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Spatio-temporal Pattern Recognition with
Neural Networks: Application to speech
Jean ROUAT1 2
ERMETIS, Sciences Appliquees, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi? ? ?
Neuro-Heuristique, I.P., Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Lausanne
Abstract. The processing or the recognition of non stationary process
with neural networks is a challenging and yet unsolved issue. The paper
discuss the general pattern recognition framework using neural networks
in relation with the understanding of the peripheral auditory system.
We propose a short-time structure representation of speech for speech
analysis and recognition. We give examples of neural networks architecture and applications that are designed to take into account the time
structure of the process to be analysed.
1 Introduction
Most of the contemporary pattern processing or recognition techniques assume
that the pattern or the time series to be recognised are stationary. Furthermore,
in real life applications, the information is most of the time corrupted, partial
or noisy (image, speech, etc.). Therefore, the pattern recognisers have also to be
2 Speech and the Auditory System
Speech is a good example of a complex signal that is very dicult to analyse
or recognise by computers when produced in real life situations. The best contemporary technology is not able to propose speech recognition systems with
acceptable performance when the speech is corrupted or noisy.
2.1 Structures of Speech
One of the reason is that speech is a fuzzy structured signal. It is structured
in reference to the production and hearing systems that impose the constraints
and structures on the speech (formants, voiced/unvoiced, spectral and temporal
distributions, etc.). For speech scientists those constraints and structures seem
to be somewhat fuzzy when analysing the signal without any a priori knowledge
about the production and hearing systems.
?? ?
Jean [email protected]
2.2 Where is the Recognition Performed?
Another reason is that the perceptive system does not process speech as pattern
recognition systems usually do. To a certain extent, it is true that the cochlear
nucleus, the superior olivary complex and the colliculus, for example, are apparently specialised and they might perform 'signal processing' tasks. But there is
evidence that a partial 'recognition' is already made at the level of the intermediate auditory system. In fact, the time constants and the best modulation
transfer functions of the cortical auditory neurons reveal that the time locking to
periodicities with frequencies greater than 100Hz is very rarely observed in the
auditory cortex. This is lower to pitch and formant frequencies. Therefore, pitch
and periodic stimulus are probably processed at the peripheral or intermediate
level of the auditory system. Periodic stimulus with dierent frequencies can
elicit similar evoked potential responses in the auditory cortex. On the opposite,
the response of the cortical neurones is very strong when the stimulus are transients. The aerent pathways to the primary auditory cortex have preserved the
neural timing of transient stimulus events. In the auditory cortex, neural activity patterns in response to tones show a low-frequency periodic response with
strong ON and OFF responses. Those responses are the result of a collaborative
work between hundred of cells. The global activity has a complex dynamic that
encode the information.
The auditory system seems to process speech by taking into account the
specic speech structure and the recognition task is probably performed at all
stages of the auditory processing (continuum) in contrast with standard pattern
recognisers where the parameter extraction is rst made and then the recognition
is performed.
2.3 Short-time Structures of Speech
We dene the short-time structures of speech as the characteristics of speech
observed through a peripheral auditory system on very short-time scales (a few
ms). We are interested in the short-time structure observed at the output of
a cochlear lter bank in terms of amplitude modulation (AM). This structure
is typical of speech. Generally speaking, the structures depend very much on
the way speech is produced. The production and hearing systems are closely
related and adapted to each others. The hearing system provides time structured
representations of speech that are representative and characteristic of the speech
production modes. These structures can not be observed via conventional speech
analysis techniques and are important to speech analysis and recognition.
3 Modulation in the Auditory System: an Example of
The modulation information is one of the main cues extracted by the auditory system. Various work is made regarding the physiology of AM processing
[2] [4] [7] [8]. For example, Schreiner and Langner [4] [8] show that the inferior colliculus of cats contains a highly systematic topographic representation
of AM parameters and maps showing 'best modulation frequency' have been
determined. Shannon [9] reports experiments on listeners that can understand
articial speech. This articial speech is obtained by preserving the envelope
and deleting the ne structure of the original speech in three adjacent spectral
For the nerve bres whose characteristic frequency (CF) is close to a formant
frequency, a phase-coupling to the formant frequency or to an adjacent harmonic
is observed with little or no envelope modulation as the discharge pattern of the
bre is dominated by a single large harmonic component. Other bres may show
modulations corresponding to harmonic interactions.
Today, most of the speech recognisers extract acoustical parameters from
the signal based on spectral representations of speech. By doing so, one has
to assume that the signal is stationary under the analysis window. This yields
a representation of speech that is an estimate of the time-averaged parameter
values. Therefore, the short-time structure of speech is partially hidden by the
analysis and the AM ne structure can not be seen.
3.1 The Short-term AM Structure
An example of a short-term AM structure is given below. A bank of 24 lters
centred on 330Hz to 4700Hz is used. The output of each lter is a bandpass signal
with a narrow-band spectrum centred around f where f is the central frequency
(CF) of channel i. The output signal s (t) from channel i can be considered to
be modulated in amplitude and phase with a carrier frequency of f .
s (t) = A (t)cos[! t + (t)]
A (t) is the modulating amplitude (envelope), (t) is the modulating phase
and ! = 2f .
