prodigious experience or wisdom, but
rather an energetic self-starter who is on
the rise. In fact, Mars could be the
significator of Herschel himself, the
middle-class son of a military man, whose
own working life began as an oboist in the
Hanover Military Band.
Indeed, Scorpio is the time of year when
there is a mass death of vegetation
occurring in the Northern Hemisphere and
Since Mars is conjunct the greater malefic,
Saturn—Herschel is “working for the
man” in this chart. In fact, Herschel used
page 14
his “discovery” to flatter
King George III, by naming
the star “Georgium sidus.”
This name did not stick
but the tactic worked—
bringing Herschel royal
patronage, an annual grant
and much work building
So we can easily see how
Mars in this chart gives
things of the 2nd house.
This can signify both
material rewards and the
death of one’s partnersenemies (2nd is the 8th
from the 7th). The latter is
very interesting, because
despite the fact that
Herschel thought he had
seen a comet, and the
body was only correctly
identified as a planet by
the intercession of many
deserving others, including
many previous observations—
Herschel somehow still gets sole
credit of “discovery.”
Getting back to the “dark side” theme, let
us consider some of the ancient names of
the 2nd house where Mars resides: “the
Gate of Hades, Gate of Hell or Portal of
Pluto.” Mars is also located in the 24th
degree of Sagittarius, nearby Galactic
Center and conjunct the star Aculeus, in
the tail of the constellation Scorpius. So
the planet that gives the benefits of the
rising sign in this chart is in a fire sign and
on a star representing the sting of the
Scorpion—sounds kind of like the dangerous gifts of the fire-breathing dragons of
the Industrial and Nuclear Ages.
Opposite to this dubious “giver” Mars, we
find Uranus itself, visually located betwixt
the two horn stars of Taurus, which are of
course traditionally seen as weapons. As
previously noted, Uranus is in the 8th
house—which is related to loss, anxiety,
decay, and death. By longitude, Uranus is
also near the degrees of the star Betelgeuse
of Orion—which is to say roughly at galactic
anti-center. This reinforces the point that
Uranus was discovered by telescope, and
since then we have learned to peer outside
the confines of our galaxy into the darkest
depths of the very Universe itself.
This placement of Uranus in the stars
of Orion and opposite Mars in the
stars of the Scorpion brings in an
interesting and revealing mythological
reference. The most common story
was that Orion bragged he could hunt
down and kill all the beasts of the
earth, and so Gaia (Mother Earth) sent
up a giant scorpion to destroy him.
Both the giant and scorpion were
placed amongst the stars, and the
Scorpion pursues him to this day—with
one constellation rising as the other
sets. This placement is supposed to be
a lesson to men not to be too selfconfident.[3] However, with Uranus
being discovered over the stars of
Orion, we have an image of the great
hunter perhaps having the last laugh.
In his embodiment as Uranus, the
primordial sky God, he has stolen the
sting of the Scorpion from the
Olympians and delivered it into the
hands of foolish humans. Due to our
use of Industrial Age technologies
we humans now find ourselves
possibly the unwitting agents of
Orion’s boast, with human activity the
main cause of possibly the sixth mass
extinction event on this planet, the
first since the age of the dinosaurs.
The debility lord of Scorpio is Venus, and her
role is to take away the significations of the
house where she is found. Venus is in Pisces,
the sign of Her exaltation, and in the 5th
house which is Her joy, so perhaps this gives
her great power to both give and take away
the things of the 5th house, which include
children, fertility, pleasure, and good fortune.
The placement of the debility lord in this
chart seems to speak to the nature of modern
technology as a double-edged sword. On the
one hand it has made life much easier and
more pleasurable, especially for the privileged; on the other it has eroded the values
and fabric of society. Like the characters in
Paul Simon’s classic song, “The Sounds of
Silence,” people now “talk without speaking”
(texting) and ignore each other while worshiping the “neon God” ie, surfing the web via
their cell phones.
Venus is in the degree of a bright star—
Deneb Adige of Cygnus the Swan. This star
is located near the beginning of a dark rift in
the middle of the Milky Way, and the
Egyptians saw this as the birth canal of the
great Sky Goddess Nut, where the Sun God
Ra was reborn near the winter solstice.
Bernadette Brady says it is a shaman’s star.
Perhaps this suggests that it is only with the
wisdom and experience of rebirth that
page 15
shaman’s posses, that the energy of
Uranus can be more positively applied.
The fall lord of Scorpio is the Moon, who
is waning and located in Scorpio and thus
the 1st house. This means that the Moon
is diminishing things of the 1st house,
which in a mundane chart are basically the
health and prosperity of a nation or
people. Being co-present with the South
Lunar Node, this reinforces the theme that
this discovery is potentially taking away
much more than it promises to give. It is
interesting to note that George III, the
King for whom the planet was originally
named, would become mentally ill and the
British Empire would be on the decline
after its loss of the American colonies.
Unless the reader should think I am
determined to only find the negatives in
this chart, I should note there are some
positives. Outside of the Ascendant lords,
Jupiter and even Saturn do show some
potential upside to this discovery. Having
Jupiter, the greater benefic, angular and in
the 1st house does a good bit to assuage
the negative connotations we’ve seen
thus far. Jupiter is also in the degree of the
bright star Toliman of Centaurus. Though
as a race the Centaurs were generally very
destructive, Chiron, the wisest of Centaurs, was an educator, healer, and teacher.
So it is possible that with the proper
education the destructive energies
contained in this chart can be somewhat
Saturn is also in the degree of a star with
similar significations. Ras Alhague of
Ophiucus, the serpent handler, is suggestive of the ability to tame and even
transmute the primordial power of the
serpent. Both of these planets are in their
morning star apparition, moving slow and
near the retrograde station. This suggests
the most positive uses of the energies of
Uranus may take some time and patience
to develop.
The only planet in its evening star
apparition in this chart is Mercury, who is
said by some to be the “octave” partner of
Uranus. Mercury in Aries certainly
symbolizes the pioneering advances made
in human travel since the time of Uranus’
discovery, especially in flight. We can
perhaps see this connection via Mercury
being in the degree of the star Alpheratz—
formerly associated with
the constellation
Pegasus, the winged
The more troubling thing
about Mercury’s
position comes from this
star now being associated with the constellation Andromeda, “the
chained woman.” As the
daughter of the King
and Queen of Ethiopia,
Andromeda is part of a
complex mythos
involving several
constellations in this
part of the sky. Cepheus
preached independence
from the Gods, but
Queen Cassiopeia took
this a bit further into
hubris. She was so
proud of her daughter’s
beauty and boasted that
Andromeda was more
beautiful than the Sea
Nymphs, the Nereids,
who were daughters of
Poseidon (Neptune).
The Nereids complained
to Poseidon who sent a
sea monster (Cetus) to
ravage the coast. King
Cepheus learned from
the oracle the only way
to save his kingdom was
to sacrifice his daughter,
Andromeda, to the sea
monster. Eventually, the
hero Perseus arrives on
the back of the winged
horse, Pegasus, and
using the head of slain
Medusa turns the
monster to stone.
The involvement of this
complex mythos in this
chart could lead to all
sorts of speculation as
to the identity of the
sea-monster that is
foreshadowed by this
star in the discovery
chart. Certainly we can
see the enormous
page 16
sacrifice of young soldiers at each return
of Uranus to Gemini, in both the American
Civil War and World War II and this
certainly fits the mythic role of Andromeda. Indeed going back to the Revolutionary War, United States history clearly
shows that the last three times Uranus
transited Aries the groundwork was laid
for a major conflict during Uranus in
Gemini. Related to this is an extremely
important but little observed astrohistorical fact—that the United States was
founded with Uranus on its own North
Node in Gemini.[4]
The North Node of a planet is the place
where that planet’s orbit intersects with
the ecliptic or orbit of the Earth. Just as
the Sun crossing the celestial equator
going north at 0 Aries represents the
beginning of a new tropical and astrological year, so too does Uranus crossing its
North Node represent a new inauguration
and embodiment of the principles of
Uranus on Earth. We are due for the next
of these returns in 2028. But like all earthly
cycles, this new birth comes at a cost.
New beginnings only come after something from the old cycle dies.
At each previous return, the renewal and
perfection of the principles of “government of the people, by the people, and for
the people” has come at a huge human
cost. Perhaps then we cannot hope to
completely avoid the terrible darkness and
sacrifice that this discovery and its returns
seem to entail, but if we finally learn to use
the potential wisdom of the more beneficial stars in the discovery chart (Deneb
Adige with Venus, Toliman with Jupiter
and Ras Alhaugue with Saturn) then we
can at least hope to avert the worst
possibilities of nuclear holocaust or mass
extinction at the hands of humans which
the Ages of modern technology have
made possible.
2. L. Guzzardi, “Boscovich, the discovery
of Uranus and his inclination to theoretical
astronomy,” in Journal of the Italian
Astronomical Society, Vol 22, 2013.
4. Grant Lewi, Astrology For The
Millions, St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications,
1969, p. 102. Originally published 1940.
GARY P. CATON is an eclectic astrologer,
successfully combining elements of
traditional/visual, classical horoscopy
and modern astrology over the last 24
years. He specializes in pioneering
explorations of the long term cycles of
personal planets, an updated astronomically correct model of retrograde motion,
and re-awakening the Hermetic paradigm. Gary is an avid stargazer and
astro-photographer and publishes the
free Hermetic Astrology Podcast. Connect with him on Facebook and via his
website Gary
will speak at NCGR’s The Many Faces of
Astrology Conference in Baltimore MD.
page 17
NCGR 2017: The Many Faces
of Astrology
The next cutoff date for reduced conference rates is January 15, 2017.
Register at
he Many Faces of Astrology
conference takes place during the
Presidents’ Day Holiday Weekend
from February 16-February 20, 2017 at the
newly renovated Hyatt Regency Baltimore
at Inner Harbor. The Baltimore Inner
Harbor is a magnificent blend of restaurants, night spots, cafes, museums and
other attractions, and a great area to
explore before, during, and after the
conference. After all it is a holiday
weekend. See for yourself how exciting
the area is and how magnificent the hotel
is, and then reserve your room at
We have added more activities to the
conference. At our opening ceremony on
Thursday we have added a fabulous
financial panel, which will follow Ken
McGhee’s illuminating talk about the
astrology of Baltimore including some of
the current events of the last two years.
The financial panel Looking Ahead for the
Economy and Markets will feature four
top financial astrologers who are also
speakers—Mitchell Lewis, Bill Meridian,
Grace Morris, and Christeen Skinner.
Our graduation ceremonies, honoring
those who have attained levels of NCGRPAA certification, and originally scheduled for the Thursday evening opening,
will now take place during the Saturday
night banquet prior to Robert Hand’s
keynote address entitled What Astrology
Really May Be and Why We Need to
Understand This. After the banquet, as
usual, you can dance the rest of the night
away courtesy of DJ Madalyn HillisDineen.
We expect speakers and attendees from all
over the world—U.S., Canada, Mexico,
Turkey, France, and Thailand. As you
may have guessed from the title, the Many
Faces of Astrology represents all different
types of astrological perspectives. And
as well as a great cast of speakers (see p. 2
for a complete list), we have exciting preand post-conferences and seminars.
Pre-Conference Workshops
The Opening Plenary on Friday morning
will be Michael Lutin letting us know
about The End of Life As We Know It
(Don’t Laugh) as follows:
The transit of Pluto across its own South
Node, including mind-boggling scientific
discoveries, is already triggering earthshattering geological and political
events. Even as we too are being challenged to cope personally and
professionally, we have to find new ways
to serve the people who seek our counsel.
On Friday evening there will be a gettogether in the trade show area hosted by
NCGR and other astrology organizations.
There will also be raffles with lots of
prizes donated by many of our speakers.
Thursday. February 16. 9:30 am-1:00 pm.
Rob Hand. New Light on Essential
Dignities. For some time now, traditionalists have been using various forms of the
medieval doctrine of Essential Dignities.
But up until now, no one, including myself,
has had an absolutely clear idea of what
happens to a planet when it is in essential
dignity or debility. This workshop will
introduce this new understanding of
essential dignity. In addition, the workshop
will cover several techniques, which are not
commonly taught in connection with
essential dignities. These will include
Compound Almutens and several other
techniques of this kind that actually point
the way to a medieval he based system of
chart synthesis.
Lynn Bell. Secrets of Solar Returns.
Each birthday brings a new Solar Return
with its powerful focus on the year ahead.
We will unravel the secrets of this fascinating technique, its 19-year cycles, and its
activation of the birth potential through
resonant patterns, including the Moon’s
movement through the elements. Solar
Returns show the paths we are asked to walk
in a particular year, and they can be extraordinary tools in our own lives and that of our
Pre-Conference Seminars.
Thursday. February 16. 2:30-5:30 pm
Christeen Skinner. A Beginner’s Guide
to Financial Astrology. Intrigued? Want
to know if it works? Would a little knowledge add to your trading or investing
skills? Should you invest on the New
Moon and sell at the Full? Or the other
way around? That’s just five questions.
You will have many more. This seminar
explores the world of financial astrology—
which is not a Black Hole but a place
where you can really test correlation
between planet positions and activity in
the markets.
Jagdish Maheshri. Research Symposium.
Although traditional astrological research
tends to be subjective, this research
symposium is geared towards exploring
the areas (and possibilities) where
objective research in astrology can be
carried out. With this view, the research
symposium will include the researchers
who will shed light on both subjective and
objective research in astrology. Don’t
page 18
miss this unique opportunity to network with others
who are engaged in astrological research.
