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Introduction to Veterinary Science
Lesson Eight
(75 points)
Completion: Choose the word of phrase that best completes each statement. A word
or phase may be used once, more than once, or not at all (10 points-1 point each)
Estrogen, testosterone
Peptide and protein hormones
Plasma cells
Dr. Edward Jenner
Alexander Fleming
antigenic determinant
1. The pituitary gland is often called the ___________gland.
2. The release of follicle-stimulating hormone is controlled by the
3. The only gland in the body that can be palpated is the______________.
4. The site of recognition on an antigen is called a(n) ______________.
5. The gland that controls body temperature is the _____________.
6. The person credited with the first vaccination is _______________.
7. The largest and most complex hormones are ________________.
8. Cells that eat, destroy and kill antigens are referred to as ________________.
9. When the immune system overreacts to a stimulus, it is referred to as
10. B-cells which produce antibodies are called______________.
True or False (10 points-1 point each)
_____1. The thyroid gland is often located in the neck of an animal.
_____2. Hypoglycemia is a result of an overdose in insulin.
_____3. The spleen is not essential for an animal to live.
_____4. A fever does nothing more than make an animal feel poorly.
_____5. The secondary response is always faster and more effective than the primary
_____6. Passive immunity provides permanent immunity to the animal.
_____7. Pheromones communicate between separate individuals rather than within.
_____8. The skin is the first line of defense against disease.
_____9. Memory cells live forever.
_____10. If an invader is stopped by the innate system, no disease will occur.
Multiple Choice: For each of the following questions, decide which choice best
completes the statement (10 points-1 point each)
_____1. An infection within the mammary system is referred to as ______?
a. dermatitis
b. mastitis
c. encephalitis
d. teatitis
_____2. The hormone that stimulates milk production is __________?
a. prolactin
b. follicle stimulating hormone
c. estrogen
d. antidiuretic hormone
_____3. Rickets is a disease that results in a deficiency from calcium. Which vitamin is
crucial to calcium absorption in the intestine?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
_____4. A condition in which there is an increase in capillary permeability causing more
fluid to enter muscle tissue is_______?
a. edema
b. tetanus
c. stocking up
d. colostrum
_____5. The human disease that is closely associated with cowpox is_______?
a. chicken pox
b. malaria
c. small pox
d. scarlet fever
_____6. The site of recognition on an antigen is called a(n)______?
a. antigenic determinant
b. genetic determination point
c. phagocyte
d. determinant locale
_____7. The vital sign that Renin helps regulate is ________?
a. cholesterol
b. weight
c. blood pressure
d. pulse rate
_____8. The measure of the antibody level in the bloodstream is called_________?
a. seroconversion
b. titer
c. The ELISA test
d. anaphylaxis
_____9. The typical life span of plasma cells is__________?
a. 1-3 hours
b. 4-5 days
c. 6-8 weeks
d. 9+ years
_____10. The purpose of a booster shot given to an animal is to ______?
a. activate the secondary response
b. activate the primary response
c. keep the immune system from deteriorating
d. increase the animal’s body temperature to kill antigens.
Definitions: Provide a complete definition for each term below. (10 points)
1. antigen-
2. humoral immunity-
3. primary response-
4. secondary response-
5. modified live vaccines-
6. killed vaccines-
7. innate immune system-
8. adaptive immune system-
9. memory cells-
10. autoimmunity-
Short Answer. (10 points)
1. List the three anterior lobe hormones their actions in the animal’s body. (3
2. List two side effects of diabetes. (2 points)
3. Summarize how Vitamin D is metabolized. (3 points)
4. What is the difference between B and T cells. (2 points)
Essay: Answer each of the following essay questions in at least ONE complete
paragraph. (20 points-5 points each)
1. Explain hoe B-cells and T-cells are “educated” to fight antigens.
2. Distinguish between lipid soluble and lipid insoluble hormones.
3. Compare and contrast passive and active immunity.
4. Describe how vaccines protect an animal from a disease.
Practical Application (5 points)
Farmer Watkins calls because his cows have been aborting. You elect to take blood
samples on the cow that most recently aborted and another heardmate that was also
pregnant but did not lose her calf. You follow up with another blood sample three
weeks later. Titers are evaluated on several of the diseases that commonly cause
abortions in cattle. The results are shown as follows:
Cow #416 (aborted 9/16)
Cow #184
Farmer Watkins calls your office and asks if you found anything on those blood samples.
Can you make a diagnosis?
1. Did either cow serocovert to any pathogen? If yes, what organism? (2 points)
3. If there were any changes in titers, what degree of change was there? (1 point)
4. If there was a seroconversion, was the infection very recent or had it occurred
much before the time of the abortion? Explain. (2 points)