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Non-classical Light from Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots
("artificial atoms")
Dr. Dan V. Regelman
Ph.D research supervised by:
Professor David Gershoni,
Physics Department, Technion.
During the last few years the study of quantum optics in semiconductors has become
an emerging field of fundamental research. This interest is mainly triggered by the
development of high-quality quantum dot structures. These quantum dots combine
atom-like properties such as a discrete energy spectrum and spectrally sharp optical
transitions with the enormous advantage that they can be naturally embedded in solidstate systems. Moreover, they possess rich possibilities for generating non-classical
light with tunable photon statistics. These properties make them very attractive for
novel device applications in the fields of quantum cryptography, quantum
teleportation and quantum computation. Consequently, increasing effort is being
devoted towards an understanding of the quantum optical properties of these systems.
The goal of this talk is to give a short introduction to this new and fascinating research
topic and to describe the contributions that we have made to it during my graduate
studies. I will describe our experiments in which we generate non-classical light using
semiconductor quantum dots. The light produced contains single photons with strong
intensity and polarization correlations between them. Entanglement between the
polarization states of single photons and its demonstration, will be discussed.