Meira Epstein. Spotlight on NCGR Education:
Toward Mastery and Professionalism. The horoscope contains an accumulation of celestial studies
that have evolved from antiquity to our time. It is
based on cosmological data, yet varies by different
schools, disciplines, techniques, and approaches.
Structured studies and solid knowledge of the
foundations, the history, and the techniques
available will enable you to evaluate which part is
suitable for you. This seminar will answer your
questions, define the study material and help you
plan your goals.
Gene Shaw. Rectification Techniques. This
presentation will emphasize a creative yet technically sound approach for determining an accurate
natal chart when the birth data is in doubt. We’ll
explore concepts to help the astrologer prepare
mentally for what often seems a daunting challenge.
This seminar also provides a good advanced level
review of the major predictive techniques as applied
to rectification. Finally, we’ll observe the complete
rectification process, beginning to end, through a
number of celebrity charts.
Post-Conference Workshops
Monday Feb. 20. 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Demetra George. Healing the 12th House. The
12th house has been understood as the repository
of suffering that arises from everyone, whether it is
due to trauma, the shadow, karma, or past lives. It
is also known as a path to spiritual transcendence.
By an in-depth exploration of the 12th house
planets and rulers, this work-shop will point toward
identifying the nature of our suffering and the
potential and means for healing and realization.
Traditional techniques will be layered with psychological counseling for a unique approach to
interpreting this painful but redemptive sector of
human experience.
Bill Meridian. Recent Developments in Planetary Stock Selection. The speaker pioneered the
use of the first-trade charts. New and more
powerful software has pushed this analysis into
new areas that yield more accurate forecasting and
stock selection. The subjects will include the
Jupiter Return method, the Mars-Neptune method,
and stock group analysis, to name a few.
You can get tested on Monday February 20.
Register at
Discounted rates end on January 15. Check for interviews and
postings by our conference speakers.
This book provides the
tools you need to pick a
horse with the tendency
to be the winner in a
thoroughbred or
harness race as these
races have numbered
post positions in their
starting gates (in this
book, we focus on
thoroughbred racing).
Basically you will
need to create a chart
of the race using the
date, place and time
of the race before the
actual day of the
race. You must then
analyze this chart using the guidelines set forth in this book, including the use of lunar
mansions, in order to see the planetary body in the most
powerful position in the chart. This planetary body has a
post position number in the race. You then pick the
horse in that post position, and support picking this
horse using the additional information in this book.
page 19
Embracing the
Artist: Pivotal
Moments in the
Lives of Two Painters
by Cathy Coleman
astrological similarities of pivotal
moments in the lives of two painters
embracing their identities as artists. When
one of my astrology clients was on the
doorstep of her own identity evolution as
an artist recently, I was also reading Alice
Hoffman’s new historical novel The
Marriage of Opposites. Hoffman’s novel
centers on French Impressionist Camille
Pissaro (1830-1903).
Pissaro was born on the Island of St.
Thomas in the Virgin Islands, the tenth of
eleven children. Sensitive and extraordinary, he was his mother’s favorite. Pissaro
came from a family of merchants, but had
no interest in that path. He drew and
painted from an early age. At age 12,
Pissaro went to boarding school near
Paris. He developed an appreciation of
French artists as his own artistic production advanced. When Pissaro returned to
St. Thomas at age 17, he began to draw
his inspiration from nature.
In his early 20s, Pissaro moved to Venezuela, following a mentor he had met on St.
Thomas, Danish artist Fritz Melbye.
Pissaro lived in Venezuela for two years,
painting village scenes and landscapes
alongside Melbye. It would be several
more years before Pissaro could embrace
his art as a profession. He returned briefly
to St. Thomas to try to fit into the family
business, but Pissaro’s mother realized the
futility of her son becoming a merchant.
She bought him a ticket for a passage
back to Paris in 1855, when he was 25.
Pissaro was born July 10, 1830 in St
Thomas, Virgin Islands. We do not have a
birth time for Pissaro, so his horoscope is
examined with a noon birth time. Pissaro’s
natal artist shows up through the natal
Moon in Pisces (Will be anywhere from 922 Pisces since there is no birth time),
symbolizing art, conjunct the South Node,
along with Mars and Juno. His natal Sun
in sensitive cardinal water sign Cancer is
opposite Jupiter and Neptune, exactly
opposite the midpoint of those two
Pallas Athena, goddess of the Arts, is
conjunct Ceres, and trine Mercury in air
signs. Pissaro was inspired to paint in the
open air, known as plein air painting. He
also painted many seascapes, starting at
his home on St. Thomas. This is symbolized by his three planets and South Node
in Pisces.
Three pivotal times emerge as important in
Pissaro’s life to affirm his gift as an artist.
The first was at age 12, when he was sent
to boarding school and began studying
art. His Sun progressed into Leo within
the year after he arrived, so creativity and
artistic expression blossomed. This was
also the year of his first Jupiter return,
highlighting the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction opposing his natal Sun. An expansive, visionary identity was the core of
Pissaro’s being.
Within a few months after his arrival in
Paris, transiting Saturn also came to
conjoin Jupiter-Neptune and oppose his
natal Sun. This Saturn transit corresponded with the beginning of his
serious study of drawing and painting.
Also, Solar Arc Pluto was square
The second pivotal event was Pissaro’s
journey to Venezuela with Melbye at age
21. Progressed Mercury was exactly
conjunct his natal Sun, and opposite
Jupiter and Neptune at their exact
Midpoint. Mercury symbolizes travel,
and Jupiter symbolizes long journeys;
this was an adventure in pursuit of his
dreams as an artist.
Pissaro’s progressed Sun was opposite
natal Uranus at that time, an indicator of
a break for independence. During these
two years, he drew and painted all that
surrounded him in Venezuela. Melbye
encouraged Pissaro to take on painting
as a full-time profession during this
Finally, the third and most pivotal event
in which Pissaro affirmed his life as an
artist was his move to Paris at age 25. His
progressed Sun and Mercury were at 12
Leo, making a yod, exactly inconjunct to
his natal Jupiter and South Node, flanked
by Juno and the Moon.
The progressed Moon in Aquarius was
opposite natal Saturn in Leo. Progressed
page 20
Jupiter exactly squared natal Pluto,
symbolizing transformation through a
powerful journey. Natal Uranus was tied in
as well, as natal Uranus and Pluto were
exactly sextile. Transiting Uranus was
trine the natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction: This underlied Pissaro’s ongoing
financial support from his family, which
freed him to follow his dreams and fully
engage. Transiting Saturn was exactly
conjunct his natal Mercury, drawing him
into the serious study of art.
Camille Pissaro lived on and developed as
a painter and a teacher, becoming one of
Paris’ fathers of Impressionism, along with
Cezanne, Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas,
and Mary Cassatt. They held their first
Impressionist Exhibit in 1874. At that time
Saturn and Uranus were in opposition,
aspecting Pissaro’s natal Saturn-Uranus
In 1874, transiting Uranus was approaching Pissaro’s Saturn, and opposite his
natal Uranus. Transiting Saturn was
conjunct his natal Uranus, and opposite
his natal Saturn. The Uranus opposition is
one of the most important transits of one’s
life. This can be a climax of the direction of
one’s life, as it was for Pissaro.
Andrea Wedell
As a comparative exploration, we’ll
juxtapose the horoscope of a modern
painter, Andrea Wedell (Birth Data.
August 28, 1962; 6:30 AM, Greenbrae,
CA). My recent astrological consultation
with Andrea revealed that now is the time
to embrace her inner, essential artist.
Andrea’s natal horoscope has a loaded
12th house, with the Moon conjunct
Uranus, North Node, and also the asteroids Ceres, Vesta, and Juno. The asteroids, North Node, and the Moon are in
Leo, the sign symbolizing creativity. The
12th house is the house of vision and
inspiration. There is nothing that Andrea
loves more than to paint from her inspiration.
Her natal Venus is in Libra, another
signature of the artist, with Venus strong
in its own sign. Venus rules Andrea’s
Midheaven, suggesting a career as an
artist. Pallas Athena, goddess of the arts,
is in her 10th house symbolizing career, in
Gemini, suggesting more than one career
path. Andrea is also a coach. Her semiabstract paintings are soft and ethereal—
though brightly colored—symbolizing the
combined energy of the watery 12th
house, and the bold, fixed fire sign Leo.
Andrea’s artist’s statement is:
My paintings are inspired by watching
nature’s cyclical, fleeting and permanent rhythms. I work with luminous
layers of paint, both transparent and
heavily textured, to create a sense of
atmospheric, semi recognizable form
that offers the essence of remembered
beauty…Inspired by nature, the places
and spaces I paint are intentionally
non-specific. They aim to capture the
essence of fleeting moments in nature
and offer the viewer the space to
Andrea told me about several pivotal
times that emerge as important in her life
to affirm her gift as an artist. Like Pissaro,
the first was her move to Paris at age 23.
Andrea’s grandfather’s sculpture had just
been acquired by the American Embassy
in Paris, and she had gone for the inaugural event at the embassy.
While sitting in front of the Pompidou
Center in Paris, Andrea had an epiphany
to leave California and move to Paris.
Andrea was exposed to great art and
culture, and haunted museums and
galleries in Paris for the next 28 years. At
the time of the Paris move, Andrea’s
progressed Sun was conjunct her natal
Mercury, and her progressed Moon was
conjunct natal Pallas Athena, patroness of
the arts. Transiting Uranus trined her natal
Moon, symbolizing independence and an
unexpected move.
The second pivotal moment was when
Andrea’s grandfather, Alexander Stoller, a
formally trained sculptor, died in 1994.
Until his death, Andrea had been encouraged to express her artistry through
performing arts. When her grandfather
died she was liberated to pursue her path
in the visual arts.
Andrea felt that her grandfather passed
the visual arts baton to her. Uranus was
trine natal Mercury and square to natal
Venus. Andrea’s view of herself as an
artist suddenly changed. Transiting
Saturn was conjunct natal Chiron-Jupiter
and opposite her natal Uranus-Sun-Pluto.
Andrea became serious about her art and
started to work a lot more.
A third pivotal moment was when Andrea
sold her first painting in Paris in 2002,
followed by finding her teacher, Michelle
Massiou, in Paris, marking the beginning
of a serious eight-year study of beaux art.
Transiting Pluto was trine her Moon, and
page 21
Jupiter was sweeping over her Moon,
Sun, and Ascendant. Jupiter and Pluto,
the planetary combination symbolizing
wealth, were in a benefic trine.
In 2010 Andrea held her first solo show at
Galerie BE Espace in Paris of paintings of
the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. The idea
for Le Tarot Essentiel emerged when
Andrea met astrologer Françoise Bitton
who interpreted and wrote a guide to the
Tarot cards. The timing coincided with a
Jupiter Return, and transiting Uranus was
opposite her natal Mercury. However, the
greatest significance was transiting Pluto
in benefic trine to the Sun. The show was
an empowering experience.
Now in December 2016 and January 2017
Jupiter will conjoin Andrea’s natal Venus,
and transiting Uranus will oppose natal
Venus. That same Jupiter-Uranus opposition makes benefic aspects to her Moon,
another signature encouraging her
expansion and living into her true self.
Since Venus rules the Midheaven, this
timing will signal the release of the artist.
Andrea already has several galleries
following her. There could be a big boost
of energy, and money to be made.
Andrea’s progressed Moon at this writing
is within four degrees of her natal Moon.
In four months she opens up to a Progressed New Moon cycle. February 2017
will then be time for Andrea to blossom as
an artist. A year later her Progressed
Moon will conjunct her natal Uranus, and
then her Sun and Ascendant. Andrea will
then be in her element, shining her light in
the world. Transiting Saturn is trine her
natal Moon, giving her the discipline to
paint, put her work out in the world, and
earn money from her painting.
Andrea’s Solar Arc Neptune is exactly
trine her natal Sun, a big indicator that
now is the time to embrace the artist that
she is. Her Solar Arc Jupiter is exactly trine
her natal Uranus. The day that Andrea
came for a reading the Sun was exactly
conjunct her natal Neptune.
The synchronicity of the Sun’s light
conjunct Neptune, the planet symbolizing
art and inspiration, showed what was being
revealed in the consultation that day.
We looked at Andrea’s Astro*Carto*
Graphy to see where she has good energy
to place her art for sale. She has a Venus
Midheaven line running through
Stockholm and Budapest and several
countries in Central Europe. Here Andrea
should do well, and she said that there
was a gallery in Stockholm that had been
following her on Instagram. (See Andrea’s
art at her website
Paris—and nature—inspired both artists’
work. Pissaro painted realistic scenes.
Andrea’s abstract work is inspired by
nature, but allows the viewer to dream.
Features in these horoscopes that indicate
the life of an artist are personal planets in
Pisces, symbolizing vision and inspiration
(Pissaro), and personal planets in Leo,
symbolizing creativity (Andrea).
We do not know which houses are
highlighted for Pissaro because we do not
have a birth time but we do know that the
12th house of vision and inspiration is
highlighted for Andrea. Libra, the sign
symbolizing art and beauty is the ruler of
Andrea’s Midheaven. Jupiter and Neptune—planets symbolizing expansive
visions—connect with the luminaries, Sun
or Moon.
