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Question # 1 Chemical and structural bridges link groups or layers of similar cells, uniting them in structure and
function as
A) organs.
B) organ systems.
C) tissues.
D) cuticles.
Question # 2 Different tissues integrated and functioning with a common purpose defines a
A) organisms.
B) organ systems.
C) subtissues.
D) organs
Question # 3 Which of the following is NOT one of the basic types of tissues in the human body?
A) connective
B) ectoderm
C) nervous
D) epithelial
E) muscle
Question # 4 Stomach, spleen, liver, and pancreas are examples of
A) organ systems.
B) tissues.
C) organs.
D) cells.
Question # 5 Circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and excretory are all examples of
A) systems.
B) organs.
C) tissues.
D) cells.
Part 2:
Question # 1 The tissue that lines internal surfaces of the body is
A) epithelial.
B) loose connective.
C) supportive connective.
D) fibrous.
E) adipose.
Question # 2 Epithelial cells are specialized for all the following functions EXCEPT
A) secretion.
B) protection.
C) filtration.
D) contraction.
E) absorption.
Question # 3 Tears, milk, sweat, and oil are secreted by glands made of what tissue?
A) epithelial
B) loose connective
C) lymphoid
D) nervous
E) adipose
Question # 4 What type of tissue is characterized by adherence to a basement membrane on one side and a free
surface on the opposite?
A) connective
B) muscle
C) nervous
D) epithelial
E) adipose
Question # 5 The principal difference between simple and stratified epithelium is in the number of
A) cell layers.
B) total cells.
C) nuclei per cell.
D) free surfaces.
E) microvilli.
Question # 6 What type of epithelium would you expect to find where there is considerable secretion of enzymes
such as the small intestine?
A) cuboidal
B) squamous
C) columnar
D) pseudostratified
E) basement
Question # 7 Which of the following statements concerning exocrine glands in NOT accurate?
A) Products may be secreted onto a free surface.
B) Secretions reach their destination by way of tubes and ducts.
C) Hormones are one of the secretions of exocrines.
D) The can be classified as simple or compound.
E) Apocrine is a type of exocrine gland.
Question # 8 Sebaceous glands
A) secrete oil.
B) are holocrine.
C) release entire cells with the secretion.
D) are exocrine glands.
E) all of the above.
Question # 9 Exocrine glands secrete
A) enzymes.
B) sweat.
C) milk.
D) saliva.
E) all of the above
Question # 10 Which epithelial cell is modified for diffusion?
A) cuboidal
B) simple squamous
C) simple columnar
D) stratified squamous
E) stratified columnar
Question # 11 The type of epithelial cell found in the lining of the stomach, intestinal tract, and part of the respiratory
tract is
A) simple cuboidal.
B) simple squamous.
C) simple columnar.
D) stratified.
E) stratified columnar.
Question # 12 Membranes that do NOT contain gland cells are termed
A) mucous.
B) dense, regular.
C) desmosomes.
D) apocrine.
E) serous.
Question # 13 Membranes that line the tubes and cavities of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems are
A) mucous.
B) dense, regular.
C) desmosomes.
D) apocrine.
E) serous.
Part 3:
Question # 1 (Multiple Choice) What type of junction would be found in an organ such as the stomach which is
subjected to considerable stretching?
A) gap junction
B) desmosome
C) tight junction
D) microvillus
E) merocrine
Question # 2 (Multiple Choice) What would be used between cells to keep molecules from freely crossing the
A) gap junction
B) desmosome
C) tight junction
D) microvillus
E) merocrine
Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) What would form open channels that directly link the cytoplasms of adjacent cells?
A) gap junction
B) desmosome
C) tight junction
D) microvillus
E) merocrine
Part 4:
Question # 1 Which of the following is NOT included in connective tissues?
A) bone
B) skeletal muscle
C) cartilage
D) collagen
E) blood
Question # 2 What type of tissue is blood?
A) epithelial
B) muscular
C) connective
D) adipose
E) noncellular fluid
Question # 3 An extracellular ground substance is characteristic of
A) muscle tissue.
B) epithelial tissue.
C) connective tissue.
D) nervous tissue.
E) embryonic tissue.
Question # 4 Connective tissues include all the following EXCEPT
A) cartilage.
B) blood.
C) bone.
D) fat.
E) outer skin.
