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Verb Wars
Episode #1:
A New Gerund
The Many Functions of Verbs
• Obviously we know that verbs can be used as
the main action of the sentence. That’s their
main purpose, but they can also serve other
• This trimester we’ll talk about three different
types of verbs and their uses for enhancing
– Gerunds
– Participles
– Infinitives
What is a Gerund?
• A gerund is a verb form that ends in –ing
• A gerund is a verb that is used as a noun
• How can I tell if a verb is being used as a gerund?
– If a verb is being used as a gerund, it will be either the
subject or object of the sentence, or it will be part of a
prepositional phrase (but NOT with “to”…just wait for
• Examples of gerunds:
– Cooking is her favorite hobby
– She has always loved singing.
– He won by practicing.
Let’s Practice
Stephanie enjoys knitting.
Answer: Knitting
Let’s Practice
Sleeping is my favorite
Answer: Sleeping
Let’s Practice
Typing is really easy.
Answer: typing
Let’s Practice
Sometimes exercising
reduces my stress level.
Answer: exercising
Let’s Practice
His favorite hobby is
Answer: Cooking
Let’s Practice
In the past, working took up
most people’s time during
six days of the week.
Answer: working
What is a Gerund Phrase?
• Gerund Phrases include the gerund and any
modifiers or complements the gerund has
(often a noun and its respective modifiers).
The whole phrase serves as a noun.
– Examples:
• Swimming at the pool is my favorite summer activity.
• She won by tripping the other runners.
• I couldn’t stop the incessant crying of the baby.
Let’s Practice
His favorite hobby is cooking
steak for the family.
Answer: Cooking steak for
the family.
Let’s Practice
Samantha got the job by
answering the questions well.
Answer: answering the
questions well
Let’s Practice
I didn’t want to ask about
taking the test.
Answer: taking the test
Let’s Practice
Passing the WordMasters
test was one of my biggest
Answer: Passing the
WordMasters test
Let’s Practice
Our greatest victory will be
winning the state
Answer: winning the state
Let’s Practice
The dogs are very focused
during their feeding.
Answer: their feeding
Let’s Practice
My writing is often
completed once I am
finished with my grading.
Answer: My writing AND my