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Section 25.1: What is an Animal?
Characteristics of Animals
Types of Animals
o Invertebrates
o Chordates
 Notochord
 Pharyngeal Pouches
 Vertebrates
What Animals Do To Survive
o Maintaining Homeostasis
 Feedback Inhibition
o Gathering and Responding to Information
o Obtaining and Distributing Oxygen and Nutrients
o Collecting and Eliminating Carbon Dioxide and Other Wastes
o Reproducing
Section 25.2: Animal Body Plans and Evolution
Features of Body Plans
o Levels of Organization
o Body Symmetry
 Radial Symmetry
 Bilateral Symmetry
o Differentiation of Germ Layers
 Endoderm
 Mesoderm
 Ectoderm
o Formation of a Body Cavity
 Coelom
 Pseudocoelom
o Patterns of Embyrological Development
 Zygote
 Blastula
 Protostomes
 Deuterostomes
o Segmentation: Repeating Parts
o Cephalization: Getting a Head
o Limb Formation: Legs, Flippers, and Wings
The Cladogram of Animals
o Differences Between Phyla
o Changes Within Phyla: Themes and Variations
Evolutionary Experiments
Section 26.1: Invertebrate Evolution and Diversity
Origins of Invertebrates
o Traces of Early Animals
o The Ediacaran Fauna
o The Cambrian Explosion
 Appendages
Cladogram of Invertebrates
Section 26.2: Chordate Evolution and Diversity
Origins of Chordates
o The Earliest Chordates
 Cartilage
o Modern Chordate Diversity
Cladogram of Chordates
o Noninvertebrate Chordates
o Jawless Fishes
o Sharks and Their Relatives
o Bony Fishes
 Tetrapods
o Amphibians
o Reptiles
o Birds
o Mammals
Section 27.1: Feeding and Digestion
Obtaining Food
o Filter Feeders
o Detritivores
o Carnivores
o Herbivores
o Nutritional Symbionts
 Parasitic
 Mutualistic
Processing Food
o Intracellular Digestion
o Extracellular Digestion
 Gastrovascular Cavities
 Digestive Tracts
 Solid Waste Disposal
Specializations for Different Diets
o Specialized Mouthparts
 Eating Meat
 Eating Plant Leaves
o Specialized Digestive Tracts
 Rumen
Section 27.2: Respiration
Gas Exchange
o Gas Diffusion and Membranes
o Requirements for Respiration
Respiratory Surfaces of Aquatic Animals
o Gills
o Lungs
Respiratory Surfaces of Terrestrial Animals
o Respiratory Surfaces in Land Invertebrates
o Lung Structure in Vertebrates
Section 27.3: Circulation
Open and Closed Circulatory Systems
o Heart
o Open Circulatory System
o Closed Circulatory System
Single-and Double-Loop Circulation
o Single-Loop Circulation
 Atrium
 Ventricle
o Double-Loop Circulation
o Mammalian Heart-Chamber Evolution
Section 27.4: Excretion
The Ammonia Problem
o Storing Nitrogenous Wastes
o Maintaining Water Balance
Excretion in Aquatic Animals
o Freshwater Animals
o Saltwater Animals
Excretion in Terrestrial Animals
o Terrestrial Invertebrates
o Terrestrial Vertebrates
o Adaptations to Extreme Environments
Section 28.1: Response
How Animals Respond
o Detecting Stimuli
 Stimulus
 Sensory Neurons
o Processing Information
o Responding
 Response
 Motor Neurons
Trends in Nervous System Evolution
o Invertebrates
 Ganglia
o Heads
o Brains
o Chordates
 Parts of the Chordate Brain
 Cerebrum
 Cerebellum
 Vertebrate Brain Evolution
Sensory Systems
o Invertebrate Sense Organs
o Chordate Sense Organs
Section 28.2: Movement and Support
Types of Skeletons
o Skeletal Support
o Hydrostatic Skeleton
o Exoskeleton
 Molting
o Endoskeletons
o Joints
 Ligaments
Muscles and Movement
o Tendons
o Movement
o Vertebrate Muscular and Skeletal Systems
Section 28.3: Reproduction
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
o Asexual Reproduction
o Sexual Reproduction
o Reproductive Cycles
Internal and External Fertilization
o Internal Fertilization
 Invertebrates
 Chordates
External Fertilization
 Invertebrates
 Chordates
Development and Growth
o Where Embryos Develop
 Oviparous Species
 Ovoviviparous Species
 Viviparous Species
 Placenta
o How Young Develop
 Metamorphosis
 Aquatic Invertebrates
 Terrestrial Invertebrates
o Nymphs
o Pupa
 Amphibians
o Care of Offspring
Reproductive Diversity in Chordates
o Amniotic Egg
o Mammalian Reproductive Strategies
 Monotremes
 Mammary Glands
 Marsupials
 Placentals
Section 28.4: Homeostasis
Interrelationship of Body Systems
o Fighting Disease
o Chemical Controls
 Endocrine Glands
Body Temperature Control
o Ectotherms
o Endotherms
o Comparing Ectotherms and Endotherms
o Evolution of Temperature Control