Question # 5 Dense, regular tissues that connect bone to bone are called
A) muscles.
B) cartilage.
C) ligaments.
D) tendons.
E) all of the above
Question # 6 Collagen fibers are characteristic of which tissue?
A) muscle
B) epithelial
C) connective
D) nervous
E) embryonic
Question # 7 Tendons connect
A) bones to bones.
B) bones to ligaments.
C) muscles to bones.
D) bones to cartilage.
E) all of the above
Part 5:
Question # 1 Cartilage is found
A) in the nose.
B) at the ends of bones.
C) in the external ear.
D) between vertebrae.
E) all of the above
Question # 2 What is the name given to the type of cartilage that is found in the disks between the vertebrae?
A) chondrocytes
B) elastic
C) compact
D) hyaline
E) fibrocartilage
Question # 3 All of the following could be used to describe some aspect of a cartilage cell EXCEPT
A) chondrocyte.
B) osteocyte.
C) lacunae.
D) chondroblast.
Question # 4 Marrow is found
A) in compact bone.
B) embedded in subcutaneous adipose.
C) in spongy bone.
D) in blood.
E) between the dermis and epidermis.
Question # 5 Bone cells are called
A) chondrocytes.
B) macrophages.
C) lacunae.
D) osteocytes.
E) fibroblasts.
Part 6:
Question # 1 The fluid portion of the blood is called
A) plasma.
B) formed elements.
C) interstitial.
D) extracellular matrix.
Question # 2 Which of the following is NOT a part of the "formed elements" of the blood?
A) red blood cells
B) plasma
C) white blood cells
D) platelets
E) megakaryocytes
Part 7:
Question # 1 If its cells are striated and fused at the ends so that the cells contract as a unit, the tissue is
A) smooth muscle.
B) dense fibrous connective.
C) supportive connective.
D) cardiac muscle.
E) none of the above
Question # 2 Muscle that is NOT striped and is involuntary is
A) cardiac.
B) skeletal.
C) striated.
D) smooth.
E) both a and d, but not b or c
Question # 3 Cardiac muscle cells are
A) involuntary.
B) voluntary.
C) striated.
D) slow contracting.
E) both a and c
Question # 4 Smooth muscles are
A) striated and voluntary.
B) isolated, spindle-shaped cells.
C) found in the walls of hollow structures such as blood vessels and the stomach.
D) involuntary and nonstriated.
E) all except a
Part 8:
Question # 1 The basic cells that the body uses for rapid communication and control are
A) neurons.
B) neuroglia.
C) chondrocytes.
D) formed elements.
E) nerves.
Question # 2 Accessory cells in nervous tissue are called
A) neurons.
B) neuroglia.
C) chondrocytes.
D) formed elements.
E) nerves.
Question # 3 Outgoing messages are conducted by
A) an axon.
B) any process that is long enough to reach the receptor.
C) numerous dendrites.
D) the intervention of the neuroglia.
E) chondrocytes.
Question # 4 Clusters of neuronal processes are called
A) dendrites.
B) chondrocytes.
C) neuroglia.
D) nerves.
E) axons.
Question # 5 Receptors transmit to the central nervous system by way of
A) sensory neurons.
B) neuroglia.
C) dendrites only.
D) motor neurons.
E) axons only.
Question # 6 Impulses are received by nerve cells through
A) an axon.
B) any process that is long enough to reach the receptor.
C) numerous dendrites.
D) the intervention of the neuroglia.
E) chondrocytes.
Part 9:
Question # 1 The endocrine system functions in
A) conduction.
B) contraction.
C) hormonal control of body functioning.
D) protection against disease.
E) cell production.
Question # 2 The maintenance of the volume and composition of body fluids is the direct responsibility of which
A) integumentary
B) immune
C) digestive
D) urinary
E) circulatory
Question # 3 Which system is involved with heat production?
A) endocrine system
B) nervous system
C) muscular system
D) respiratory system
E) skeletal system
Question # 4 Integration of body functions is controlled by the
A) respiratory system.
B) nervous system.
C) endocrine system.
D) defense system.
E) both b and c, but not a and d
Question # 5 Which system produces blood cells?
A) endocrine
B) skeletal
C) muscular
D) defense
E) integumentary
Question # 6 The central nervous system is housed in the
A) cranial and spinal cavities.
B) cranial cavity only.
C) thoracic cavity.
