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Background to the Renaissance
- The Plague and Catholic Schism end Middle Ages
-Giotto begins perspective in art
-Florence and other city-states gain power
-Use of currency and banking begins in Italy
-Hanseatic League begins trade across Europe
-New towns begin forming as “Free Towns”
-1453: Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire is an easy marker for the end of the Middle Ages
- The Printing Press:1456
-Johannes Gutenberg inventor
Spread of knowledge
Encouraged individual learning
People began to question
The Renaissance: Overview
* Beginning of the Modern World
5 Major Developments of the Renaissance
Thinking and questioning increases
-Humanism and Individualism
Development of Political Systems
-Creation of Nation-States
Artistic Methods drastically change
-Michaelangelo, Leonardo Vinci, Raphael and Donatello
Voyages of Discovery
-New World
Reformation of Religion
-Protestants and Civil Wars
*The Renaissance ends in 1527, with Sack of Rome: Charles V
The Renaissance in Florence
Florence is the beginning of the renaissance: Italy 1350-1575
-Money: banking, Medici Family
-Great Individuals
Leonardo da Vinci
Cosmo Medici:
Lorenzo Medici
The Renaissance in Rome
-Center of power
-Medicis move to Rome and so does their money
-A world stage to work upon
-A God to please
-Great Individuals
Julius II
Pope Leo X
Clement VII
Leo XI
Roman Renaissance Popes
1. Nicholas V: 1447-1455
-He began the rebuilding of Rome
2. Pius II: 1458-1464
-Stern and serious pope, did not fit in well w/ Renaissance
3. Paul II: 1464-1471
-Easy going and threw splendid pageants
4. Sixtus IV: 1471-1484
-Redesigned and rebuilt Rome, widened the streets, commissioned Sistine Chapel
5. Innocent VIII: 1484-1492
-Two illegitimate children, he chiefly had to deal with the threat from Naples
6. Alexander VI Rodrigo Borgia: 1492-1503
-Encouraged leaders of Florence to kill Savonarola
-12 new cardinals for the brides
-Total disregard for any spiritual importance of the papacy
-Had at least three illegitimate children with two mistresses
-Used the office to make money and help his son Cesar Borgia to gain power and influence
-Was very corrupt and pimped out his daughter to spread Papal power
-Made Papal System seem very bad
*Treaty of Tordesillas:
fought the Influence of France in Italy,
7. Julius II: 1503-1510 “The Warrior Pope”
-1508:he was able to conclude with French King Louis XII, the emperor
Maximillian and Ferdinand of Aragon, the League of CambraI against the Venetian Republic
Started the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica
Patron of Rapheal and Michaelangelo
9. Leo X: 1510-1521
-Fought the Turks at Turkey (Ottomans)
-Increased the sale of indulgences: payment in exchange for forgiveness of sins
-Excommunicated Martin Luther
-Skilled Diplomat
10. Machiavelli
-Wrote “The Prince,” to encourage Italians and their rulers to be more united and firm their attempts to
keep foreigners out. Hoped that Cesar Borgia or the Medici Family would unite Italy
-”The ends justifies the means.”
