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Sequences and Mathematical
The Use of Induction as it Relates to
Computer Science
Mathematical Induction
• Purpose is to prove the correctness of statements
based on definite patterns
– General Principle: let P(n) be a property defined for
integers n and let a be a fixed integer. Suppose the
following is true:
• P(a) is true
• For all integers k ≥ a, if P(k) is true then P(k+1) is true
– To do this, assume that a property is true for k and show it to be true for
– Then the statement “For all integers n ≥ a, P(n)” is true
– In other words, if something is true for any arbitrary
element in a domain, prove that it must be true for the
next element of the domain and the statement is proven
Use Induction in a Proof
• Prove that:
– First, identify the property, P(n), which is shown
– Basis step: prove P(1) is true:
which is
true because 1(2)/2 = 1
– Inductive step: prove P(k) for any integer k ≥ 1
• Obtain P(k) by substituting k for n:
» This is the inductive hypothesis
• Obtain P(k+1):
– This is what must be proven
Induction in a Proof Continued
• We assume that
is true
– We know that
is the same as saying
because k is the element prior to (k+1), and
therefore must be included in the set
• From this, we find
is true
because adding the same thing to both sides of an
equation is legal
• Using basic algebra, we transform
• We have now shown that for any element k in the
domain of P(k), P(k+1) must also be true
– The sum of all integers > 0 up to k has been found
Another Proof by Induction
• For all integers n ≥ 1,
is divisible by 3
– Basis:
is equal to 4-1=3, which is divisible
by three
– Inductive step: Assume
is divisible by 3
• Substitute k+1 for k:
• By the law of exponents:
• Subtract
divisible by three
• We now know that
to yield
which is
is true.
– Both terms are divisible by 3 because the sum of 2 numbers
divisible by three is also divisible by three
Proving a Property of a Sequence
• You are given the following:
– Prove
for all k ≥ 2
for all integers n ≥ 1
• Basis: For n = 1:
• Inductive Step:
– We must show
is true
, by the inductive hypothesis:
– We have now proven a property for this sequence
Strong Mathematical Induction
• This is similar to normal induction, but varies
– Let P(n) be an integer property and a and b are
fixed integers where a ≤ b. Suppose the following
• P(a), P(a+1)…and P(b) are all true
• For any integer k > b, if P(i) is true for all integers i with
a ≤ i < k, then P(k) is true
• In general, the use of either kind of induction
is interchangeable. Rarely will strong induction
be a necessity.
The Well-Ordering Principle for
• Let S be a set of one or more positive integers all
of which are greater than some fixed integer. If
this is so, then S has a least element
– EX: all of the positive integers of the form 46-7k,
where k is an integer.
• The least element is 4 because when k=6, the output is 4 but
when k=7, the output is -3
– A statement of this form is very useful in proving that
algorithms terminate in a finite number of steps
• If a given set is in decreasing order, meaning
, and for
all i, i ≥ 1, the sequence is finite because the well-ordering
principle states that the set has a least element . This set
can represent the guard value of a loop (EX: while x > 0…)
The Correctness of Algorithms
• There are two types of errors to worry about
– Syntax errors violate the rules of the programming language
(writing ik instead of if)
– Logic errors encompass everything else. Examples would be runtime issues, incorrect formulae, and false assumptions
• In order for a program (algorithm) to be correct, it must
satisfy the following
– The code must be robust – meaning that it can handle the full
range of inputs (Like giving an error message for inputting a
letter instead of a number)
– The code must be proven logically correct – meaning that the
desired output will result from all inputs within the algorithm’s
desired functional domain
• One must state what his code should do using predicates
– Pre-conditions
• A statement of what must be true for the algorithm to work
– Post-conditions
• A statement of the algorithm’s final state, which is the output of the
algorithm if the pre-condition is true
– In order to prove an algorithm’s correctness, one must show
that if pre-conditions are true and all of the statements in the
algorithm execute, the post-condition must be true
• Often, one must “divide-and-conquer” by breaking an algorithm into
pieces and strategically placing assertions. Then, you would prove each
individual set of assertions to prove the whole algorithm
• As an exercise, try to prove the correctness of the Euclidean Algorithm
for obtaining the greatest common divisor of two integers
– Hint: don’t worry about error guarding. Assume that all inputs are correct
• A loop can be implemented as a form of
mathematical induction
– Let G be the guard for a while loop. The loop
[pre-condition for the loop]
should have the form:
[post-condition for the loop]
while (G)
[The body of the loop,
– A loop is correct iff it
containing no branching
statements outside of the
satisfies its postloop]
end while
conditions when its preconditions are true and it terminates over a finite
number of steps
Loop Invariant Theorem
• A loop invariant I(n) is a predicate whose domain is a
set of integers and…
– Basis Property: Pre-condition implies I(0) is true before the
first iteration
– Inductive Property: For all integers k ≥ 0, if the guard (G)
and I(k) are both true before an iteration, I(k+1) is true
after iteration
– Eventual Falsity of Guard: after a finite number of
iterations, G becomes false
– Correctness of the Post-condition: if N is the least number
of iterations after which G is false and I(N) is true, then the
values of the algorithm variables will be as specified in the
An Example of a Loop
• [pre: m is a nonnegative integer, x is a real number, i=0,
and product = 0.]
while (i ≠ m)
1. product := product + x
2. i := i +1
end while
[post: product = mx]
– The loop invariant is “I(n): i=n and product = nx”
– The guard of the loop is “G: i ≠ m”
– Based on this information, one can prove the correctness
of this algorithm
Why Learn This?
• For starters, mathematical induction is one of the most
powerful methods of proof in existence. Add to it that
it lies almost exclusively at the heart of computer
science. The ability of a program to recognize,
interpret, and capitalize on distinguishable patterns is
essential for that program to be viable on the market.
That being said, the ability to prove that a given
algorithm is correct all of the time, without sacrificing
the efficiency of the code, makes the difference
between a good programmer and an educated
programmer. Educated programmers get paid more!