D) pelvic cavity.
E) abdominal cavity.
Question # 7 The thoracic cavity contains the heart and
A) stomach
B) lungs.
C) liver.
D) brain.
E) pancreas.
Part 10:
Question # 1 The word integument is derived from the word for
A) protection.
B) support.
C) covering.
D) contraction.
E) resistance.
Question # 2 Melanin protects the skin from
A) desiccation.
B) abrasion.
C) ultraviolet radiation.
D) infrared damage.
E) invasion by bacteria.
Question # 3 The integumentary system is responsible for all but which of the following?
A) protection against bacterial attack
B) protection against abrasion
C) synthesis of certain vitamins
D) blood cell formation
E) control of temperature and prevention of drying out
Question # 4 The largest organ of the vertebrate body is which of the following?
A) lungs
B) liver
C) stomach
D) skin
E) small intestines
Question # 5 Vitamin D is required for __________ metabolism.
A) sulfur
B) phosphorus
C) calcium
D) potassium
E) zinc
Question # 6 Which of the following is NOT found in the epidermis?
A) stratified epithelium
B) blood vessels
C) tight cell junctions
D) keratin
E) melanin
Question # 7 Which of the following statements is false concerning the outermost layer of the epidermis?
A) It is the first to experience any abrasion.
B) Keratin provides waterproofing.
C) Millions of cells are worn off daily.
D) Its cells are undergoing rapid cell division.
E) It is called the stratum corneum.
Part 11:
Question # 1 Which are examples of integrators?
A) brain, spinal cord
B) muscles, glands
C) sensory cells in eye, tongue, and ear
D) bones
Question # 2 The control of the temperature of the body is an example of which of the following?
A) homeostatic mechanism
B) positive feedback system
C) endocrine function
D) negative feedback system
E) both a and d, but not b or c
Question # 3 Which is the correct sequence involved in the regulation of organ systems?
A) stimulus, receptor, integrator, response, effector
B) stimulus, response, integrator, receptor, effector
C) stimulus, receptor, integrator, effector, response
D) stimulus, integrator, receptor, effector, response
E) stimulus, effector, integrator, receptor, response
Question # 4 An effector can be a
A) muscle.
B) nerve.
C) gland.
D) receptor.
E) both a and c
Question # 5 Which involves a positive feedback stimulation?
A) temperature control
B) sexual stimulation
C) glucose concentration
D) absorption of toxins
E) muscle concentration
Part 12:
Question # 1 This tissue plays a role in assuring a long-term energy reserve.
A) loose tissue
B) dense regular tissue
C) adipose
D) cartilage
E) blood
Question # 2 This tissue provides nourishment to each of the other connective tissues.
A) loose tissue
B) dense regular tissue
C) adipose
D) cartilage
E) blood
Question # 3 This tissue plays an important role in stabilizing human body temperature.
A) loose tissue
B) dense regular tissue
C) adipose
D) cartilage
E) blood
Question # 4 The elasticity of skin is due to the presence of this kind of tissue.
A) loose tissue
B) dense regular tissue
C) adipose
D) cartilage
E) blood
Question # 5 Tendons are composed of this tissue.
A) loose tissue
B) dense regular tissue
C) adipose
D) cartilage
E) blood
Part 13:
Question # 1 The absorption of nutrients into the blood is the responsibility of this system.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) digestive
D) endocrine
E) respiratory
Question # 2 This system returns tissue fluid to the blood.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) digestive
D) endocrine
E) respiratory
Question # 3 Airborne allergens are first encountered by this system.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) digestive
D) endocrine
E) respiratory
Question # 4 This system rapidly transports many vital materials throughout the body.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) digestive
D) endocrine
E) respiratory
Question # 5 The production of hormones occurs in this system.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) digestive
D) endocrine
E) respiratory
Part 14:
Question # 1 Four of the five answers listed below are secreted by an exocrine gland. Select the exception.
A) wax
B) saliva
C) hormone
D) milk
E) mucus
Question # 2 Four of the five answers listed below are related by a common tissue type. Select the exception.
A) adipose
B) bone
C) cartilage
D) blood
E) epithelium
Question # 3 Four of the five answers listed below are functions of the skeleton. Select the exception.
A) controls body temperature
B) produces blood cells
C) protection
D) storage sites for calcium and phosphorus
E) muscle attachment