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Soc 101 – Exam 2 – Jeopardy Activity - Megan Whalen (2007)
Culture – Chapter 7
 100 - Traditions, ideas and values are core facets of what sociological concept?
 200 – What are the three types of social norms? (folkways, mores, and taboos)
 300 – What is the process by which cultural things are adopted across cultures?
(cultural diffusion)
 400 – Formal negative, informal negative, formal positive and informal positive are the
four types of what? (sanctions)
 500 – The educational system, government, family and law are all examples of what?
(Social institutions)
 600 – What sociologist published Folkways in 1906? (William Graham Sumner)
Social Structures – Chapter 8
 100 – What do sociologists call the position that a person occupies in the social
structure? (status)
 200 – What do sociologists call sum of the total expectations about the behavior
attached to a particular social status? (roles)
 300 – What is the difference between achieved and ascribed status? (achieved is earned,
ascribed is assigned)
 400 – When the demands of a particular role are such that individual is hard-pressed to
meet them all, sociologists refer to it as what? (roles strain)
 500 – What do we call some collectivity of people who happen to be in same place at
same time? (social aggregate)
 600 – Charles Cooley explained that this type of group, which includes the family, was
the main location of socialization. (primary groups)
Society and Social Institutions – Chapter 9
 100 - The totality of people and social relations in a given geographic space is called
what? (society)
 200 – The distinguishing characteristic of society in which no group qualifies as a
society unless it provides the resources to answer all of its members basic needs and
must have enough resources to meet its own survival needs is referred to as what? (selfsufficiency)
 300 - An accepted and persistent constellation of statuses, roles, values, and norms that
respond to important societal needs is called what? (social institution)
 400 – What do we call an action that is repeated frequently and becomes cast into a
pattern? (habitualized action)
 500 – The notion that a particular type of social institution (ie, particular type of
family) ought to be followed is called what? (ideal type)
 600 - A particular society’s institutions are interdependent; because of this, a change in
one institution tends to bring about change in others. We call this what?
(interdependency of institutions)
Socialization – Chapter 10
100 - The process by which people acquire cultural competency and through which
society perpetuates the fundamental nature of existing social structures is called?
200 – Cooleys idea that the social self arises through interaction with others is
called what? (the looking-glass self)
300 – Mead theorize that the social self is the product of the ongoing interaction
between these two internalized phases. (Me and I)
400 – Name three agents of socialization. (family, school, peer groups,
500 – In these places people are cut off from the rest of society and stripped of
their individuality. (total institutions)
600 – The goal of the total institution is to take away individual’s self and replace it
with one more in keeping with the needs of the institution. What is this process
called? (resocialization)
Lecture and Discussion
100 – The study of large-scale structures and processes is called what? (macrosociology)
200 – The chief site of gender socialization is what? (the family
300 - Statuses that a person occupies only for a limited time and act as a bridge to a
more permanent status as called what? (transitional status)
400 - Children who grow up isolated from other humans are called what? (feral
500 – The abbreviation SES stands for what? (socioeconomic status)
600 – What hypothesis states that thinking and perception are not only expressed by,
but also shaped through language? (whorf-sapir hypothesis)