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A fact sheet produced by the Mental Health Information Service
Anxiety is a natural reaction that everyone experiences - part of our fight or flight response - which helps us to
be alert for potentially dangerous or fearful situations such as crossing a busy road or approaching a big black
spider in the bathtub! However for some people anxiety prevents them from living their life in the way that they
would like. Problem anxiety can take various forms - panic attacks that occur out of the blue; incredible fear
about situations or objects that are not actually dangerous or usually scary; uncontrollable concerns and worry
about almost everything; or compulsive repetition of a ritual due to an idea that it will reduce anxiety i.e.
washing hands repeatedly to get rid of germs.
People who may have an anxiety disorder often experience common symptoms of fear and panic.
Fear vs. Anxiety - Anxiety has similar physical and emotional symptoms to fear. Fear, however, is always
based on, or triggered by something. A person with an anxiety disorder feels the fear but cannot
necessarily name the reason they feel anxious.
Panic attacks - During a panic attack, fear may be so intense that you feel like you will lose control, have a
heart attack, or “go crazy”. Panic attacks can occur with different anxiety disorders.
In addition to fear and panic a person with an anxiety disorder may experience symptoms including:
Feeling irritable or uneasy
Excessively worrying about things
Appearing to others as being “highly strung”
Difficulty relaxing, concentrating and sleeping
Developing elaborate plans to avoid certain places, situations or objects
Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations,muscle spasm, sweating, shortness of breath, headaches
and nausea, with no other cause
Some of the main types of anxiety disorders are:
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - marked by unrealistic and excessive worry accompanied by
constant and often unnecessary concern about anything or everything.
Phobias –including Social Phobia – fear of being judged negatively by other people; Agoraphobia – fear of
certain objects or places; Specific Phobia – intense fear of particular objects or situations.
Panic Disorder - extreme panic attacks including all of the physical symptoms of panic along with a fear
that the panic attack itself will lead to a total loss of control or even death.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Persistent and unwanted thoughts which constantly invade and
disrupt a person’s life. People may end up performing the same action or processes over and over in an
attempt to ease their anxiety about these thoughts.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – feelings of uncontrollable fear or flashbacks after a traumatic
experience resulting in a person feeling unable to function in their daily life.
Anxiety can be a result of an interaction of a number of factors including:
Environmental factors - some people become anxious when faced with certain situations, life events,
people or places. When these triggers are gone, the anxiety eases or disappears altogether.
Biological factors - an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that regulate feelings and physical reactions
can alter someone’s thoughts, emotions or behaviour, resulting in anxiety.
Genetic factors - It is still unclear whether Anxiety Disorders can be inherited but research shows that
anxiety disorders run in some families. They may take on a different form for each family member.
Personality - some personality types are more prone to anxiety. A person who often reacts in a very
emotional way and who is easily upset may experience anxious thoughts and behaviours.
Anxiety can be a big deal and you don’t have to work it out on your own. There are some very successful
treatments and strategies available for people with an anxiety disorder.These include:
Counselling and therapy, in particular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Self-help support groups and self-treatment programs
Alternative therapies
For more detailed information on what help is available please call the Mental Health Association’s Information
Service on 1800 674 200 or (02) 9816 5688.
To help relieve mild anxiety and assist in the long term management of feelings of anxiety:
Find out as much as you can about anxiety by accessing the resources and information listed below
See your local GP or have an assessment conducted by a mental health professional
If treatment is required, discuss your options with your health professional and decide on a program that is
right for you
Don’t let misconceptions about mental illness or the worry of anxiety stop you from seeking help.
Remember that everyone experiences feelings of anxiety - it can often be very calming to talk to a friend,
relative or counsellor so that these feelings don’t end up getting beyond your control.
Always look after your mind as well as your body by adopting a healthier lifestyle including regular exercise, a
healthy eating plan, regular sleeping patterns and learning to reduce your stress levels and relaxing. This is
different for everybody. You may watch TV or read a book, go for a walk, see a movie or have a bath, others
find slow breathing or remedial massage beneficial.
Please note, the use of alcohol, cannabis and other recreational drugs is discouraged for anyone suffering
Anxiety. Rather than assisting with long term recovery, these substances can cause a temporary worsening of
Contact the Mental Health Association’s Information Service on 1800 674 200 or (02) 9816 5688 or visit
Visit other mental health related websites focusing on anxiety and/or depression (you will find a number of
links to reputable sites from the Mental Health Association website)
There are a number of specialist anxiety clinics in major hospitals and universities as well as self-help
support programs, including those run by the Anxiety Disorders Alliance - for information on Triumph Over
Phobias groups call 1800 626 077 or (02) 9570 4126 or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder groups call 1800
626 055 or (02) 9570 4519.
For mental health information and assistance in a language other than English contact the Transcultural
Mental Health Centre on 1800 648 911 or (02) 9840 3800
Speak to your local doctor, community health centre or mental health team.
This publication is intended to provide general information only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care
in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. This information has been prepared by non-medically trained staff of the
Mental Health Association NSW Inc. All material is thoroughly reviewed by the Association’s Publications Committee which
includes medically trained and qualified professionals to ensure accuracy. This, and other fact sheets may be reproduced with an
acknowledgment to the Mental Health Association NSW Inc and are available for download from
Mental Health Information Service
Mental Health Association NSW Inc
60 – 62 Victoria Road
Gladesville NSW 2111
Phone: 02 9816 5688 or 1800 674 200 (outside Sydney metro)
Email: info@mental