Andrea’s Jupiter is opposite her Sun, and
Neptune sextiles the Moon. A JupiterNeptune conjunction opposes Pissaro’s
Sun. Pivotal moments in both their lives
activated or are presently activating the
energies of all these planets.
doctoral degree in East-West Psychology
from the California Institute of Integral
Studies. She has been a practicing
astrologer for some 35 years, and is
passionate about diverse systems of
astrological thought. Cathy is an NCGRPAA Level IV Consulting Astrologer, an
ISAR C.A.P., and a certified Astro*Carto*
Grapher. She has ACVA Level I Certification and a diploma from the International Academy of Astrology. Cathy was
President of Kepler College from 20012003, and now serves as President and
Education Director of the San Francisco
Chapter of NCGR. She writes a free
weekly astrological blog
( Living in
Sonoma, California, with her husband,
Ralph Metzner, Cathy can be contacted
at [email protected].
Advertise in the
NCGR 2017
Program Guide
e invite you to take out an ad in
the program guide for NCGR’s
Many Faces of Astrology conference.
As many of you know, the conference
program guide is a window into conference events, plus who is lecturing, their
bios, and a description of their lecture
topic. The guide will also contain a
diagram of the trade show and a list of
vendors. The conference program guide
is also carried home by all the attendees
to become a valuable souvenir that is
referred back to many times, making it a
perfect vehicle in which to advertise your
product or service. I for one have every
program guide from every conference I
Below are the advertising rates and
specs. All ads should be emailed as a
TIFF, PDF or JPEG file at 600 dpi. The
26, 2016. All ads and payments should
be sent to me. If you have any questions
Please contact me at (718) 377-0482 or
Advertising Rates and Specs
• Back cover color ad. $550
• Inside front and back cover color
ad. $500
• Full page black and white ad. $225
Dimensions for the above ads.
7-1/2”W x 10”H
• Half page black and white ad $175
Horiz: 7-1/2”Wx 5”H
Ver. 3-3/4”W x 10”H
• 1/3 page black and whitead $140
Horiz:7-1/2”W x 3-3/4”H
Ver. 2-1/2” W x 10”H
• 1/4 page black and white ad $120
3-3/4” W x 5” H
• 1/6 page black and white ad $ 95
2-3/8” W x 4-6/8” H
• Business Card ad $70
Arlene Marcia Nimark
Conference Advertising Manager
page 22
page 23
Vendors Wanted
for NCGR 2017
Trade Show
Uranus-PlutoThemes: How
Today's Headlines tie in to Historical
by David Perloff
merchandise to sell, who would
like to reach a new audience in
the hopes of expanding clientele, then
the trade show at the upcoming NCGR
2017 conference The Many Faces of
Astrology is the way to go. If you go
to you will
see a very impressive speaker roster.
As Trade Show Manager, I am extending an invitation for you to be a vendor
in the trade show. It will be located in an
atrium area near the registration area and
lecture rooms, and is monitored by
security cameras strategically placed
through the entire area. For those avid
coffee drinkers there is a Starbucks
Coffee booth located near the show from
6:30am-1:00 pm.
As a vendor you will be responsible
for your booth and its merchandise
while the trade show is open. After the
trade show is closed for the evening
there will be a security guard until the
trade show opens the next morning.
Please contact me at (718) 377-0482 or
[email protected] since there
are a limited number of booths available and they are going quickly. To
increase activity in the trade show, at
this time we plan to hold raffles a few
times a day as long as the trade show
is open. If you are interested in
attending the banquet there is an
additional cost. To purchase banquet
tickets log onto the conference web
site for all the details.
Trade Show Fee Structure
• One 8x10 table space 2 chairs
included. $ 450.00
• One 16x20 double booth space. 2
tables 4 chairs $ 775.00
• Each additional extra table. $ 30.00
There is an additional fee for electrical needs.
Arlene Marcia Nimark
NCGR Trade Show Coordinator
Pluto have come into
conjunction, square or opposition, major events have occurred on earth.
Astrologer Bob Marks referred to the
meeting of these two astrological giants
as “Godzilla meets King Kong.”
With powerful Pluto meeting up with
unpredictable Uranus, we knew coming
into the seven exact squares of 2012-2015
that we should expect the unexpected.
But beyond that, do we have any way of
making sense of the events we have seen
during this time period?
The inspiration for my research was
Richard Tarnas’ Cosmos and
Psyche:Intimatons of a New World View
(New York: Viking Penguin, 2006). In that
book, he describes certain themes that
have repeated throughout history
whenever Uranus and Pluto have been in
hard aspect to one another. With that
starting point, I did my own research, and
ended up with the themes that I’ll outline
I used orbs of 15 degrees for conjunction
and opposition, and 10 degrees for a
square, which Tarnas described, and,
while some may find them too wide, I
found that they fit the historical periods.
With that orb, for instance, the UranusPluto conjunction spanned 1960-1972. A
compelling argument can be made that
“The 1960s” started with John F.
Kennedy and the New Frontier. And some
of the best “1960s” music was produced
in 1970 and 1971. Also, 1960-1972 were
the key years of the US space program,
with the last Moon landing occurring in
In our current time frame, the 10-degree
orb starts the clock for the Uranus-Pluto
square in 2007. Two defining events of
our era occurred in that year—the
introduction of the iPhone, and the subprime housing crisis, which triggered the
global financial meltdown. For those who
think that we’re done with the UranusPluto squares, that aspect is still the
dominating astrological theme of our
times. I believe it was a major underlying
factor in the Brexit vote and in Donald
Trump’s surprise win in the Electoral
College total. That aspect is within orb
until 2020, when we’ll have new fireworks,
with the conjunctions involving Jupiter,
Saturn, and Pluto.
For a Uranus-Pluto theme to “make the
cut” for this article, it had to meet the
following criteria:
• It has to be something we have seen
during this current UR-PL square period.
• We had to have seen it at the 1960’s
• There must have been significant
occurrences of the theme in at least two
prior UR-PL periods.
• The category must be consistent with
Uranus and Pluto archetypes.
Revolutions and Rebellions
This is perhaps the signature UranusPluto occurrence. Uranus represents
change, especially sudden change. Pluto
represents intense power. Uranus is the
common man and woman; Pluto is the
entrenched power structure. But Pluto
also corresponds to the resentments the
downtrodden feel, and their own sense of
power. So, it should come as no surprise
that this Uranus-Pluto alignment was in
effect for the French Revolution and the
successful Haiti slave rebellion (as well as
for the Industrial Revolution)—all during
the 1789-1799 opposition.
The next square (1816-1824) brought a
wave of revolutions across Central and
South America. In that time period,
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Guatemala,
Brazil and Peru all gained their independence. The conjunction of 1845-1856
brought the European Revolutions of
1848. Richard Tarnas pointed out that
page 24
there were upheavals in Paris, Berlin,
Vienna, Budapest, Dresden, Baden,
Prague, Rome and Milan. Comparable
turmoil took place in China, Japan, India
and the Ottoman Empire. At the UranusPluto opposition of 1896-1907, we had the
Boxer Rebellion in China and the Russian
Revolution of 1905.
At the 1960s conjunction, revolution was
“in the air.” The word “revolution” was a
popular one in rock lyrics. Aside from talk
of revolution in the streets (think about
the Rolling Stones “Street Fighting Man”
or The Beatles “Revolution”), it was the
time of the Social Revolution, the Sexual
Revolution, and the Counter-Cultural
Revolution. There was also the massive
upheaval in China that is known as the
Cultural Revolution.
At our current square, the most prominent
example of this phenomenon is the Arab
Spring, where there were revolutions in
Tunisia (The Jasmine Revolution), Egypt,
Libya, Algeria and many other countries
across that region. There was also the
“Tomato Revolution” in Bulgaria (2012),
the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, and the
Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong (2014).
(1965), Chicago (1966), Grand Rapids,
Michigan (1967), Detroit (1967), Newark
(1967), and a national explosion after the
assassination of Martin Luther King in
1968, which was followed that same year
by what is widely viewed as a police riot
against the protesters at the Democratic
Convention in Chicago. The Stonewall
Riots occurred in 1969, the Hard Hat Riot
in Manhattan in 1970, and the Attica
prison riot in 1971.
Throughout this time frame, there were
many large demonstrations on college
campus, most notably in Paris, Berlin,
Columbia University in New York City, and
Kent State University in Ohio. Most
recently, the Uranus-Pluto square gave us
the Occupy Movement worldwide, as well
as riots and civil unrest in Ferguson, MO,
Baltimore MD and elsewhere.
Workers’ Rights
At the Uranus-Pluto square of 1819,
British Parliament enacted a labor reform
act, which limited a workday to 12 hours,
and said there could be no workers
younger than nine years old (!). In 1905, at
the opposition, The Industrial Workers of
the World (IWW or the Wobblies), an
international industrial union, was formed.
Civil Unrest. Demonstrations. Riots.
Given the dynamic described above, it
makes sense that we would also see civil
disturbances that didn’t rise to the level of
a full-blown revolution. In 1846, at the
Uranus-Pluto conjunction, there were
food riots in Ireland. At the 1898 opposition, there was the Wilmington (North
Carolina) Insurrection. At that opposition,
there were also riots in Akron, Ohio and
Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta riots were
so newsworthy, they made the cover of
the French Le Petit Journal.
At the 1930s square, there was Gandhi’s Salt
March in India to protest British rule, while
in the United States, almost 50,000 members
of “The Bonus Army” marched on Washington D.C. and encamped, protesting the
government’s failure to pay bonuses that
had been promised to veterans. And in
Germany, the Nazis incited their own riots,
including the Book Burnings of 1933.
The 1960s witnessed what have been
referred to as “race riots” in the United
States—Birmingham (1963), Philadelphia
(1964), Harlem (1964), Selma (1965), Watts
At the 1930s square, under President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, many laws were
passed that strengthened workers’ rights.
The CIO, the first union group to recognize
the need to organize unskilled labor, was
founded. At the 1960s conjunction, under
JFK, more advances occurred for laborers.
It is important to note that during UranusPluto periods, it is not always the expansion of rights that occurs. Sometimes
rights are curtailed. For example, during
our current square, workers and unions
have been under siege from governors
and legislatures, such as Scott Walker and
Wisconsin, and John Kasich and Ohio.
Labor Disputes, Strikes, Lockouts
As a result of the push/pull around labor
issues, there have been numerous strikes
during these UR-PL periods. As far back
as 1791, at the opposition, there was the
first strike in the building trades—by
Philadelphia carpenters. They sought a
10-hour workday, and pay for overtime.
The Great Railway Strike of 1877. At the
square, there was a strike against the
One’s astrological chart is a
holy encoding of the soul
work laid out for each of us
in this lifetime.
For Chart Chats with Alina,
[email protected]
Baltimore & Ohio railroad that ignited a
series of strikes across the northeast. The
violence and disturbances that followed
resulted in Federal troops being called out
for the first time in a labor dispute. The
strike was crushed, but it gave evidence
of the deep conflict between workers and
business owners.
At that same square (1880), we had the
first boycott. The Irish Land League was a
political organization in Ireland, which
sought to help poor tenant farmers.
Captain Charles Boycott was the land
agent of an absentee landlord. In very
difficult times, Boycott refused to reduce
tenants’ rent. Land League leaders
suggested that everyone in the region
refuse to deal with him. Soon he was
without workers on his farm, the local
merchants refused to sell to him, and
crowds booed him as he passed. (So,
boycott is a Uranus-Pluto word!)
In 1902, at the opposition, over 100,000
miners went on strike in eastern Pennsylvania over the issue of federal mediation
in labor issues. The strike was settled 163
days later with the commencement of a
Federally-authorized commission that
recommended wage increases and reductions in the length of the workday.
At that same opposition, in July 1903, labor
organizer Mary Harris (“Mother”) Jones
lead child workers in demanding that the
workweek be limited to 55 hours (!).
At the 1930s square, there were numerous
strikes, many of them organized by women
workers (for example: a textile workers
strike and one against Woolworth’s).
The 1960s conjunction brought the
longest newspaper strike in U.S. history
page 25
(1963). The nine major newspapers in
New York City ceased publication for over
100 days. In the 1960s, there was also a
New York City teachers strike, a federal
postal workers strike, and the longrunning action led by Cesar Chavez and
the United Farm Workers, which eventually forced California grape growers to
sign an agreement after a five-year strike.
In our current timeframe, we have seen
strikes (Chicago teachers) and lockouts
(NFL referees, NHL players), as well as
many labor actions in Europe and Asia. In
the U.S., the fight for a higher minimum
wage has been a prominent issue.
Women’s Rights
At the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 18451856, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B.
Anthony and others are credited with
beginning the women’s rights movement.
In July 1848, the famous Seneca Falls
Convention was held. At the Uranus-Pluto
opposition of 1896-1907, the push for
women in the U.S. having the right to vote
picked up steam.
The 1960s conjunction brought the
Women’s Liberation Movement. Betty
Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique (1963)
was published, and was credited with
reviving American feminism. In 1966,
NOW (the National Organization for
Women) was founded. And at the very
end of the conjunction period, Gloria
Steinem started Ms. Magazine. The U.S.
Congress passed The Equal Pay Act of
1963, and at our current Uranus-Pluto
square, The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of
2009 is the first bill signed into law by
President Obama on January 29, 2009.
But again, it’s sometimes one step forward
and one step back. Roe v. Wade, which
protected woman’s right to choose, was
decided at the very end of the UranusPluto conjunction period. Now at the
square, women’s reproductive rights have
been under attack in many states.
Whether you believe Donald Trump or his
accusers, this 2016 presidential campaign
has shone a light on the issue of sexual
harassment and assault.
Furthermore, although she did not win the
Electoral College count, Hillary Clinton
won the popular vote in the 2016 election,
coming very close to being the first female
U.S. president.
