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Report to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transportation
Report submitted by: Executive Director of Environment
Part I- Item No. 3
Electoral Division affected:
Accrington West
East Lancashire Community Rail Partnership
Accrington Bus and Rail Interchange
(Appendix ‘A’ refers)
Contact for further information:
Richard Watts, 01772 534582, Environment Directorate
[email protected]
Executive Summary
The report details the progress that has been made with the development of the rail
station improvements as part of the proposed Accrington Bus and Rail Interchange.
The report outlines proposals for an innovative new station building and learning
centre using the most sustainable building and operating techniques available.
Artist’s impressions of the new station building are attached at Appendix ‘A’.
Approval is sought for a further contribution of £180,000 towards the project in order
to complete the design work, undertake the enabling and site preparation works and
complete the funding package to the European Union for an Interreg grant.
That approval be given to a make a further contribution of £180,000 towards the
project in order to complete the design work, undertake the enabling and site
preparation works and complete the funding package to the European Union for an
Interreg grant, to be met from the allocation in the 2008/09 Transport Capital
programme for Public Transport Rail Schemes.
The development of a new bus and rail interchange at Accrington has been identified
as a key public transport scheme in the Local Transport Plan and work is underway
to develop a new bus station to serve the town. At the same time the project is also
looking at how the railway station can be improved through better links to the town
and to the proposed new bus interchange.
A key feature of the station project is the construction of a new station building and
learning centre on the land acquired by the County Council from the British Rail
-2Board (Residuary) Limited. In order to progress the design of the new station
approval was given on 2 May 2007 by the Cabinet Member for Sustainable
Development to commission design work. This work is on-going and the following
details the current scope of the project of which the key features are as follows:
To develop a new ‘Eco Station’ building on the Eagle Street site to
demonstrate the application of sustainable building and operating techniques
in a high profile public environment. This will include the use of recycled
materials, renewable energy technology, sustainable utility provision, passive
heat and lighting technologies. The design is based on the principles set out
in the ‘Eco Stations’ report jointly produced by the County Council and
Northern Rail and published last year.
The station will have a new 40 space car park including disabled and parent
friendly spaces; cycle parking comprising 10 secure lockers and 10 hoops;
improved links to the town centre and local bus services; drop off and pick up
point for taxis; improved passenger security through longer opening hours for
the booking office and provision of additional CCTV cameras and links to the
new supermarket development proposed for the site adjacent to the new
The existing station building will be demolished and the site opened up to
provide better access onto the Colne platform and to improve natural
surveillance and security.
The new station building will use the following sustainable techniques for the
construction and operation of the building:
Power: it is estimated that up to 10% of the power requirement of the
building can be provided through the provision of a suitably located wind
turbine. The additional power requirement will be provided by a green
Hot water: all the hot water required in the building will be provided by a
solar water heater;
Rainwater harvesting will be used to provide water for the toilets with the
water tank located under the building;
Through the design, insulation, and use of materials it is expected to
maintain an even temperature in the building throughout the year and
eliminate the need for artificial cooling in summer or excessive heating in
the winter. The target is to significantly reduce C02 emissions over the
lifetime of the building;
All timber will be sourced from supplies accredited by the FSC (Forest
Stewardship Council) or equivalent;
A south facing glazed façade for greater natural light penetration with
sufficient overhang on the roof to reduce the possibility of the building
Use of recycled material for the roof, external paving, pavers, kerbs and
the floor slab;
Use of low energy light fittings throughout the building.
Through the design ensure that the building is future proofed to cope with
the effects of climate change such as rising temperatures and heavy
The building is being assessed through the Building Research
Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) and it is
hoped to achieve an outstanding rating. BREEAM is the world’s longest
standing and most widely used environmental assessment method for
buildings. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable development
and demonstrates a level of achievement.
A community learning facility will be provided in the basement of the building
and will be accessed separately from the booking office. This will form a base
for the educational use of the building by schools and colleges and will be
operated initially by the East Lancashire Community Rail Partnership. In
addition, through the Interreg application it is proposed to establish a web
based network to allow on site research and to share good practice across
member states in the European Union.
The project is committed to the introduction of public art at various locations
around the site. These will be determined as details of the adjacent
supermarket development become known, links with local schools are
developed and once the detailed design work is completed.
The platform facilities will be improved with new Macemain 5 bay anti-vandal
shelters including perch seating; new platform seats; new fencing; CCTV;
improved signage; upgrading of the ramp to the Colne platform; the
refurbishment of the footbridge and demolition of the existing booking
office/waiting room and the landscaping of this area
In order to complete the design work and to secure the approvals required from
Network Rail, it is proposed that an allocation of £50,000 is made out of the
allocation for rail schemes in the Transport Capital programme 2008/09.
Planning permission
Planning permission for the project was obtained on the 4 July 2007. However, one
of the conditions required that “The scheme and programme shall provide for the
lighting to the car park to be powered from renewable energy generated on the
proposed site”. To achieve this requirement would require a minimum of two large
wind turbines and it was felt by the Project Team that these would be inappropriate
in an urban environment and on a site adjacent to a conservation area. In
consultation with the County Council’s Planning Team an alternative strategy was
discussed and this has formed the basis of a revised planning application and the
determination of this revised application is expected on the 22 May 2008.
