Download Beat The Winter Bugs With These Tips

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Beat The Winter Bugs With These Tips
Follow a healthy diet using the essential vitamins needed for boosting immunity and
general wellbeing. (can be found on “Beat the Flu” document under Nutrition on
Student Health page)
Eat foods in season
Your food plate should follow a rainbow effect with plenty of colourful fruits and
Spice up your life, cook with spices such as chilli, turmeric etc. to fool proof your
Adequate sleep is vital to maintaining strong healthy body.
Alcohol should only be consumed in moderation not binging.
Avoid smoking
Get active, whether you’re a fitness fanatic or prefer a sedentary lifestyle a brisk 20
minute walk is adequate for boosting endorphin levels to help fight infection, improve
mental health and sleep patterns.
Reduce unnecessary stress in your lifestyle.
Good hygiene, regular hand washing.