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9th Grade World History
Mrs. Bailey
Unit 5: The Romans
“Surveys the history of Rome from its beginnings as a small city-state to the decline of its powerful empire.”
Chapter 13: Beginnings (1000 B.C. – 500 B.C.)
“The Latin settlement of Rome would one day become the center of an empire that still influences life today.”
Chapter 14: The Roman Republic (509 B.C. – 30 B.C.)
“Efforts to make the Roman Republic more democratic became the model for future generations.”
Chapter 15: The Roman Empire (27 B.C. – 410 A.D.)
“The policies of Octavian ensured a long peace and the enduring influence of Roman culture.”
Chapter 16: Christianity (1 B.C. – 1054 A.D.)
“Despite early resistance, Romans came to accept Christianity-a religion that started in Palestine among the Jews.”
Complete the following tasks:
1) Read chapter 13 to discover:
a. aspects of the founding of Rome.
b. the rise of the Etruscans, their daily life, and their religious beliefs.
c. Etruscan contributions to Roman civilization.
2) Read chapter 14 to discover:
a. the rise of Roman democracy and how the Roman government was
b. how the Roman Republic was able to expand.
c. how the effects of conquest changed the Roman economy and government.
d. efforts made to save the Roman Republic.
Read chapter 15 to discover:
a. how Augustus ruled the Roman Empire.
b. Roman contributions to trade and law during the Pax Romana.
c. daily life during the Pax Romana.
d. Efforts to save and causes for the fall of the Roman Empire.
4) Read chapter 16 to discover:
a. the origins of Christianity and how Jesus’ life and teachings formed the
basis of Christianity.
b. the difficulties Christianity faced in a hostile Roman society and trace the
spread of Christianity.
c. how the Roman Catholic church and early Christian church was organized.
d. the relationship between Christianity and Roman society before and after
the time of Constantine I.
5) Read and interpret three different quotes related to the Roman Empire.
6) Complete Chapter 13 Reading and Note Guide.
7) Complete Chapter 13 Web Activity – “Gladiator Games.”
8) Complete Chapter 14 Reading and Note Guide.
9) Complete Chapter 14 Web Activity – “Second Punic War.”
10) Complete Chapter 15 Reading and Note Guide.
11) Chapter 15 Web Activity - “Life in Roman Times”.
12) Complete Chapter 16 Reading and Note Guide.
13) Chapter 16 Web Activity - “The Christian Catacombs of Rome”.
14) View Presentation on Aqueduct Construction, weigh pros/cons, and write an
opinion paragraph detailing and supporting your position.
15) Complete Ancient Rome and Roman Heritage Search a Word puzzles.
16) Play Roman Jeopardy.
17) Review and compare Greeks and Romans by competing in a jeopardy game.
18) Test your knowledge and compete in the Gladiator Game – who will be the last
one standing?
19) Complete “Fall of Roman Empire” Note Guide from PP Presentation.
20) Watch “Great Commanders: Julius Caesar” and complete the viewing guide.
21) Roman Empire Map Exercise to learn about trade and growth of the empire.
22) Complete one of the following (a, b, c, or d ) challenge activities – 20 Points:
a. Unit 5: World Literature Reading 1 – “Metamorphoses: The Story of
i. Considered the highest achievement of the poet Ovid.
ii. Complete and submit the questions found on the sheet using well
constructed and reflective sentences.
b. Unit 5: World Literature Reading 2 – “Ode: Better to Live, Licinius”
i. Rome poet Horace writes about Lucius Licinius’s plot against Emperor
ii. Complete and submit the questions found on the sheet using well
constructed and reflective sentences.
c. Unit 5 Primary Source Reading 1 – “Life of Julius Caesar”
i. Plutarch, a Greek, writes about Julius Caesar and his time away from
Rome battling the Germans and Gauls.
ii. In complete sentences and well constructed sentences, answer the
questions provided with the reading.
d. Unit 5: Primary Source Reading 2 – “The Racehorse”
i. Virgil, a great Roman poet, discusses country life and training horses
for chariot races with war in the background.
ii. In complete sentences and well constructed sentences answer the 4
questions provided with the reading.