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Live Blood Analysis
Your blood is an expression of your entire body’s health
Your blood is your river of life. It transports oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving
life giving agents to all the cells of your
body. It also removes cellular waste from your cells to the liver or kidneys for elimination from the body.
Unhealthy blood can resemble a swamp due to poor diet, chemicals, and emotional stressors. Harmful
bacteria and microorganisms can feed off these toxins, increasing your risk for disease.
What is Live Blood Analysis?
Live blood analysis (LBA) is the analysis of living blood under a powerful m
microscope connected to a camera,
enabling us to see your blood exactly as it behaves inside your body, giving a clear picture of your health at a
llular level, a superior form of detectio
detection over traditional blood tests.
As disease & stress first appear in blood, before manifesting in the body, LBA also serves as a pre
system to test for potential of disease and allow the quick administration of therapeutics to prevent the
advancement of those ailments.
Upon viewing an LBA, one will visualize aand
nd better appreciate the myriad of activities that occur within you
allowing for a clear understanding of the treatment & benefits. This will enable better decision making in the
investment of health products or dietary intake for example,
examp along with a quicker enhancement of health
through conscious understanding.
Who Should Go for LBA
LBA is for anyone who cares about their health, be they healthy or unwell, and is suitable for any age, even
children. The advantage of this test over standard blood tests is that it may even detect a problem in its
infancy stages. While conventional lab tests kill the blood when it is prepared, thereby missing what is present
in live blood, live blood testing provides the analysis in real-time
Who does the testing?
Live blood analysis can only be performed by one highly trained and certified in the field of Medical Laboratory
Science with extensive experience working with this technology and patients.
How does it work?
The test is carried out by obtaining a drop of blood from a finger tip using a sterile lancet. The blood is placed
on a microscope slide, covered with a cover-slip to prevent drying, and immediately observed under the
microscope. The microscope used is of ‘Darkfield’ technology which allows an almost three dimensional look at
the blood. The blood is magnified up to 1000 times. A video camera is hooked up to the microscope so that
you may watch the entire procedure on a monitor.
One is able to see the activity of your blood on the screen, the red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and
what is floating in the plasma, like bacteria, yeast, crystals, plaque, and more. The blood is observed for 30
minutes. Once the blood leaves your body it begins to die. How quickly the morphological changes happen can
also serve as an indicator of your present health condition.
What can be detected?
Adrenal Exhaustion
Arterial Sclerosis
Candida (yeast) infections
Clotting dysfunction
Digestive problems - leaky gut syndrome
Immune System Function
Liver Stress, Toxicity
Nutritional Deficiencies
White blood cell increase/decrease
Over 80 more heath conditions
What can LBA Show Me?
The condition, shape, and health of your red blood cells
The condition, vitality, quantity, and behaviour of your white blood cells
Free radical damage
Acid/alkaline imbalances, blood sugar imbalances and possible disturbances
Tendency to sluggish lympathics
Atherosclerotic plaque
Clotting disorders
Bacteria, parasites, Candida/yeast /fungi
Undigested proteins and fats
Hormonal imbalances including thyroid
Vitamin and iron deficiencies
Uric acid crystals and other crystals
Poor circulation, poor oxygenation
Stressed liver
Presence of allergies and infections
Who benefits from Live Blood Analysis?
Anyone who would like to change their health to the better. Whether you are already ill or you would like
to prevent disease or feel your best, a LBA will help you. Here is a list of conditions that could benefit from
• Adrenal exhaustion
• Allergies
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Congestion
• Depression & Anxiety
• Diabetes & Hypoglycemia
• Digestive disorders
• Fatigue, anemia & low energy
• Gout
• Headaches, Migraines & dizziness
• High blood pressure
• High Cholesterol
• Infections
• Inflammatory conditions
• Skin & hair problems
• Weight problems
Preparation for Live Blood Analysis
Fast - do not eat any food or drinks for at least 6 hours prior to your appointment.
No alcohol for 48 hours before appointment.
Drink 3-6 glasses of water before your test. Adding fresh lemon to the water is beneficial.
No juice, tea, coffee, alcohol, or pop. ONLY WATER
Your health is entirely your responsibility. You are what you eat, drink and think. This simple blood test is one
important part of helping you to help yourself change your health for the better.