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Kingdoms of Organisms
Most simple  Most complex
o Eubacteria / Archaebacteria  Protists  Fungi  Plants  Animals
Eubacteria = fresh-water borne bacteria
Archaebacteria = bacteria that can only survive in harsh conditions
o live without oxygen – very rare
Protists = microorganisms that mostly live in fresh water sources
o Some plankton species in salt water (diatoms)
Fungi = species of organisms that mainly grow and feed on decaying material in the
o Beginning to see groups of cells to make up tissue
o Example – mushrooms
Plants = species of organisms that can make their own food through photosynthesis
o Many clusters of cells in tissue
Animals = complex organisms that have many different layers of cells within tissue
Unicellular vs. Multicellular
Unicellular = organisms made up of one cell
o All bacteria and some Protist species
Multicellular = organisms made up of numerous (multiple) cells
o Some Protist, and all Fungi, Plant, and Animal species