Finally, in 2016, it was decided that it was
OK to have a woman (Harriet Tubman) on
our paper currency.
Civil Rights
At the 1787-1796 opposition, in addition
to the successful revolt of Haitian slaves,
Denmark abolished slave trade, the first
country to do so (1792). That was followed by the French government’s freeing
of slaves in all French colonies (1794).
At the 1845-1856 conjunction, abolitionist
activism in the United States was spurred
by the publication of the autobiography
of Frederick Douglass (1845). Poet Martin
Espada said in 2013: “Without Frederick
Douglas, there is no Barack Obama.”
During that time, the Underground Railway
was prominent, particularly through the
work of Harriet Tubman. In 1852, Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin was
published. One historian called it the most
influential book in American history.
Once again, we see moves in both
directions. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793
(at the opposition), and the Fugitive Slave
Law of 1850 (at the conjunction) both
allowed slave owners and their “agents”
to search for escaped slaves within the
borders of free states. The Academy
Award-winning film Twelve Years a Slave
is based on the memoir of free man
Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped
and enslaved, based on those laws.
At the 1960s conjunction, there was an
explosion in civil rights activities, including Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”
speech, the Selma march, the Freedom
Riders, the Black Panthers, the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights
Act of 1965.
At our current square, we have witnessed
the election of the first African-American
president, and the appointment of the first
African-American Attorney General. In the
‘one step back’ category, however, the
Supreme Court decided to roll back some of
the protections that had been guaranteed by
the Voting Rights Act, leading to polling
location closings in minority areas, voters
being purged from voting lists, proliferation
of voter ID laws, etc. Then the killing of
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric
Garner, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott and others
triggered the Black Lives Matter movement.
Gay and LGBTQ Rights
As far back as 1533, gay rights were ‘in
play’ during Uranus-Pluto periods.
England, under King Henry VIII, passed
the Buggery Act 1533, making all sexual
activity between males punishable by
At the square of 1620, BrandenburgPrussia criminalized sodomy, making it
punishable by death. At the 1791 opposition, Revolutionary France adopted a new
penal code, which no longer criminalized
sodomy. France became the first Western
European country to decriminalize
homosexual acts between consenting
During the 1929 square, in Germany,
Paragraph 175 (which had made homosexual acts between males a crime) was
repealed via a vote of a Reichstag Committee. The Nazis’ rise to power prevented
the implementation of the vote. Then
during the Nazi era, male homosexuals
were sent to concentration camps (1933),
and were singled out for particularly brutal
To underscore the idea that the path to
equality is not always moving forward, in
that same year of 1933, Denmark and
Philippines decriminalized homosexuality,
while homosexual acts were re-criminalized
in the USSR.
Fast forward to the conjunction of the
1960s: all around the world, anti-gay laws
were relaxed or abolished. However, the
Vatican declared that anyone who is
“affected by the perverse inclination”
towards homosexuality should not be
allowed to take religious vows or be
ordained within the Roman Catholic
Church (1961).
The 1969 Stonewall riots, where members
of the gay community fought back after a
police raid in New York City, are widely
viewed as a significant milestone in the
gay rights movement in the U.S. and around
the world. Then, at our current square, gay
marriage became legal in all 50 states,
mething that would have been unthinkable
page 26
just nine years earlier, when anti-gaymarriage initiatives were put on the ballot in
many states to stir up anti-gay sentiment
and increase voter turnout (2006).
September 8, 1935, the son-in-law of a
political opponent killed U.S. Senator
Huey Long, who had also served as
Governor of Louisiana.
This time period also corresponded to the
end of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell” policy, and the overturning of the
Defense of Marriage Act.
The 1960s saw a rash of assassinations—
John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther
King, and Robert Kennedy. Ngo Dinh
Diem, the first president of South Vietnam
(1955-1963) was assassinated, along with his
brother, on November 2, 1963, during a coup
In the “huge step back” category, the 2014
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act was
passed by the Parliament of Uganda and
dictated life in prison for homosexual
activity. It had previously been called the
“Kill the Gays bill” in the western media,
due to its original punishment: the death
At this UR-PL square, transgender rights
have been front-and-center, with North
Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill” denying rights
for transgender citizens, while the Amazon
series Transparent, Laverne Cox of the
Netflix show Orange is the New Black,
and Caitlyn Jenner have helped bring a
more sympathetic eye to the transgender
issue. There is even a transgender child
actor on ABC’s Modern Family. In
President Obama’s second inaugural
address (January 21, 2013), he said:
We, the people, declare today that the
most evident of truths—that all of us are
created equal—is the star that guides
us still; just as it guided our forebears
through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and
That speech, and, as we have seen,
Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall,
were all Uranus-Pluto events.
Uranus and Pluto combined can certainly
correspond to a sudden, unexpected,
and perhaps hate-driven death, and we’ve
seen a lot of it at UR-PL hard aspects. At
the opposition (1896-1907), President
William McKinley was assassinated
(September 6, 1901).
At the square (1928-1937), on February
15, 1933, Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago,
Illinois, was killed while shaking hands
with President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt
in Miami, Florida. It was believed to have
been an attempt to assassinate Roosevelt,
but hit Cermak instead. At that square, on
At our current square, on December 27,
2007 Pakistani political leader Benazir
Bhutto was assassinated. She was twice
Prime Minister of Pakistan, and then
leader of the opposition Pakistan Peoples
Party. She had been campaigning ahead of
elections scheduled for January 2008.
On May 1, 2011, President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden has been
killed during an American military operation in Pakistan. On February 27, 2015,
Vladimir Putin political rival Boris
Nemtsov was shot dead on a Moscow
Gun Control and Gun Rights
Gun control is another Uranus-Pluto
theme. The National Rifle Association
(NRA) wants freedom (Uranus) from any
restrictions on the sale of lethal (Pluto)
weapons. The Second Amendment to the
US Constitution was ratified in 1791, at the
UR-PL opposition. This is the full wording
of the Second Amendment: “A well
regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
During the 1930s square, Congress
passed the National Firearms Act of 1934.
It regulated fully automatic firearms. All
gun sales and gun manufacturers were hit
with a $200 tax on each firearm (no small
amount for Americans mired in the Great
Depression; that would be like a tax of
$2,500 today), and all buyers were
required to fill out paperwork subject to
Treasury Dept. approval.
That same year, to fight what the group
perceived as repeated attacks on Second
Amendment rights, the NRA formed its
Legislative Affairs Division. During the
1960s conjunction, following the
assassinations of Martin Luther King and
Robert Kennedy, the Gun Control Act of
1968 was signed into law (October 22,
1968). It broadly regulated the firearms
industry and firearms owners. It primarily
focused on regulating interstate commerce
in firearms by generally prohibiting
interstate firearms transfers except among
licensed manufacturers, dealers and
The 1968 Gun Control Act was supported
by America’s old-school gun manufacturers (Colt, Smith &Wesson, etc.) in an
effort to forestall even greater restrictions,
which were feared in response to recent
domestic violence.
In 1972, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco
and Firearms was created, listing as part of
its mission the control of illegal use and
sale of firearms and the enforcement of
Federal firearms laws.
During our current square, following the
tragic shootings at the Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newtown CT,
Charleston, San Bernardino, Orlando, and
elsewhere, gun control in the United
States is once again in the spotlight.
The following Uranus-Pluto themes will be
covered in the next memberletter. Weather
and other acts of nature; Environmental
awareness; Large scale human population
movement; Wealth and Income inequality;
Financial panics; People, places and
things; Localization: Co-ops, communes,
barter; Inventions. Scientific and technological advances
DAVID PERLOFF is the Secretary of the
NCGR Boston Chapter. He teaches
astrology locally and has given talks
across the United States. David will be a
speaker at the NCGR 2017 conference in
Baltimore, as well as at the 1st International Congress of Astrology in Portugal.
His articles have appeared in The
Mountain Astrologer, Geocosmic Journal, Jornal de Associação Portuguesa de
Astrologia and other astrological
publications. He can be contacted at
davidperloffastrology His
website is and
his Facebook page is
page 27
Around the Board
Report of the Minutes of the
NCGR Board of Directors Meeting
September 18, 2016
he meeting was called to order by
Joyce Levine. Present: Judy Johnson,
Joyce Levine, Jagdish Maheshri, Nadia
Mireau, Jackie Slevin, Liane Thomas
Wade, Leigh Westin, Linda Wilk. Staff
present: Alvin Burns, Ronnie Dreyer, Ken
Approval of minutes. The Board voted to
approve the minutes of the last board
Executive Committee Report. Jackie
Slevin will take on the duties of the Clerk
until the December election.
Membership Director’s Report. Liane
Thomas Wade. There are 63 new members
this quarter, bringing the total to 1486. The
Berkshire-Fairfield Chapter closed. The
Taiwan chapter has grown to approximately 45 members.
Treasurer’s Report. Linda Wilk.
Accounts show balances of: Unrestricted
Account: $ 63,002. Money Market
Account: $ 38,921, and Titunik Funds
Account of $ 9405.
Research Director’s Report. Jagdish
Maheshri. Eight people are submitting
articles to be presented at the 2017
Research Symposium in Baltimore.
Jagdish will review them for comments
and suggestions prior to approval.
Publication Director’s Report. Leigh
Westin. Leigh Westin will take over
publications. Conference brochures will
be included in the clear wrapping of the
Research Journals for visibility. The
mailing will go out between September 20
and October 3. The forthcoming
Geocosmic Journal will have articles from
the speakers of the NCGR conference.
Completed articles are due on September 1
and will be proofed by November 1 with
approved manuscripts due at the printer’s
by December 6. Members should receive
them by early January 2017. Eight articles
are edited, and three more are expected.
Memberletter Report. Ronnie Dreyer.
The November-December issue will be
moved into an epub edition that can be
read on mobile phones and tablets, unlike
the current digital version. Joyce, Ken,
Kyle and Ronnie will test and approve
the final version before its launch.
Media and Communications Director’s
Report. Kyle Ukes (not at meeting).
There are now 184 people in the NCGR
Volunteer Director’s Report. Judy
Johnson. Neil Grossman from the NJ
chapter has agreed to pick up the past
issues of the NCGR Journals and Jackie
Smith from the NJ chapter is storing them
until they’re transported to the Baltimore
Chapter Afairs and SIG Director’s
Report. Leigh Westin. The amount of
chapter rebates will remain unchanged for
the fiscal year of July 2016-June 2017.
Executive Secretary Report. NCGR
membership renewals are steadily
coming in. There are approx 1486 current
members with 63 new members included.
Taiwan chapter now has about 45
members. Thre are about 130 registrants
to conference. Registrations occur mostly
around dealine.
Webmaster’s Report. Ken Irving.
Specific information needs to come from
chapters to rectify databasis. The new
store is scheduled to go online September. 16. The URL of the new store will be
the same:
The new store, from a company called
ECWID has a very large customer base,
much better customer service, and is
"cloud" based, which means that the
software that runs it, as well as our data,
is on a large system of servers called
Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Education Director’s Report. Jackie
Slevin. There will be a free webinar on
Sept. 24 with Priscilla Costello presenting
on her book Shakespeare and Astrology.
On Oct. 23 Ken Bowser, Adrian Duncan,
and Suzanne Angioli will present
webinars on “Primary Directions in the
chart of the US,” “Presidential Election,”
and “Neptune and the American Presidents.” Meira’s Level I, II, and III online
classes begin September 19, 20, and 22.
Advisory Board Report. Christeen
Skinner. Issue was raised by a member
of the Advisory Board to raise advertising rates with a spread sheet for comparison.
Election Report. David Perloff (chair)
serves as chair of the nominating
committee. Members include Cathy
Coleman, Ronnie Dreyer, and Eliza
Primary Directions and the Chart of
the United States with Ken Bowser
Rescheduled for Sunday. Dec. 11, 2016
2:00-3:30 p.m. EST. Special Price for
Members and Non-Members: $15
Register at
Registration limited to 23 attendees and
will be filled on a first come, first served
basis. All registrations must be received
by Noon, December 10, 2016. This
webinar will be for sale on the NCGR
Website in January 2017.
UAC Report. Grace Morris has replaced
Trish Buckley as UAC representative.
The next Board Meeting will be held on
Sunday, December 4, 2016.
Submitted by
Jackie Slevin, Clerk
ublications News. The next Geocosmic
Journal with the theme “Many Faces
of Astrology” should be mailed out by the
end of the year, and will feature many
articles by NCGR Baltimore conference
speakers. They are as follows:
• Bill Meridian. Mundane Prediction
with Eclipses
• Christeen Skinner. Outer Planet
Alignments and Stock Market Crashes
• Gary P. Caton. Toward a MultiDimensional View of Retrograde Motion
• Baris Ilhan. The Bad Fortune of the
Sixth House.
• David Perloff. Mental Chemistry and
U.S. Presidential Elections
• Meira Epstein. Reality Astrology–
What is Your Style?
• Alphee Lavoie. Does a Birth Chart Live
on after Death?