The current programme for the project would see works starting on site during the
autumn subject to the funding package and all approvals being in place.
Discussions are currently taking place with the design team to see how best to
programme the works and this will form the basis of a future report.
The capital cost of the works described above is estimated to be £2,000,000
including the enabling works, further design work and fees. To meet this cost a
number of contributions are being discussed as follows:
Network Rail
Network Rail is considering a contribution of £350,000 towards the project from the
National Stations Improvement Programme (NSIP). The NSIP funding should only
be available from April 2009 but the Department for Transport (DfT) wants to
progress some ‘quick wins’ and as this project is now well advanced, wants to use it
as a national demonstration of what can be achieved through NSIP.
Access for All
The DfT has awarded the County Council a grant of £150,000 towards this project
out of its Access for All Small Schemes programme. This is in recognition of the
significant improvements being made for mobility impaired and disabled passengers
through the project including the new booking office, Disability Discrimination Act
compliant toilet, improved information systems and automatic doors.
Planning contribution through a Section 106 Agreement
Discussions are taking place with Hyndburn Borough Council over the development
of the adjacent site for a new supermarket. Provisionally the Borough Council is
supportive of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning
Act as a contribution from this development towards the new station but no sum has
been formally agreed to date.
European Union
The European Union recently launched the Interreg IV programme. This covers a
range of initiatives including innovation, the knowledge economy and environmental
issues and has a close fit with the Accrington station project. The programme runs to
2013 and a bid is being developed that if successful would provide up to £1m
towards the capital and revenue costs of the project. The lead city for this bid is
Utrecht with the other partners being Lille and Stuttgart. It is expected that the bid
will be submitted in late August/early September with the outcome known by
In total the above contributions could amount to £1.5m leaving a funding gap of
about £500,000. Part of this would be met by the allocation of £180,000 proposed
from the Transport Capital programme detailed in this report and discussions are ongoing with other potential funders and Hyndburn Borough Council over a Section 106
Next steps
Significant progress has been made with the project and it is anticipated that
Planning Permission and Network Rail technical approval will be obtained by June.
If this is achieved then it will be possible for the works to be tendered and on site
during October/November subject to the outcome of the Interreg application which is
expected to be known by October.
However, in order to prepare the site there are two packages of enabling works that
are required as follows:
Car park: as referred to above the land acquired by the County Council is currently
leased by Hyndburn Borough Council who use it as a car park. The Borough
Council has given notice to end its tenancy and this will conclude on 15th June 2008.
From that date it is proposed that the car park site will be secured so that enabling
work for the station project can take place prior to the main works commencing in the
autumn. A small package of works is being developed to secure the car park site
and is estimated to cost £10,000.
Site preparation works: In order to prepare the site for the main works some
enabling and preparation works are required. In particular, an ecological survey of
the site has revealed the presence of infestations of Japanese Knotweed. In order
for the building works to take place it is necessary to remove these infestations in a
controlled manner and to the standards required by the Environment Agency as laid
down in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Duty of Care) Regulations. This is
now the ideal time to undertake the removal of this weed prior to the main growing
season and any works on site which might stimulate its spreading to new locations
which is contrary to the Wildlife and Countryside act (1981). The cost of these works
is estimated to be £120,000.
Discussions are currently taking place with Northern Rail on the way in which the
new station will be managed and operated and a future report will set out these
proposals in more detail. In addition, the report will also detail the developments
regarding the funding package and proposed programme for the main works.
Consultations have taken place with the East Lancashire Community Rail
Partnership, Hyndburn Borough Council, Network Rail and Northern Rail.
As per the recommendation for the reasons set out in the report now presented.
Alternative options to be considered
Implications: e.g. Financial, Legal, Personnel, Human Rights, Crime and Disorder
or Other
This item has the following implications, as indicated:
That an allocation of £180,000 could be made from the allocation for Rail Schemes
in the Transport Capital programme for the 2008/09 financial year.
Any representations made to the Cabinet Member prior to the issue being
considered in accordance with the Public Notice of Forward Plans
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985
List of Background Papers
Reports to Cabinet Member
for Highways and
3 November 2003
and 2 March 2004
Jane Carrigan/
Reports to Cabinet Member
for Sustainable Development
8 February 2007 and
2 May 2007
‘Eco Stations’
21 February, 2007
Presentation to Cabinet
19 November, 2007
Committee on Climate Change
Reason for inclusion in Part II, if appropriate
Richard Watts/
Decision Taken: Declarations
Cabinet Member for Environment and Transportation
East Lancashire Community Rail Partnership
Accrington Bus and Rail Interchange
This item has been cleared by the: County Secretary and Solicitor
: Finance Group
Original recommendation, as set out in the report, approved without
Original recommendation amended and decision as follows:
I have a personal/prejudicial interest in this matter.
If an interest is declared please give details below:
Matthew Tomlinson
Cabinet Member for Environment and
12 May 2008
Chief Officer
I certify that this is an appropriate and
accurate record within the terms of
Standing Order 62(3) and (5) of the
Graham Harding
decision taken by the Cabinet
Executive Director of Environment
12 May 2008
*Delete as appropriate