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Kevin Duke
The Age Of Pericles / 10-25-13
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals (Include ACOS standards in this section):
Social Studies 8th grade
(ACOS#4) Identify cultural contributions of Classical Greece, including politics, intellectual life, arts,
literature, architecture, and science.
The focus of this lesson will be the Age of Pericles and democracy in Athens.
Understandings (Students will understand that …):
 The idea and meaning of citizenship has varied through time and place.
 Alliances and agreements between people and nations vary through time.
Essential Knowledge (Students will know …):
Terms & Concepts:
1. Athens Golden Age
2. Delian League
3. Pericles
4. Philosophers
5. Direct Democracy
6. Representative Democracy
Essential Skills (Students will be able to …):
 Differentiate between direct democracies from a representative democracy. (Graphic
Essential Question(s):
 Are roles of a government and its citizens the same in every democratic society?
 Is having a strong political leader in power for a long period of time a positive or negative?
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s): None at this time
Other Evidence:
1. Bell ringer
2. Discussion
3. Participation
4. Observation
5. Democracy graphic organizer
6. Exit Slip (TIME Permitting)
Stage 3 – Learning Plan (Include approximate time for each activity in the learning plan)
Materials needed for the lesson:
Prezi presentation
Power Point slides (bell ringer, exit slip, and democracy organizer)
Video: YouTube: Pericles, the Delian league, and the Athenian golden age
Notebook with prior notes from class
Pencil or pen
Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook © 2004
Kevin Duke
The Age Of Pericles / 10-25-13
Bell ringer (if one is used): (7 minutes)
1. What was the result of the Battle of Plataea?
A Greek victory, the Greeks crushed the Persians, forcing them to retreat to Asia Minor
2. What was the goal of the Greeks at the battle of Thermopylae?
To stall the Persian army before it reached Athens in order to prepare their fleet for battle (build
more ships)
We will discuss these answers as a class. I will remind the students that this information is important for the
upcoming test that is one week from today.
Review of relevant, previously learned information:
Bell ringer above is review of previous lesson. I will give the students 3 to 4 minutes to finish and then we
will go over these together.
Introductory Activity: (3 minutes 30 seconds)
YouTube video: Have the students watch for the following terms and concepts:
 Delian League
 Pericles
 Why Sparta and other Greeks began to resent Athens and the Delian League
Pericles, the Delian league, and the Athenian golden age (
Pose the Question: What is meant by the term “Golden Age”? Discuss answers as a class.
Body of the lesson:
Explain, lecture, and discuss the following: (Lecture: 10-12 Minutes)(Discussion 5-8 minutes)
1. The alliances formed by the Greek City states during the Persian War led to The Delian League.
How did the Greek city states interaction differ during the Persian war from earlier periods?
2. Sparta does not join this alliance. Why does Sparta not join? (from Video) What is a slave is Sparta
know as?
3. The Delian league formed initially to:
Protect from another invasion by the Persians
To seek revenge on the Persians.
4. The Delian league will create tension as the Athenians begin to dominate the league, and the
Athenian empire is formed. What does it mean to be an empire?
5. Athens begins to interfere in the governing of other Greek City States. How is this similar to issues
that started the Persian war?
6. Pericles emerges as the dominate leader of Athens, which embarks on the “Golden Age”
7. The way Pericles and Athens treated the other city state would lead to the Peloponnesus war
8. Under Pericles leadership Athens would produce many of the famous temples and statues we
know today (Parthenon) what is the generic term for the Parthenon?( Acropolis) What is the open
area that served as a meeting place? (Agora)
9. Pericles supported and emphasized education, writing and architecture.
10. Pericles expanded the notion of democracy in Athens during his reign. What is a democracy? How
does it differ from an oligarchy?
Questions that should be posed to students during the lecture are underlined and italicized. We will discuss
these as we go along.
Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook © 2004
Kevin Duke
The Age Of Pericles / 10-25-13
Democracy Chart (15Minutes)
Turn to pages 139 and 140 in your textbook:
Read the sections: Democracy in Athens
The achievements of Pericles
On your own paper create a chart with the following information:
Democracy Chart
Type of Democracy
How it works
Who could Vote?
How a law is passed
Also, using complete sentences, give me two ways in which Pericles made Athens more
Quiz/Exit Slip: Time permitting(5 minutes)
A quick 5 question quiz that the students will turn in
 What is the Greek word for city state?
 A fortified area that was usually located on a hill________
 The Government of Athens was a ____________while the Government of Sparta was a____________
 ________ was the Athenian leader whose reforms (changes) included cancelling farmers debts and
freeing those who had become slaves.
 Greece is located on which continent?
Preview of the next lesson:
Question: Do you think that Athens growing wealth and influence, as well as their interfering with other
Greek city states are going to create tension with Sparta?
Related out of class assignment: None
Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook © 2004
Kevin Duke
The Age Of Pericles / 10-25-13
Description of co-teaching strategy used in this lesson. If co-teaching was part of this lesson,
describe: co-teaching model used, how and why this particular strategy was employed, role (lead
teacher/secondary teacher), and details of the implementation of the co-teaching model.
None scheduled at this time.
Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook © 2004