• Monica Escalante-Ochoa. Introduction
to Predictive Techniques
• David Cochrane. Vibrational Astrology:
Harmonic Astrology for the 21st Century
• Kathy Allan. Stock Market Forecasting
• Brad Kochunas. Astrology as Spiritual
page 28
• Maurice Fernandez. The Saturn/Pluto
Conjunction on Planetary Nodes
• Leigh Westin. Declination Dynamics
• Margaret Gray. Psychological
Astrology: A Tool for the Journey to
Becoming Ourselves
• Bill Meridian. The Horoscope of the
Federal Reserve
• Elizabeth Hazel. The Tell-Tale Chart
• Scott Silverman. Book Review. The
Precious Pachyderm by Karen Christino
ouTube Channel. NCGR has a
YouTube Channel where you can see
and hear interviews and talks with some
of our 2017 conference speakers. Go to to hear:
• Chris Brennan
• Capulus (Jose Manuel Redondo)
• Gary Caton
• Meira Epstein
• Mónica Escalante-Ochoa
• Maurice Fernandez
• Baris Ilhan
• Alphee Lavoie
• Joyce Levine
• Rick Levine
• Mitchell Scott Lewis
• Michael Lutin
• Ken McGhee
• Nadia Smirnova-Mierau
• Jeanne Mozier
• Winai Ouypornprasert
• Christopher Renstrom
• Kira Sutherland
• Patricia Walsh
More will be added so keep on checking.
ducation News. Meira Epstein will
present an online course entitled
Reading the Natal Chart: First Steps
starting on Tuesday February 28, 2017,
7:00-8:30 PM, for nine weeks through
May 2. The cost is $400. She will also be
continuing Level I, II and III classes. For
more information, contact Meira at
[email protected],
Jackie Slevin
Education Director
edia and Communications News.
The NCGR Forum offers current
NCGR members an open space to share
astrological ideas, research, hypotheses,
questions, and other astrological related
topics. The forum is also used as a
community space that allows for NCGR
members to network and meet.
How to Register on NCGR Forum
Step 1: Go to the forum 13.invisionfreez
Step 2: Click on REGISTER
Step 3: Choose a USERNAME (Your first
and last name), PASSWORD, and a VALID
E-MAIL. (NOTE: Using your full first and
last name is the only way to be accepted
into the Forum.)
Step 4: Agree to the Terms of Service and
Click Submit my Registration
Step 5: Wait for the confirmation page.
The NCGR Forum Admin will make sure
you’re a current NCGR member and you’ll
receive an email-confirmation once
you’ve been approved for the Forum.
Kyle Ukes
Media and Communications Director
Around Chapters-SIGS
ew York City Chapter. A big thank
you to speakers and associates for a
successful Education Conference that was
held November 19-20, 2016 in New York
City on the station of Neptune and on the
topic of Neptune.
John Marchesella
Education Director
he following chapters are hosting
holiday parties (listed by date).
Friday, December 2, 2016. 6:30 pm.
Rocky Mountain (Denver) Chapter. The
Rocky Mountain Miracle Center. 1939 S
Monroe St. Denver CO 80210-3732.
Holiday Party.
Sunday, December 4, 2016. 11:30 am
Annapolis Chapter. Annapolis Double Tree.
210 Holiday Ct., Annapolis, MD 21401.
Yuletide Party. John Marchesella. Predictive
Techniques Using the Eclipses of 2017.
Friday December 9, 2016. 7:30 pm.
Northern New Jersey Chapter. Home of
Jackie Smith, 268 Ivy Place, Ridgewood,
NJ 07450. Please bring a dish of your
choice for our holiday table. Charts of
newsworthy people and topics will be
presented; feel free to bring one for group
Saturday. December 10, 2016. 1:005:00 pm. Richmond Chapter. Weinstein
Jewish Community Center. 5403 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA. Holiday
Party with presentation by Andrea Arden
on Draconic Astrology: Finding the Soul
in the Chart. Registration. planetwise@ or 804-740-1133. $10 NCGR
members and guests with a contribution
to our holiday table and pre-registered by
December 8. $15.00 for guests at the door.
Tuesday. December 13, 2016. 7:30-9:00
pm. Northern Illinois Chapter. Des
Plaines Elks Lodge, 495 Lee St, Des
Plaines, IL. (our famous!) Holiday Party.
Special $5.00 admission fee. Dinner
included! Raffles! Door Prizes! Games and
Gifts to be won! Astrology and Chanukah
Carols sung. Sparkling conversation. A
chance to meet new friends and network
with astrologers from the area. A buffet of
food, drinks and deserts provided (all
included in your $5.00 admission!) Book
Exchange. Got old books that need a new
home? Bring them to exchange for others, or
to just give away to someone who you will
make really, really happy. We astrologers
love our books! Flyer table: A place for
information about your group and its
members, as well as business cards and
personal flyers.
Saturday December 17, 2016. 2:00 pm6:00 pm. Minnesota STARS (Society for
Teaching, Astrological Research &
Study) Chapter. Winter Solstice party. It
is that time of year once again to gather
with friends and remember the warmth of
the season residing in all of us. All are
welcome both members and non-members.
Bring your friends too! If you would like
to volunteer or contribute in any way,
contact Rianu: [email protected], 612354-9482.
Saturday December 17, 2016. Florida
Atlantic Chapter. 1536 NE 18 Avenue, Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33304. Information: 954-2961211, [email protected], Private party
for members and guests at Fernanda’s beautiful
waterfront home or a day of social fun enjoying
the beautiful weather on the outdoor waterfront
veranda, delicious variety of food (pot luck!),
wine, and a Chinese gift exchange. Everyone
receives a number. When your number is
called, you may choose a gift from under the
tree, OR someone else’s gift! If your gift was
“taken” from someone, you may then choose a
new gift or someone else’s gift. This can get
hysterical! It’s an awesome party!
Sunday. December 18, 2016. 2:00 pm.
Philadelphia Chapter. Community Center
inside the Giant Super Food Store, 315
York Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090. Holiday
Party. Alex Miller. The Asteroids of the
Holiday Season; Ellen Zucker. An Astrological Look Back at 2016.
page 29
journal, including how to
submit an article for publication, is available at,
and information about the
current issue can be found at
Institute for the Study of the
Ancient World, part of New
York University, is a
graduate program dedicated to
the study of the ancient world
(including astrology). The
exhibition Time and Cosmos in
Greco-Roman Antiquity, which
AstroMéxico 15th Anniversary Celebration
will take place between
October 19, 2016-April 23,
stroMexico Chapter. AstroMéxico
2017. For information about upcoming
celebró el 13 de noviembre su Aniversario lectures and events and to put your name
XV, mediante el siguiente programa:
on the mailing list:
Interesante conferencia sobre Lilith, Motivante
entrega de certificados NCGR-PAA, Amigable
strology and the Media. Astrology
brindis y convivio. ( On November 13,
News Service (ANS) has a collection
AstroMéxico celebrated its 15th Anniversary,
of articles on the history of astrology,
with a conference on "Lilith", presentation of
studies validating astrological factors, and
NCGR-PAA certificates, and a convivial toast
controversies that pop up around astroland party). En el siguiente enlace pueden ver
ogy. The mission of ANS is to educate the
las fotos del evento (You can see photos of
public about astrology and demonstrate
the event by clicking on the following link.)
the value of astrology to individuals and
society. Check it out at
Monica Escalante-Ochoa
e were saddened to hear about the
Please turn to pp. 34-35 for information
passing of astrologers Barbara
about chapter events, websites, and face- Junceau, Jeffrey Brock and Ken Hopkins
book pages, or if you wish to find out
and hope to have longer tributes in an
about a chapter in your area, or where
upcoming issue.
you are visiting, or if you wish to speak
at a meeting.
Please send tidbits about NCGR members,
media reports, news about births,
promotions, passings, recogniAround the Community marriages,
tion, etc. to: [email protected].
strology and Academia.
Sophia Centre for the Study of
Cosmology in Culture at the University
of Wales Trinity Saint David offers the
MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
For information about the distance learning
program and upcoming conferences,
contact Nick Campion, n.campion,
Archai: the Journal of Archetypal
Cosmology is, according to the website,
an academic journal that explores significant correlations between cyclical
alignments of the planets and the archetypal patterns of human experience. The
Archai journal is available in paperback
and as a Kindle ebook, and you can read
two articles online. Information about the
CGR-PAA Education and Certification News. Congratulations to the
following NCGR-PAA (Professional
Astrologers' Alliance) test-takers and also
NCGR members who have attained
proficiency in a level of testing:
Level I: New York City Chapter. Lisa
Anderson; Daniel Kennedy; Daniel
Level II. New York City Chapter. Sonia M.
Level III. Mexico City Chapter. Michel
Fox Elizondo.
Level IV. I am very proud to announce
that Rosi Saad Moazeb, member of the
NCGR-PAA Testing at
2017 Conference in
lease note that we are offering
NCGR-PAA testing at 9:00 am on
Monday, February 20, 2017 at the
completion of the NCGR conference in
Baltimore, MD. (That Monday is also
Presidents’ Day.)
It is not too late to prepare! For those
of you who will be attending the Many
Faces of Astrology conference, and
especially for those who live in a locale
where regular NCGR-PAA testing is not
readily available, you will have the
opportunity to test for Level I or for
your next Level of proctored testing.
Testing will be proctored by Gene Shaw,
a distinguished astrologer and teacher
who is on the NCGR-PAA Board of
You will be required to pre-register with
me if you wish to take any one of the
proctored tests (I, II, III). To do so,
contact me at [email protected] to
receive your application, send in your
test fee, and for any further pertinent
Shirley Soffer, C.A., NCGR-PAA
Director of Education
AstroMexico Chapter, has attained
NCGR-PAA certification as a Professional
Consulting Astrologer. Congratulations
to Rosi!
I want to thank Catherine O'Neill for
proctoring a Level I exam mentioned
above; I have also proctored Level I and
II exams mentioned above, and Level III
sit-down exams. I also want to thank
Meira Epstein for proctoring a Level II
Please visit for
a complete listing of all NCGR-PAA
Certified Astrologers, forthcoming test
venues, test fees, as well as information
about our certification program. You can
also purchase the 2015 revised Study
Guide, offering test preparation for
NCGR-PAA's certification program.
Shirley Soffer, C.A., NCGR-PAA
Director of Education
page 30
Book Reviews
Celestial Events
November 2016-January 2017
Nov 14 2016. Full Moon. 1:52 pm. 22 Taurus
37. Sidereal 28 Aries 37.
Nov 29 2016. New Moon. 12:18 pm. 7
Sagittarius 42. Sidereal 13 Scorpio 43
Dec 14 2016. Full Moon. 00:05 am. 22 Gemini
25. Sidereal. 28 Taurus 25
Dec 29 2016. New Moon. 6:53 am. 7 Capricorn
59'. Sidereal. 13 Sagittarius 59
Jan 12 2017. Full Moon. 11:33 am. 22 Cancer
27'. Sidereal. 28 Gemini 27.
Jan 28 2017. New Moon. 00:06 am 8 Aquarius
15. Sidereal. 14 Capricorn 15.
Planetary Stations
Nov 20 2016. Neptune stations direct. 4:37 am.
9 Pisces 14. Sidereal. 15 Aquarius 14.
Dec 19 2016. Mercury stations retrograde.
10:55 am. 15 Capricorn 07. Sidereal. 21
Sagittarius 08
Dec 29 2016. Uranus stations direct. 9:28 am.
20 Aries 33. Sidereal. 26 Pisces 33.
Jan 8 2017. Mercury stations direct. 9:42 am.
28 Sagittarius 50. Sidereal. 4 Sagittarius 51.
Tropical Ingresses
Nov 9 2016. Mars enters Aquarius. 5:51 am
Nov 12 2016. Ven enters Capricorn. 4:54 am
Nov 12 2016. Mercury enters Sagittarius. 2:39 pm
Nov 21 2016. Sun enters Sagittarius. 9:22 pm
Dec 2 2016. Mercury enters Capricorn. 9:17
Dec 7 2016. Venus enters Aquarius. 2:51:01 pm
Dec 19 2016. Mars enters Pisces. 9:22 am
Dec 21 2016. Sun enters Capricorn. 10:44 am
Jan 3 2017. Venus enters Pisces. 7:46 am
Jan 4 2017. Mercury enters Sagittarius. 2:16
Jan 12 2017. Mercury enters Capricorn. 2:03
Jan 19 2017. Sun enters Aquarius. 9:23 pm.
Jan 28 2017. Mars enters Aries. 5:38 am.
Sidereal Ingresses
Nov 7 2016. Venus enters Sag. 4:32 am
Nov 8 2016. Mercury enters Scorpio. 5:39 pm
Nov 15 2016. Sun enters Scorpio. 10:29 pm
Nov 28 2016. Mercury enters Sag. 3:05 pm.
Dec 2 2016. Ven us enters Capricorn. 1:16 am
Dec 11 2016. Mars enters Aquarius. 10:24 am.
Dec 15 2016. Sun enters Sagittarius. 1:10 pm.
Dec 28 2016. Venus enters Aquarius. 7:12 pm.
Jan 13 2017. Sun enters Capricorn. 11:54 pm.
Jan 20 2017. Mars enters Pisces. 5:16 am
Jan 25 2017. Saturn enters Sagittarius. 2:38 pm.
Jan 27 2017. Venus enters Pisces. 12:12 pm
All times are listed according to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Krishnamurti ayanamsha is
used for sidereal positions.
William Lilly’s History of His Life and
Times From the Year 1602 to 1681, Written
by Himself, Introduced and Annotated by
Wade Caves. Rubedo Press, Seattle, WA
98104,, 2015. Paper. 195
pp. $15.00
his is an annotated autobiography
by William Lilly. There are two
different sets of annotations: one by
Lilly’s patron Elias Ashmole, probably
done around 1715; and one by Wade
Caves, a San Francisco-based astrologer,
completed around 2015. Thus, intertwined,
here are three books in one: the autobiography of William Lilly, Ashmole’s comments on this, and Cave’s further commentaries. This may cause the reader some
initial confusion as these are presented
together. But, applying a little bit of
reader’s concentration, this arrangement
becomes acceptable.
