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The Integumentary System
1. Label the diagram in the spaces provided.
A.______________________________ G. _________________________________
B.______________________________ H. _________________________________
C.______________________________ I. _________________________________
D.______________________________ J. _________________________________
E.______________________________ K. _________________________________
2. Describe the types of glands in the skin.
3. What are the seven functions of the skin?
4. Name three substances found in perspiration.
5. What are the three abnormal colors used to describe the skin and what
might be the cause of each type?
6. Describe six eruptions that occur in the skin and one cause of each type.
7. What happens in the skin when blood vessels dilate, and how does this
regulate temperature?
8. What happens when blood vessels in the skin constrict, and how does this
regulate temperature?
9. Describe eight diseases of the skin including the cause and treatment for
each disease.
10. Define the parts of a hair and the purpose of hair.
11. Describe what nails are made of and what may happen if the nailbed is
Worksheet The Integumentary System Answer Key
Label the diagram in the spaces provided.
A. Hair Shaft
M. Sweat Pore
B. Epidermis
L. Nerve
C. Dermis
K. Hair follicle
J. Sweat gland
D. Subcutaneous
I. Papilla of hair
E. Sebaceous (oil) Gland
H. Artery
G. Vein
F. Arrector pili muscle
A.___ Hair Shaft ___________________ G. ______ Vein ______________________
B.___ Epidermis ___________________ H. _____ Artery _____________________
C.___ Dermis _____________________ I. _____ Papilla of hair ________________
D.___ Subcutaneous ________________ J. _____ Sweat gland___________________
E.___ Sebaceous (oil) Gland __________ K. ____ Hair follicle __________________
F.__ _ Arrector pili muscle ____________L._____ Nerve ______________________
M. _____. Sweat Pore_____________________
12. Describe the types of glands in the skin.
Sudoriferous gland- (Sweat gland)- coiled tubes that extend through the dermis
and open on the surface of the skin at pores.
Sebaceous gland ( Oil gland)- usually open into hair follicles; they produce
sebum, an oil that keeps the skin and hair from becoming dry and brittle
13. What are the seven functions of the skin?
a. Protection-serves as a barrier to the sun’s ultraviolet rays and the
invasion of pathogens; also holds in moisture and prevents deep
tissues from drying out.
b. Sensory Perception- nerves in the skin help the body respond to
pain pressure, temperature, and touch sensations.
c. Body temperature regulation- blood vessels in the skin help the body
retain or lose heat.
d. Storage- the skin as tissues for temporary storage of fat, gluces,
water, vitamins, and salts.
e. Absorption- certain substances can be absorbed through the skin
but this is limited
f. Excretion- the skin helps the body eliminate salt , waste, and excess
water through perspiration
g. Production- the skin produces vitamin D by combining ultraviolet
rays from the sun with skin compounds
14. Name three substances found in perspiration.
Water, salts, and some body wastes
15. What are the three abnormal colors used to describe the skin, and what
might be the cause of each type?
Erythema- reddish color, can be caused by burns or a congestion of blood in the
Jaundice- yellowish color; can indicate bile in the blood as a result of lover or
gallbladder disease and disease that involves destruction of red blood cells
Cyanosis- bluish color of the skin caused by insufficient oxygen; can be
associated with heart, lungs, or circulatory diseases
16. Describe six eruptions that occur in the skin and one cause of each type.
a. Macules (macular rash)- flat spots on the skin such as freckles
b. Papules (popular rash)- firm raised areas such as pimples and some
stages of chicken pox and syphilis
c. Vesicles (blisters)- fluid-filled sacs as in chicken pox
d. Pustules- pus-filled sacs such as those seen on acne or pimples
e. Crusts- areas of dried pus and blood, commonly called “scabs”
f. Wheals- itchy elevated area with irregular shape such as hives or
insect bites
17. What happens in the skin when blood vessels dilate, and how does this
regulate temperature?
When blood vessels dilate (get larger) excess heat from the blood can escape
from the skin and temperature is reduced.
18. What happens when blood vessels in the skin constrict and how does this
regulate temperature?
When blood vessels constrict (get smaller), the heat is retained in the body and
temperature is increased.
19. Describe eight diseases of the skin including the cause and treatment for
each disease.
a. Acne vulgaris- inflammation of the sebaceous glands; underlying
causes include increased secretion of sebum due to hormonal
changes in adolescence; symptoms include papules, pustules, and
blackheads; treatment includes frequent, thorough cleansing of the
skin, avoiding creams and heavy makeup, antibiotic or vitamin A
ointment, oral antibiotics, and/or ultraviolet light treatment
b. Athlete’s foot- a contagious fungus infection; symptoms include
itching, blisters and cracks into open sores; treatment includes
antifungal medication and keeping the area clean and dry
c. Cancer of the skin- different forms include basal cell, squamous cell
and malignant melanoma; frequently develops from a mole or nevus
that changes in color, shape size, or texture; exposre to the sun,
irritating chemicals or radiation are the usual causes; bleeding or
itching of a mole can indicate cancer; treatment includes surgical
removal of the cancer
d. Dermatitis- iinflammation of the skin can be caused by many factors
and frequently an allergic reaction to detergents, cosmetics, pollen,
or certain foods; contact dermatitis is caused by contact with poison
ivy, poison sumac, or poison oak; symptoms include dry skin,
erythema, itching, edema, macular-papular rash, and scaling;
treatment includes eliminating the cause, also anti-inflammatory
ointments, antihistamines, and/or steroids
e. Eczema- a noncontagious inflammatory skin disorder caused by an
allergen or irritant; diet, cosmetics, soap medications, emotional
stress can cause eczema; symptoms include erythema, edema,
itching, vessels, crusts, and scaling; treatment includes removing
the irritant and corticosteroids to reduce the inflammatory response
f. Impetigo- highly contagious infection usually caused by streptococci
or staphylococci organisms; symptoms include erythema, oozing
vesicles, pustules, and the formation of yellow crusts; treatment
includes washing the lesions with soap and water and kept dry;
antibiotics both topical and oral are used
g. Psoriasis- chromic, non-contagious inherited skin disorder;
symptoms include thick, red areas covered with white or silver
scales; treatment includes coal/tar or cortisone ointments, ultraviolet
light, and/or scale removal; no cure
h. Verrucae- or warts, caused by a viral infection; symptoms include
rough, hard, elevated, rounded surface froms on the skin; some
warts disappear spontaneously but others must be removed with
electricity, liquid nitrogen, acid, or chemicals
20. Define the parts of a hair and the purpose of hair.
Each hair consists of a root that grows in a hollow tube called a follicle and a hair
shaft; Hair helps protect the body
21. Describe what nails are made of and what may happen if the nailbed is
Nails are made of dead epithelial cells packed closely together to form a thick,
dense surface; if the nailbed is damaged nails cannot be replaced