*Sacking of Rome: 1527
- Sacked by France and Spain troops
- Signaled the end of the Roman Renaissance
- 4,000 Romans were killed
Renaissance Music, Art and Literature
1. Music
-Polyphonic music begins in church
-Catholic music remains chant based
-Protestants develop hymns with 4 parts and words in vernacular
2. Instruments
3. Art
-Based on fear of death
-Destruction, sadness, horror
Bosch: The Garden of Earthly Delights
4. Literature
-Machiavelli: The Prince
-Castiglione: The Courtier
-Erasmus: In Praise of Folly
-Cervantes: Don Quixote
-Thomas More: Utopia
Rise of Nation-States: 1450-1500
*People with common cultures will form political systems to rule
-Feudal System had grown out of the tribal system of the Barbarians
-Feudal System built around decentralized local government
-No formal states (city, nation or empire) existed in 1400 in Europe
-The Point: between 1400 and 2004, Europe has changed form a decentralized group of many tiny
states which are currently banding together in the European Union
-Growing Bureaucratization: more and more order needed to have a centralized state
-Existence of a permanent Mercenary Army: due to the larger wars, people wanted armies
-Kings needed armies if they wanted to keep power
-Growing need to tax: in order to pay for the armies and the wars, monarchy needed taxes
-State of arguments for Representative government (Pope’s Council, Parliament in England,
Estates General in France, 7 electors in HRE and not really one yet in Spain)
-King wins this battle, but England results
-Stable government=possibility for economic, social and political growth rather than constant
international war
-Increased competition between states rather than within the states
-Confusion and chaos during 14th and 15th centuries: too much for Feudal lords
-Rise of the Middle Class: meant that the Feudal lords were out-powered
-War: creating a single king over a state
Idea of Political States Begin
-Tools of diplomacy: embassies
-Centralization: a centralized government brings stability, builds business, houses and educational
SPAIN=first nation-state: 1469
-Ferdinand of Aragon (south) married Isabella of Castille (north) and led the groundwork for Spanish
Unification as a nation-state
*Major parts of Ferdinand and Isabella’s Reign: 1474-1516
-Unification of Spain into a nation-state
-The discovery of the Americas: Christopher Colombus in 1492
-The Reconquista in 1492: The Expulsion of the Muslims and Jews from Spain
-An international policy of marriage alliances to consolidate Spanish power, the Spanish monarchy had a
foreign policy influenced by the creation of a permanent state and used embassies and diplomats
-The Start of the Spanish Inquisition, got Jews and Muslims out of Spain
Joanna the Mad: 1504-1506
-Ferdinand’s mother; result of intermarriage and cast spells
Charles I of Spain (V of HRE, Carlos)
-Son of Joanna the Mad
-Holy Roman Emperor
-Catholic and loves people
-King from 1500-1556
-Abdicated his thrown
Holy Roman Empire
England unites in 1485
-100 Years War ended in 1453, started War of the Roses
-Henry Tudor won and united England
-Consists of almost 300 semi-sovereign part, over which an emperor, who was elected by a group
of seven German Princes, ruled with little authority
Henry VII: 1485-1509
-During the War of the Roses: York and Lancaster houses fought over who would dominate monarchy
-First king of a united England
Louis XI: 1461 “The Spider King”
-Restored unity and stability to France after the ravages of the 100 Years War
-In his efforts to curd the powers of the great French nobles, Louis XI relied on the support of the
lower nobility and the middle class
-During most of his despotic reign, Louis relentlessly consolidated the royal power, employing
bribery, diplomacy, intrigue, treachery and occasionally; war
-By consolidating his power, he laid the foundation for the absolute monarchy in France and by
promoting industry and commerce, he increased the country’s wealth
Ivan III: 1462-1505 “Czar”
-Over ruled by Mongols and Tartars
-Along with Grand Duke of Moscow, refused to pay tribute in 1455 and Russia united behind him
-Very Barbaric compared to Western Europe
The Age of Exploration: 1400-1770
*Spain and Portugal lead exploration
-Exploration motives: god, glory, gold
1. Prince Henry the Navigator
-established school in Portugal
2. Bartholmew Diaz
-Reached “The Cape of Good Hope,” and then returned to Portugal
3. Vasco de Gama
-Sailed to India, got spices, got cash
4. Christopher Colombus
-Reached America in 1492, thinking it was Asia (India)
-He greatly miscalculated the circumference of the earth (by 7,000 miles!)
-His voyage connected the “new” world with the “old” world for the first time in the modern era
-This resulted in a phenomenal “Colombian Exchange” of products, ideas and diseases
5. Ferdinand Magellan: 1519-Spain
-To figure out how big the earth is and where India is
-Philippine locals killed him and possibly ate him
-Given credit for sailing around the world, even though he did not actually complete his journey:
-“conquering Christians,” who in the 1500s ruthlessly conquered Native American’s in the name
of Christianity for the benefit of the Spanish Empire
6. Cortez: Spain
-Conquered the Aztecs with 600 men against several thousands of men
7. Francisco Pizzaro: Spain
-Conquered the Incas of Peru, took their gold and killed their ruler
-Made massive contribution to Spain
8. Vasco Nunez de Balboa
-Crossed the Isthmus of Panama and was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
9. Ponce de Leon
-Explored Florida and made claims for Spain in North America: Fountain of Youth
10. Hernando de Soto: Spain
-Discovered the Mississippi River