An image representation of the structure can be obtained by plotting A (t)
versus time and central frequency. The x axis is the time and the y axis is
expressed in Hertz according to the ERB (equivalent rectangular bandwidth)
scale [5]. The image colour is the A (t) variable.
Fig.1. shows the envelope structure for a signal segment comprising 23 ms
of speech. A female pronounced the letter /i/ along with a male speaker saying
/a/. In that example, a segregation of the speakers is possible when looking
to the structure along the time dimension (x axis) and across the channels (y
axis). The low frequency channels (centre frequency for channels 1-13: 330{1500
Hz) are dominated by the signal from the male speaker (/a/) while the high
frequency channels are dominated by the female voice (/i/). The most interesting
modulations occur during the glottal explosion or just after. The gure includes
approximately 3 glottal explosions from the male voice and 7 glottal explosions
for the woman. Modulations due to harmonics interactions occur during a pitch
period just after the glottal explosion.
Female glottal peaks
Envelope Modulation
F3-F2 ; /i/
Male glottal
Envelope Modulation
F2-F1 ; /a/
23 ms
Fig.1. Envelopes for a two speakers speech segment: /a/ from a male speaker, /i/
from a female speaker.
3.2 The Recognition
Previous sections introduced a short-term AM structure of speech that can not be
observed by using conventional analysis techniques. To perform the recognition,
neural networks have to take into account the internal time structure of the
representation. We propose two examples on speech. The rst uses an associative
neural network memory for a speech recognition task and the second is based
on an oscillatory neural network for a speaker verication task.
The Associative Neural Network: Dystal.[1] Dystal (DYnamically STable
Associative Learning) is proposed by Alkon et al. and is inspired from a marine
snail and from the hippocampus of a rabbit. We assume that clusters are characterised by an explicit encoding of the reference patterns in dendritic patches
of neurons [1]. The network associatively learns correlations and anticorrelations
between time events occurring in pre synaptic neurons. Those neurons synapse
on the same element of a common post synaptic neurone. A learning rule modies the cellular excitability at dendritic patches. These synaptic patches are
postulated to be formed on branches of the dendritic tree of vertebrate neurons.
Weights are associated to patches rather than to incoming connection. After
learning, each patch characterises a pattern of activity on the input neurons.
In comparison with most commonly used networks, the weights are not used
to store the patterns and the comparison between patterns is based on normalised
correlations instead of projections between the network input vectors and the
neurone weights. Based on the Dystal network, a prototype vowel recognition
system has been designed and preliminary results show that the short-time AM
structure carries information that can be used for recognition of voiced speech
Fig. 2. Architecture of a speech recogniser prototype.
An image representation is obtained by plotting the product A (t) A (t)
versus time and central frequency. That representation enhances transitions and
amplitude modulations of the envelope. A sliding and synchronised to glottal
peak window is moved on the image representation of speech and is used as
input to the associative memory. A preliminary experiment has been sucessfully
conducted on four vowel clusters: /a/, /i/, /y/ and //. Detailed results are
presented in [6].
The Oscillatory Neural Network: a Novelty Detector. The topology
of the network is inspired from cortical layer IV. The neurone model is based
on the integrate and re model. Each neurone receives excitatory or inhibitory
inputs from their neighbourhood. A global inhibitor neurone is connected to each
neurone in the network. It regulates and stabilises the network activity. Synaptic
rules are used to adapt the weights of the local and global connections.
There is no dierence between 'training' and recognition. 'Training' is always
performed except when the network is stable. As soon as signals are presented
to the network, it learns by modifying the synaptic weights. During training, the
network oscillates. When changes on weights are too small to modify the dynamic
of the network, we assume that 'training' and recognition have been completed.
The network is then declared to be in a stable state. The time necessary to reach
that state is the relaxation time. It is used as the novelty detection criteria.
The clusters are not explicitly encoded. The relaxation time of the network
is used to characterise the input pattern. A short relaxation time implies that
the pattern has been already 'seen' by the network. This paradigm allows the
creation of novelty detection systems with a high degree of robustness against
noise. Such network is used for the recognition of noisy numbers [3] and experiments on speech are currently made with larger networks. For example, a
speaker verication system is being designed. The network uses the short-term
AM structure to verify if the speaker belongs to the 'authorised' cluster.
4 Conclusion
The recognition of non stationary spatio-temporal process is very dicult when
using formal neural networks. A better understanding of the processing of information in the brain should ease the introduction of new paradigms in pattern
recognition with Neural Networks.
We gave two examples with applications to speech that are based on the
short-term AM structure of speech. One application uses an associative memory
for vowel recognition while the other uses a novelty detector for speaker verication. Those applications are recent and are still under development in order
to evaluate their viability in relation with real life applications.
This work has been supported by the NSERC of Canada and by the fondation
from Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi. Many thanks to Yves de Ribaupierre
and Alessandro Villa for stimulating discussions.
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