Who was William Lilly, and why is his
autobiography important? Writing in the
vernacular of his time period William Lilly
is generally acknowledged to be the most
important English astrologer of his time.
What we have in this book is Lilly’s own
words about his life and the experiences
he went through as he matured, learned
astrology, and practiced this profession.
Philip Graves, in his Foreword writes (p. x):
“Lilly was privately tutored in Latin in his
youth, and developed a spoken and
written proficiency that far surpassed that
of his peers… Lilly was able to read and
thoroughly understand all of the extant
Latin treatises and manuscripts on
astrology that were available to him in
England. He took it upon himself to
selectively filter, synthesize and correct
their teachings.”
Thus, here in this work then, are the
writings by Lilly that show his
development and growth.
The English language of a 17th century
person is not quite the same as the British
English of today. There are words and
phrasings used that will seem strange to
the modern reader. Thus, there is the need
for the two different annotations. One
done by a contemporary close to the time
of William Lilly’s life, and one done by a
modern astrologer. You can read William
Lilly’s autobiography, and you can also
read the annotations, which provide
needed explanations of terms and ideas
Of William Lilly’s more available works,
the most popularly known is Christian
Astrology, published in three volumes,
and available today in various editions.
During his life William Lilly published
annual Almanacs that were very popular
with the public, but not always so with
the monarchy or governmental officials.
These gave honest opinions about the
times that not all appreciated.
At the time of his life the English
Parliament was quite different than the
Parliament of today. This difference is
explained by Caves in his annotations,
and provides necessary insight for the
modern reader to understanding the
context of the autobiography.
William Lilly was a noted and
accomplished Horary Astrologer, and his
explanations of how he did his work and
interpreted Horary charts are considered
to be very important. There are many
bodies of people as well as schools today
who study, use and promote his methods.
This is not a book about his methods, but
it is about his life and the events of life
that help to shape his views and
opinions. His methods are covered in
detail in his other works.
If you are a student of the works of
William Lilly then this book should be a
valuable addition for you. If you are not
a follower of William Lilly, then this book
can provide valuable insight into the life
and times of an important astrological
figure of the 1600s. Here in William Lilly’s
own words are explanations of what his
life was like, and what it was like to be
living during his era. Life was different
then from today, and realizing those
differences helps make this book
reviewed by Michael Munkasey
page 31
Geodetic Astrology: For Relocating and
World Affairs, by Chris McRae, The
Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth BH5
2AZ UK,, 2016.
Paper. 107 pp. £15.50 Br ($25.50 US).
eodetic Astrology is not currently
one of the more popular and
practiced forms of astrology.
Most works on Geodetic Astrology have
been buried in out-of-print and difficultto-locate works, and enthusiastic
teachers for this subject are rare.
Importantly, Geodetic Astrology offers
the promise that it can enhance other
astrological areas like: Electional, Event,
Relationship, Natal, etc.
Geodetic Astrology falls under the general subject area of Mundane Astrology,
one of astrology’s 11 major parts. Mundane Astrology includes the study of
current events and trends, like a reading
of the destinies of the stars, if you will, as
applied to matters of a current interest.
Mundane techniques involve using ev-ents
for understanding their potentials upon a
particular location on Earth. Like, the
forthcoming direction for a nation (or city);
the potential effect of an eclipse, lunation,
or transit; the impact of major inter-planet
aspects (e.g., Saturn-Neptune square); the
impact of a person or official; etc. Along
with many other such, these have each
been accepted as situations where
Mundane Astrology could shed light.
Geodetic Astrology and Mundane Astrology are not the same, but they do share a
common ground. The use of the Geodetic
Astrology technique becomes an important tool for practicing Mundane Astrology. Geodetic Astrology offers a different and exciting way to examine, view,
and interpret the impact of situations.
To do Geodetic Astrology (GA) you need to
determine the Geodetic Equivalent (GE).
This is relatively simple to do, and popular
computer programs offers options for doing
this. First you need a location—and that
should be easy enough. For example: your
present location, the location of a nation’s
capital or a major city, a world capital—that
is anywhere on Earth for which you can
obtain a terrestrial latitude or longitude.
Once you have those values you are set to
Next you need technique, and McRae’s
book gives clear and adequate
instructions for determining the geodetic
equivalent for any location, and then how
to erect a chart for that. In fact, for over 50
locations throughout the world she
provides their GEs. These can serve as the
reader’s initial start for practicing the GA
techniques. The steps to do GA are simple
and can be mastered within a relatively
short time. McRae’s book provides the
“how to” needed for this.
The book offers over 40 clear and wellexplained examples on the use of the
geodetic technique. Reading through the
chapters there are examples using daily
news items, assassinations, floods,
earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist attacks,
feats of accomplishment, the impact of
people (e.g., Steve Jobs and George
Patton)—each described and explained by
their GE charts.
McRae’s book presents a pleasing visual
effect. The front cover shows 14 color
photos (each about 2” by 2” of events and
people: volcanic eruptions, demonstrations,
the New York City World Trade Center in
flames, bread lines in the 1930s, a drawing of
the sinking of the Titanic, etc. The interior of
the book is lavishly illustrated with charts
and examples. Within this book there is
everything you need to start practicing
Geodetic Astrology.
Also provided at the end of the book is a
world map for determining GEs visually.
This map is not good enough for
particular location information, but it is a
necessary starting place for honing in on
a location to obtain a GE, say for the
impact of an eclipse, or for seeing where
an upcoming transit may impact.
Chris McRae’s fiery personality shines
throughout the book. A worthy addition.
reviewed by Michael Munkasey
CPI Theory: Continuous Planetary
Interaction Theory, by Tony Waterfall,
[email protected], 2016. Paper. 315 pp.,
aterfall’s book was written to
present his theory on how
physical forces in the Universe
could create astrological effects. His book
is in three parts that go over what he
presents as science-based proof of how
astrological effects work. His writing is
clear and he explains his thesis in a
straightforward way by presenting and
interpreting hundreds of extracts from
published scientific papers and writings.
Knowledgeable practicing astrologers
realize that astrology “works.” That is,
using established and taught principles
of astrology (despite what school: Western,
Eastern, Chinese, Uranian, etc.) astrologers
can and do extract pertinent information
from astrological charts. This information is
used in a wide variety of ways, but primarily
and popularly to help provide insight into
people’s sense of self, to interpret events at
a deeper level, etc.
What the astrological community does
not have is a scientifically accepted
theory on how the planets, signs, houses,
etc., in a chart create the astrological
effects that can be read by an experienced
astrologer. “Science,” and many of those
who adhere to the scientific paradigm,
proclaim that there is no recognized
scientific basis for astrology. Thus it
cannot work and must be denigrated.
This is wrong thinking, and shows
ignorance on a wide basis. “Science”
teaches that practitioners must use and
retain an “open” mind. But with the
subject of astrology they do not do this.
The scientific community goes to great
lengths to deny astrological effects. The
most commonly stated reason for this is
that there is no recognized “scientific”
basis for describing the astrological
effect. But behind this could lay a fear
that--if astrology is valid--then
astrologers would compete for limited
scientific research funds and resources.
Waterfall’s basis for explaining the
astrological effect in a scientific way
involves describing and explaining the
purposes of the magnetic poles and
auroral spheres. The Earth (and other
planets and bodies) is surrounded by a
magnetic field. Charged particles, like
electrons, interact with such fields
through the positive and negative poles
there. He is clear, but the explanations
presented go heavily into space physics,
electro-magnetic theory, chemistry, and
related fields. In other words, this is a
book intended to show proof through
page 32
explaining how the charged particles
impacting the Earth (and other bodies)
create reactions that ultimately cause
astrological effects.
The book has a scholarly bent. It is not an
easy read despite clear writing. There are
many science-based ideas presented that
require reflection and personal
interpretation. Following through with the
ideas presented takes mental effort on the
part of the reader.
This is not a book giving interpretations
of (say) Venus in Aries, or the Moon in
the 4th house. This is a book that
presents information on electrical
discharges, interactions within the
magnetosphere, the role of auroral ovals,
the flow of charged particles through
these mediums, etc. This is a book about
the role of the electron in transmitting
“information” in a meaningful way.
My personal take is that Waterfall’s
theory could have a valid basis and thus
needs attention and discussion from both
the scientific as well as the astrological
community. This book, along with other
recent books explaining how the Universe
“works,” like The Source Field
Investigations by David Wilcock, or How
the World is Made by John Michell,
presents interesting avenues of approach
for explaining astrological effects.
There have been recent scientific
breakthroughs in the field of quantum
mechanics that are revolutionizing old
ideas. We appear to be living in a time
when human understanding of the
Universe is expanding in positive ways.
Waterfall’s next step is to expand his
theory through involving a quantum
reviewed by Michael Munkasey
Parivartana Yoga, byAlanAnnand,,
2015, Paper, 252 pp. $14.95, Mutual Reception,
by AlanAnnand,, 2016, Paper, 339
pp. $19.95.
was very excited when astrologer Alan
Annand (who also writes a series of
astrological mysteries) sent me a copy
of Parivartana Yoga, since in my own
Indian astrology practice, I have lectured
often on the significance of this planetary
combination known to Western
astrologers as Mutual Reception. I was not
disappointed since this topic, which is very
easy to understand, has often been glossed
over as insignificant, and as Annand shows
us, that is far from the truth.
In Indian astrology a yoga (“union”) occurs
“when two or more planets are joined in a
specific configuration” (p. 3) and
Parivartana (“exchange”) Yoga occurs
“when one planet occupies a sign whose
lord is in the sign ruled by the other planet.”
Therefore, if Venus is in Aries (ruled by
Mars) and Mars is in Taurus (ruled by
Venus), you have Parivartana Yoga.
Annand proceeds to list and interpret the
66 planetary combinations by house, so
that the chapters are in sequential order:
“Exchange of 1st and 2nd lords,”
Exchange of 1st and 3rd lords,” etc. Each
one provides a general description of how
each house exchanges or identifies with
the other, a list of famous people with this
yoga, and a case study of one person. The
research is impeccable and methodical,
and shows the author’s ability to be as
thorough as possible and to communicate
his ideas in a concise, clear, and userfriendly style. I commend all the work that
went into it.
I also applaud Annand’s usage of the
three categories of Parivartana Yogas:
Maha Yoga, which involves an exchange
between two of the following houses—
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th;
Kahala Yoga, involving the 3rd, and
Dainya Yoga involving the 6th, 8th and/or
12th. Many astrologers do not use these
three distinctions, since they are not
found in every classical text, but they
undoubtedly illuminate which houses are
positive and which are problematic.
This book is written for students and
practitioners of Indian astrology, but even
a Western astrologer can benefit from this
book, since it is very easier to convert the
Western chart into the Indian one.
The good news, however, is that Annand
has also written the western counterpart
of this book entitled Mutual Reception.
The format of this book is basically the
same as Parivartana Yoga in that it
includes the 66 planetary combinations
and uses most of the same examples. The
difference is that the interpretations
include Western aspects and circular
charts, though still using the Indian
method of sidereal astrology and whole
sign houses. Annand has also utilized the
five classical receptions, which, in addition
to reception by sign, include reception by
exaltation, triplicity, term, and face.
If you use both Indian and Western
astrology in your practice, then purchase
both these books. Otherwise choose the
one that best suits your interests. Either
way, you will be in a win-win situation with
these informative, well-researched, and
well-written books.
reviewed by Ronnie Gale Dreyer
MICHAEL MUNKASEY earned two Degrees
in Engineering. After Military service, including Vietnam, he worked as a Computer Information Scientist in the Medical and Transportation industries for many years. Michael
began studying astrology in 1969. In 2008
he was awarded the UAC Regulus Award for
Discovery, Innovation, and Research. Michael
holds Professional Astrologer's Certifications
from all US organizations. He is a founding
member of Kepler College, and served on the
Board of NCGR for over 22 years. Michael’s
books include: The Astrological Thesaurus,
Book 1, House Keywords, (1992); and Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets
[email protected]
RONNIE GALE DREYER received her M.A.
in South Asian Languages and Cultures from
Columbia University and is NCGR-PAA Level
IV certified. She has lectured at conferences
and astrology groups around the world. A
pioneer in introducing Indian astrology to
Western audiences, Ronnie is the author of
several books, numerous articles, columns,
and book reviews. She is NCGR memberletter
editor and received the 2002 Marion D. March
Regulus Award for Community Service.
Ronnie can be reached at,
If you would like to send a book for review,
email memberletter@geocosmic. org , and we
will provide you with the mailing address. We
cannot guarantee if and when a review will
appear. If a review is not published, we will
mention it in our Books Received column. You
can also submit a description of your book to
Liane Wade at [email protected] for Book
Nook, which appears in the weekly E-News
from NCGR..
page 33
James Santa-Mo (1946-2016)
ames Santa-Mo was born in Hartford
on November 5, 1946, and graduated
from Trinity College as a History
Major. James changed his last name to one
of his own choosing, insisted on using the
He worked for many years at the Hartford
Public Library, as a librarian, but many of
us of us knew him as a longtime member
(1981) of the Astrological Society of
Connecticut (ASC). Always active on its
board, James eerved several terms
alternating as president, bookkeper and
corresponding secretary and as contributor to The ASCendant (ASC’s journal) and
prior to that, The Lunar Quarterly. He
coordinated the Speaker Bureau, called
volunteers for New Age Fairs and taught
many astrology classes.
