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Updated April 2008
Additional Testing
Cardiac Catheterization – Some patients may require cardiac catheterization to measure
pressure inside the heart and evaluate anatomy. In this test, a fine tube is passed from a
blood vessel (usually in the groin) to the heart using x-ray guidance.
Coronary Angiography – This x-ray of the coronary arteries can determine if they are
diseased. It is performed in conjunction with cardiac catheterization. (see above).
Electrophysiological Studies – A special form of catheterization, electrophysiological
studies, are performed to evaluate the risk of electrical instability. This test involves the
passage of fine wires from the veins in the groin, arm or shoulder to the heart under x-ray
guidance. The wires are used to apply electrical stimuli to record the response of the
electrical system of the heart. The role of EP testing has diminished in HCM in the past 10
years. EP testing is currently helpful in HCM when programming ICD’s at the time of
Exercise Test – The severity of the exercise limitation and the effect of therapy can be
assessed with a bicycle stress test or treadmill exercise test. It provides an objective
measurement of improvement, stability or deterioration over time.
Holter Monitor – A Holter monitor detects irregularity of the heart beat (otherwise known
as arrhythmia over a period of 24-48 hours.
Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) – An MRI produces detailed pictures of the
heart. It is well suited to assess the size and extent of left ventricular hypertrophy in HCM
and define the precise extent of wall thickening.
Stress Echo – An echocardiogram performed immediately following a stress/exercise test.
This is an excellent test to evaluate obstruction in HCM.