Even after a stroke impaired his mobility,
James never let that stop him. He continued to attend astrology conferences, as
well as ASC monthly meetings and
activities, always adding his thoughtful
insights and posing meaningful questions.
He passed away sometime over Memorial
Day weekend 2016 but will not be forgotten by his friends, colleagues, and
students who will always remember that
guy with the brilliant mind and curious
At his memorial service on June 20,
organized by his beloved ASC, which he
served several terms as President and
other board positions, several astrologers
spoke and sent in thoughts. Michael Lutin
could not attend the memorial service but
the following is an excerpt from his tribute
which was read at the service.
“He was a brilliant and magnificent astrologer. Quiet, unassuming, but gifted
with piercing wit and shy chuckle, James
was not looking for fame or fortune. He
lived simply, always expanding his compassion and improving his knowledge
and skill and observation of all us inhabitants of Earth. I used to be scared of
him whenever I saw him sitting in the
audience at my lectures or workshops,
mainly because I knew he was such a
stern critic and tolerated no nonsense
on the part of his colleagues. But he was
kind and loving to all, and as the years
went on we became good friends. This is
a tough one to take, but it's a blessed,
although heartbreaking event on the
other hand that he went on the Venus
conjunction. It's comforting to know he's
is right now on the other side of the Sun,
with his watchful eye and keen ear. Ciao,
Thanks to Janet Booth who provided all
the material about James and the service
and thanks to Julianne Johnson for
providing the biographical information.
I was always warmly greeted by James
during each of my visits to Hartford to
speak. I could always count on him for
insightful observations, and curious
questions. I spoke there on May 22, and
we spoke about mars retrograde, which I
lectured on. A little over a week later he
was gone. I am glad I got tos ee him again.
Ronnie Gale Dreyer
Born: November 5, 1946, 3:08 AM EST,
Hartford CT
Died: Sometime during Memorial Day
weekend, possibly May 30, 2016
To form a study Group, chapter, or
SIG, send proposals to Leigh
Westin, leighwestin@sbcglobal.
Send chapter events and contact
listings for memberletter to: Ronnie
Dreyer, memberletter@
geocosmic. org.
Send chapter events and contact
listings for electronic Around the
World with NCGR send to Liane
Thomas Wade, [email protected].
Photo courtesy of Janet Booth
NCGR E-Publications
s an NCGR member you receive
two annual print publications—the
Geocosmic Journal and Research
Journal. There are three e-publications,
which you only get in your email inbox:
• NCGR memberletter. The bi-monthly
newsletter, which you are reading now,
appears every other month starting with
the January-February issue. Articles,
NCGR and community news, book
reviews, chapter listings, and much more.
• E-News Commentary, edited by Rita
Chabot, is sent to current NCGR
members only. Commentary contains
articles by NCGR members and NCGR
• Around the World, edited by Liane
Thomas Wade and sent to anyone
interested in astrology. It has listings of
events sponsored by NCGR and other
non-profit astrology groups.
E-News Commentary and Around the
World are generally published on
alternate Tuesdays. To receive all NCGR
publications please make sure your
snail mail address and email address are
up to date. If you move, or change your
email, contact Executive Secretary
Alvin Burns, [email protected].
If you do not receive any of the above
publications, you will know we do not
have your correct contact information.
page 34
The following events are for November-January. Many chapters and SIGS have their own
websites and facebook pages, some of which
are listed below. Longer descriptions are found
in Around the World with NCGR. Holiday parties
are listed on p. 28.
Los Angeles County Chapter. Jack Taube,
President, 6333 Canoga Ave. #391, Woodland Hills
CA 91367,818-716-1765, arlenekrmr@, Mtgs. 3rd Thurs. Coco's Restaurant: 18355 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana. 6:00-7:30
pm. Eat, Visit, and Talk Astrology, 7:30 pm. Speaker.
Members: $3 Visitors: $5.
Sacramento Area Chapter. Sacramento
Area Chapter. Linda Byrd, President, 2351 Sunset Blvd., #170-404, Rocklin CA 95765, 916-7214838, Fax: 916-722-4223, info@ncgr,
4th Sunday, 1:00-4:00 PM. The Reserves at the
Galleria Clubhouse, 501 Gibson Dr., Roseville CA.
Call or email for gate code. Pre-reg fee $5 NCGR
members/$15 for non-members. Door fee. $10
members/$20 non-members. Special events individually priced with advance registration discounts
(members only) up to a week ahead. 11/13. Maurice
Fernandez. 10am-12 pm. Jupiter/Uranus Cycle.
1-5 pm. Nodes, Planets on Nodes; 12/8.
Transpersonal Astrology SIG, 7-9:00 pm. Shamanism & Astrology-Trance States & Planets; 12/11.
1-4 pm. Winter Solstice & Holiday Party, Cha-Cha’s
Cocina Mexicana, 6130 Stanford Ranch Rd, Rocklin
CA; 1/22. Lee Lehman. Lecture. 10 am-12 pm.
Wealth, 2nd House & Lifetime Financial Planning; Workshop. 1-5 pm. Crash Course in
Electional Astrology
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Cathy
Coleman, President, [email protected], Meetings TBA Weekday
evenings, 7:30-9:30 PM; Fort Mason Center, Building C. San Francisco. Advance. $12 Members/
$15 non-members. Day:$15 Members/$18 nonmembers. Workshops Half Day: Advance: $40
Members/$50 Non-Members. Day. $50 Members/
$60 Non-Members. Scholarships to serious students who wish to attend our events and need
financial assistance. Wed. 11/9. Maurice
Fernandez. Relationships and Sexuality. Thurs.
12/1. Matthew Stelzner and William Stickevers.
Outlook 2017.
San Diego Chapter. Tina Miles, President,
[email protected], 760.271.6773.
Kelly O'Tillery, Publicity Director, publicity@, 760.683.5191; www. Mtgs. 3rd Saturday featuring local and regional astrologers. 11am-1 pm.
US Bank Building, Community Room, 131 North
El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA. 92024. Meetings$8.Members/ $12 non-members. 11/19. Loda
Shaw. Solar Arc Directions. 12/15. Gaye
Nelson. Trends for 2017. Aquarius Cafe Christmas Party.
COLORADO. Rocky Mountain (Denver) Chapter. Jill Pitts, President, PO Box 27184, Denver CO
80227, [email protected]. Mtgs. Generally 1st Fri. 6:30 PM, October through June. The
Rocky Mountain Miracle Center. 1939 S Monroe St.
Denver CO 80210-3732. 11/4. Shirley Self. Astrology and Kabbalah; 12/2. Holiday Party.
FLORIDA. Florida Atlantic Chapter. Florida
Atlantic Chapter. Mimi Alonso, President, 954296-1211, [email protected], Trish Vidal,
954-249-7620 [email protected]. Get updated
with all our events. Visit Follow us on Facebook. Check out our
website at Mtgs. Usually 3rd Sat. 10:30 am-5:00. Please get there
before 10:15 to sign in. Lunch approx. 12:301:45 in Food Court. Location: Nova Southeastern University, Carl DiSantis Bldg. 3301 College
Avenue, Ft. Laud.-Davie, FL 33314. Members.
$40/Non-members. $45. 11/19. Bob Mulligan.
The Five Gifts of Astrology (morning) and Your
Birthchart as a Spiritual Guide (after lunch).
12/17. Private party for members and guests at
Fernanda’s beautiful waterfront home, for members and guests. 1536 NE 18 Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. 954-646-060 Fri. 1/20-Sun.
1/22. Join our group at The Kepler Conference
in Cocoa Beach. We will have carpools, roommates, and just having a great time learning!
IILLINOIS. Northern Illinois Chapter. Janet
Berres, President, 847-965-9916, janetberres@,
Mtgs March-December, 2nd Tuesday 7:30-9:00
PM at the Des Plaines Elks Lodge, 495 Lee St,
Des Plaines, IL 60016. Doors open 7:00 PM. $8
members and $10 non-members. AYA members
can attend at NCGR member rates. There is
plenty of parking, and a restaurant and bar at
the Elk's Club. Sat. 11/1. Kevin DeCherrie. Finding the Muses in your Chart. Tues. 12/13. Holiday Party. 7:30-9:00 pm. Special $5.00 admission fee.
Annapolis Chapter. Lynn Koiner, President,
301-589-2074, koiner@ For
speaker scheduling, contact Linda Furiate,
[email protected];
NCGRAnnapolis. Mtgs. 2nd Sat. 10:30 AM-12:30
PM. The Country Inn and Suites, off Defense
Highway/Rt. 450, only one block down from our
usual lunch location at the Italian Market. $10
Members/$15 Non-Members. Workshops $40
Members/$50 Non-Members. The group meets
at the Italian Market, 26 Defense Highway, Annapolis for lunch and a round table discussion.
11/12. Workshop with Tom Roma. Predictions
with mini-readings for attendees. Sun. 12/4.
11:30. Yuletide Party. John Marchesella. Predictive Techniques Using the Eclipses of 2017.
1/14. Jeanne Mozier. Oracles 2017.
Baltimore Astrological Society. Eliza
Graney, President, [email protected], Baltimore, Society. Mtgs. monthly (usually 3rd Friday)
7-9 PM Community Room at Ruscombe Community HealthCenter, 4801 Yellowwood Rd.
(Rascombe Mansion (lower level), Baltimore.
NOTE: This is a shoeless facility. Please bring
socks. $10 members/$15 non-members. Pay at
the door (cash or check) or online at
MASSACHUSETTS. Boston Chapter. Joyce
Levine, President, [email protected], 617354-7075;
Mtgs. One weekend day per month. Registration and Networking. 12:15-12:30 PM. Lecture.
12:30-4:30. PM. All meetings at Beech Street
Center, Belmont. 12/3. Panel on Predictions.
Ramya Krishnamurthy. Yogas in Vedic Astrol
ogy; Dorothy Oja. Using Planetary Stations for
Forecasting; Dietrech Pessin. Timing of
Eclipses with Progressions and Solar Returns;
MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor Chapter. Southeast
Michigan Astrologers' Round Table.
(SMARRT). Elizabeth Hazel, President, 419-2421696 or Sue Bacon, VP. smart2010,
Sundays. 1:30-4:30 pm. $15 Members/$20 NonMembers. The SMART (Ann Arbor) group is
being renamed SMARRT on Nov 30, 2016. Sat.
12/5. SMARRT Re-Birthday Party. Antonio's
Cucina Italiano, 2220 N Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48187. Join us to celebrate the official
(re)birth of SMARRT following the group's reestablishment on November 30, 2016. Enjoy a
wonderful dinner and good conversation with
fellow area astrologers; Sun. 1/22. Rocky's of
Northville, 41122 W Seven Mile Rd, Northville, MI
48167. 1:30 - 4:00 pm. Annual Panel. Pat Perkins,
Carole Ray, and Elizabeth Hazel. An examination of , who examine the upcoming astrological highlights of 2017, including national, state,
and ingress charts.
MINNESOTA. STARS (Society for Teaching,
Astrological Research & Study) Chapter.
Linda Michaels-Laine, President, [email protected], 612-281-5462, Linda Fei at 651698-1691. STARS is the Minnesota chapter of NCGR and serves the Twin
Cities and surounding areas. We have an event
almost every month. We have a study group for
those interested in preparing for the NCGR-PAA
Level I and Level II certification exams. Visit www. for more information. November.
Shawn Nygaard. A Brief Introduction to Archetypal Astrology. 12/17. 2:00 pm-6:00 pm. Winter
Solstice party. Information. Rianu. 612-354-9482.
1/21. 2-5 pm. Charles Obert. Saturn the Old Crone:
Exploring the Symbolism of Saturn as Feminine.
$10 members/ $15 non-members.
NEVADA. Las Vegas Stargazers Chapter. Las
Vegas Stargazers Chapter. Carol Dimitrov, President,
[email protected],, 702286-3325. We meet on the last Tuesday of the
month except August and December, 6:30-8:30
pm, East Las Vegas Community Center, Conference Room 1, 250 North Eastern Avenue, Las
Vegas, NV 89101. Check out our Facebook page
for the most up to date information about our
meetings and workshops. If you're interested in
speaking or would like to attend one of our meetings, we'd love to hear from you. 11/29. Lucille
Hicklin. The Sibly Chart.
NEW JERSEY. Northern New Jersey Chapter. Northern New Jersey Chapter. Joanne
Castro, President, PO Box 244, Lebanon, NJ
08833, 908-418-0365, [email protected],
Jackie Slevin, 973-744-5347, jcslevin@ Mtgs. Friday eves 7:30. Location:
The home of Jackie Smith, 268 Ivy Place,
Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Members $15, Seniors
$10, Non-members $20. Contact Joanne for information regarding NCGR-PAA testing. 11/18.
Nancy Basenese. Underneath the Purple Rain:
Prince Rogers Nelson. June 7, 1958-April 21,
2016. 12/9. Annual Christmas Party!
New Mexico “Enchantment” Chapter. New
page 35
Mexico “Enchantment” Chapter. Sandy Bryan,
President. 505-255-5001; [email protected], Mtgs. 1st Wed. at 7
PM. 721 Jefferson NE, Albuquerque, NM.
Santa Fe Chapter Forming. Are you interested in talking and learning about astrology or
want to share your astrological wisdom? We
welcome dedicated astrologically-minded individuals to help create a local NCGR Chapter
here in Santa Fe. For location and information
please contact: Michael Bartlett, Michael@, 505-690-3860 or Jason
Holley, [email protected], 505-603-0705.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Long Island Chapter. Bonnie Simms, President, 302 Sycamore Ave, Merrick, NY 11566,
[email protected], Robert Blumberg, robb1225, Mtgs. 2nd Friday. 7:30-9:30 PM, 302 Sycamore Ave, Merrick,
NY; Members $10, Non-members $15 11/11.
Faith McInerney. Midpoints and the 90° Dial.
Mid-Hudson Upstate Chapter. Nancy Sorvino,
President, 845-549-6558, voyager07 @optonline.
net, Tuesdays. 7 pm.
2 LaGrange Ave., Suite 214, Poughkeepsie, NY.
11/15. Janet Booth. 2017. Surfing the Wild
New York City Chapter. New York City Chapter. John Marchesella, President, astrojohn@; NCGR Hotline: 212-255-3236. Conferences twice per year,
and meetings throughout the year. Go to our
Facebook page. Sat.-Sun. 11/19-20. Annual Education Conference. Source of Life, 15 West 39th St. 3rd
NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh-Durham. Network of Triangle Astrologers. Elizabeth
Wilson, President, 919-602-6507, TWilson851@, www.ntastrology. org. Mtgs. Quarterly
Sept/Dec/March/May, 7 PM. The Dancing Moon
Bookstore, 1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh NC,
919-833-8081. $5
members/$10 non-members. 12/15. 7:00 pm.
Elizabeth C. Wilson, June Crane & Chris Nemec,
Alan Fisher with Emcee Nancy Dimitrios. 2017:
New Year's Panel Discussion.
OHIO. Ohio Valley Chapter. Sandie Friedrich,
President, [email protected],; Mtgs are held on the odd
numbered months at the Madeira Municipal
Building (corner of Euclid and Miami Roads in
Madeira) unless otherwise noted. Meetings are
free for NCGR members. The Ohio Valley NCGR
chapter allows non-members to attend one
meeting at no charge.
OREGON. Southern Oregon Chapter
SONCGR). Mary Plumb, President, 141 Crocker
St., Ashland OR 97520, 541-488-3048, mary@, Doug Kellogg, 541-482-8988,
astrologyinashland. org; Mtgs. 3rd Monday, 7 pm.
September-May. eadwaters Environmental Center (now called GEOS). This is at the corner of
Fourth Street and 'C' Street in Ashland just down
the street from the Fire Station and across from
the Unitarian Center. $6 General, $5 Seniors 62+,
$4 NCGR Members. To get on email list of announcements sign up on our website. We are
roadcasting some lectures free on the web! Visit and search for the show "Astrology
in Ashland.” Now anyone anywhere iin the world
can join us on the web to watch our lectures.
PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia Chapter. Ellen
Zucker, President, [email protected], ncgrphilly.
com. Email us to be put on our email list. 267-9928019. Mtgs. 3rd Sundayof each month. 2:00 pm. Community Center inside the Giant Super Food Store,
315 York Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090. Please
note, due to liability concerns, no food or drink
may be brought into the meetings except for items
purchased at Giant. $10 members/$15 non-members. 11/20. Jacqueline Janes. Standing Upright
in the World: Embracing the Lessons of Saturn.
After the meeting for food and more conversation. Pho & Beyond. 47 Easton Road, Willow Grove
PA. 12/18. 2:00 PM. Holiday Party. Alex Miller. The
Asteroids of the Holiday Season; Ellen Zucker.
An Astrological Look Back at 2016.
TEXAS. Gulf Coast Chapter. Jagdish Maheshri,
[email protected]. For information about
meetings please contact Jagdish Maheshri
at above email address.
VIRGINIA. Richmond Chapter. Kathryn
Berlekamp , President, [email protected],
Cheryl Hopkins, Program Director, ncgrrichmondva Mtgs.Sat. 1:00-5:00 PM. $15 per
person (pre-registered a week before) or $20
at the door. Weinstein Jewish Community Center,
5403 Monument Ave. Richmond. 11/19. Jeanne
Mozier. 2017: The Final Fling. 12/10. Andrea
Arden. Draconic Astrology; 1/28. Adam
Gainsburg. All Things Chiron.
WISCONSIN. Milwaukee Chapter. Nancy K.
Simpson, President. 8707 N 52nd Street, Brown
Deer, WI 53223, [email protected], 414-3395428. Maria De Spears, Secretary, rigel@, 414-384-4954. Mtg. Fritz's Pub, 3086
S. 20th Street Milwaukee (414-643-6995). $25.00
member/$35.00 non-members.
JAPAN. Tokyo Chapter. Terumi Kondo, President. JANet Inc./JANet School of Astrology, 2-26-1101, Minami-Aoyama, Minato-Ward, Tokyo, 107062: [email protected], tel. 81-90-7823-6159.
Fax:03-3406-8608; www.astrology. jp; discussion
group: 1st Sat.
Monthly AstrologyCluster, 2:00-4:00 PM at Café
Tapiros. Members:\2,000 (JPY) / Non-Members:
2,500 (JPY); Includes Tea/Coffee with Sweets.
Participation is open to everyone, so feel free to
join us. Every month meeting includes Uruanna
Hohkyu’s short lecture about above theme.
AstroMéxico Chapter. Mónica EscalanteOchoa, President, Cerrada de Miguel Noreña #23
casa 2, Col. San José Insurgentes, CP 03900
México DF, México, Tel. 525 651-6598,
[email protected]; www.astromexico.
com. 11/6. Adam Gainsburg (via goto meeting).
Planetas retrógrados y planetas invisibles (Retrograde Planets and Invisible Planets). 11/13.
Aniversario de Astromexico (Astromexico Anniversary); Mónica Escalante Ochoa.
Conferencia y Brindis (Conference and Toast),
(see p. ); 12/3. Agustín Becerril. Astrología del
primer viaje de circunnavegación realizado por
Fernando de Magallanes (Fist Circumnaviga-
tion Trip's Astrology made by Fernando de
Magallanes); 12/4. Fini Menchaca. Interpretación
de Stelliums en la carta natal (Stelliums Interpretation in the Natal Chart). 1/27-1/29. Wendy
Stacey. Ascendente: Amigo o enemigo? ( Ascendant: Friend or enemy?); La salud en el
horóscopo (Health in the horoscope); El Año
2020 y los siguientes años (Year 2020 and next
Mexico City Chapter. Cecilia Ortiz Bullé Goyri,
President. [email protected] Tlacoquemecatl #433 esq Gabriel Mancera Col. Del Valle,
03100 Ciudad de Mexico,
Facebook Meetings last Sunday. 11:00
. AM.
Lugar: Centro Universitario Incarnate Word.
Calle Tlacoquemecatl # 433, Benito Juárez, Del
Valle, 03100 Ciudad de México, D.F. Salón F-15
TAIWAN. Taiwan Chapter. Maki.S, President.
[email protected]. In the
Taiwan Chapter we officially introduced the
NCGR-PAA education and certification program.
We have monthly and totally-free member exclusive on-line reading club, and we also have special interest groups working on various astrological topics. We welcome all Mandarin speakers
who love Astrology to join our online activities or
non-periodical member part/lecture/conference in
Taipei. Please go to our website for details of our
upcoming events.
THAILAND. Thailand Chapter. Winai
Ouypornprasert, President, UACT (Uranian Astrologers Club, Thailand) 28/27 Soi Nakhaniwas 48 Yak
18 Nakhaniwas Road, Ladphrao, Bangkok 10230
Thailand, Tel./Fax 662-935-4252; buddhaluck2002
TURKEY. Turkey Chapter. Baris Ilhan,
Av.Sureyya Agaoglu Sok. 12/5 Tesvikiye, Istanbul
80200, [email protected], 11/24. 7 pm. Belgin Avunduk. Eris
SIGS (Special Interest Groups)
AST SIG (Asteroids). For information, contributions to newsletter (GAIA) and sample copies
for $1.50: Dave Campbell, President. 5735 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, Arizona 85301 623-463-6286
[email protected],
sig. Membership send dues $15; $24 overseas to:
RichardWright, P.O. Box 1993, Hartford, CT 06144,
phoenyx_u.s5@hotmail. com, 203-982-1653, For asteroid positions or ephemerides: Dave Campbell,
[email protected], 623-463-6286.
DECL SIG (Declination). Nelda L. Tanner, President, PO Box 153, Chino Valley, AZ 86323. Dedicated to declination application and research, iIt publishes The Other
Dimension, a 16-page quarterly journal. To subscribe, send check or money order made out to
Declination SIG, $18 U.S.,$20 Canada and Mexico,
$25 elsewhere (all in US$) to Treasurer, Martha
Ramsey, 400 Avenue D, Roswell NM 88203. Send
author contributions to Leigh Westin, Editor,
[email protected].
Cosmobiology). For information, back issues and
contributions to the Urania Journal, Liane Thomas
Wade, President and Editor, 531Main St., #1612, New
York, NY 10044. 917-855-8824, [email protected], For membership, send
$25 U.S./$35 others to Chiemi Matsumoto, 68 Garden St., #7L, Brooklyn, NY 11206.
page 36
The purpose of NCGR shall be to provide an
environment to foster and publish research of a
geocosmic nature and to pursue educational programs in various interdisciplinary fields related
to geocosmic studies with a view to granting
certification recognizing individual achievement
in such fields. The term "geocosmic" is defined
as "of or pertaining to the study of correspondences and cycles involving earthly phenomena
and cosmic (celestial) events." This purpose is
implemented by
• disseminating information through NCGR
publications, including journals, newsletters,
books, monographs, and website;
• providing financial and technical assistance,
" help to individuals
guidance, or professional
or groups for approved research projects;
• formulating a curriculum and the essentials
of a course of study leading to competency in
geocosmic studies, sponsoring appropriate
educational programs;
• educating students and researchers to various levels of competency, chartering regional,
semi-autonomous chapters of NCGR having
the same goals and purposes;
• promoting and encouraging the highest professional standard and ethical behavior among
its membership.
NCGR memberletter is a bimonthly publication
of the National Council for Geocosmic Research,
Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt, education and research organization. Copyright by NCGR, Inc.
All rights reserved. Authors retain copyright
to their own material. All articles reflect the
views of the authors. Publisher assumes no
responsibility for articles or material contained
therein, or for goods and services advertised.
Publication Guidelines: Please query with
outline or article proposal by emailing editor,
[email protected]. Once accepted,
articles must be sent electronically in MS Word,
or text file according to writer’s guidelines, which
will be provided. No hard copy or CDs. Send
complete references, bibliography, and birth data
(no actual charts) with data source. We reserve
the right to edit all material for sense and space..
• Basic Membership: $55/year; $150/3year
• Couples Membership (one set of
publications): $75/year; $210/3-year
• Canada/Mexico Membership: $60/year;
$165/3-year; Couples: $80/year; $225/3year
• International Membership: (except
Canada and Mexico) $65/year; $180/3year; Couples: $85/year; $240/3-year
NCGR Conference MP3s
Available Now
ver 300 lectures from NCGR2013 and past
NCGR conferences (including Planetary
Revolution, Boston 2010,, and Geocosmic Alchemy, Baltimore 2007) are now available as
downloadable MP3 recordings in our website
store. You can order online at where you will find complete catalogue. 212-838-NCGR, execsec@
• Research Compendium (from Geocosmic Alchemy Conference). $20.00
• Essentials of Intermediate Astrology. $15.00.
• Back issues of NCGR Journal $7.00
and $10.00
To order: Add $5.00 S&H domestic,
$3.00 for each additional, and $8.00
foreign in U.S. funds. Visa and
Mastercard accepted.
To order: 212-838-NCGR, execsec@ Order online at Checks payable
to NCGR Publications.
Deadlines for article submissions and
advertising copy:
December 15.
February 15.
April 15.
June 15.
August 15.
October 15.
Jan.-February issue
March-April issue
May-June issue
July-August issue
Sept.-October issue
Nov.-December issue
To submit an article, please query before
the deadline to Ronnie Dreyer, Editor, at
[email protected]. Please see
left for publications guidelines, and topics of interest.
Classified Ads. You can take out a classified ad of 30 words for $55.00.
To place an ad, please contact Arlene
Nimark to inquire about rates and reserve
space by the above deadlines: 718-3770482, [email protected].
All charts in this issue, except where otherwise noted, are constructed using Solar
Fire Gold and are used courtesy of Astrolabe, Inc. All charts in this issue, except
where otherwise noted, are constructed
using Solar Fire Gold and are used courtesy of Astrolabe, Inc.
• Lifetime Membership: $900/$1300 couples; Canada/Mexico: $1000/$1400
couples; Rest of world: $1100/$1500
To join or renew NCGR membership go to, or send check or
credit card information to Executive Secretary, Alvin Burns, [email protected].
o you want to write for NCGR? Our
bimonthly memberletter needs articles with a maximum of about 2500 words
that range from current events to interpreting the horoscope of a famous person to
illustrating a technique. All astrological
systems, techniques, and research results
are welcome, especially good chart profiles.
We invite all NCGR members to contribute
articles, and let us know which topics you
want to see covered in future issues. Please
query first before sending a full-length article. Short pieces, letters to the editor, and
interesting facts are also welcome. If you
are interested contact memberletter@ See left for submission
Leigh Westin, Publications Director, is
always looking for longer contributions
to the Geocosmic Journal that may be
too lengthy for memberletter. Articles can
tackle any astrological or related subject,
including chart analysis, techniques, research, or anything that suits a magazine
format. Contact us for submission guidelines at [email protected]. Remember, NCGR publications reach over
2000 astrologers. It’s a great way to get
exposure. To advertise in the Geocosmic
Journal, contact Arlene Nimark at 718377-0482, [email protected].