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Hinduism: Introduction Video
1. Hinduism is the ______________ religion of the world and makes up _____ of
the religious faith in India.
2. The word “hindu” is a ____________________ term derived from the settlers of
the river Sindu.
3. The ultimate aim of all Hindu thought is to attain the universal soul or divine
wisdom called ____________________________.
4. Place a “T” for “true” and a “F” for false for each of the following statements:
a) Hindus believe in the freedom to individually worship and
guide own spiritual experience
b) Hinduism is not tolerant of other religions
c) Hindus can worship in a temple, church or mosque
d) Hinduism calls for a dictatorship or authoritative religious
e) Hinduism has no single founder
5. To when can the evolution of Hinduism be traced? __________________
6. The basic truth to Hinduism is there is only ____________ supreme god called
7. The oldest Hindu scripture is called ____________________.
8. What is dharma? __________________________________________-
9. Explain the importance of Hindu epics, scriptures, art, music and dance.
10. What two systems are both important in Hindu sacred texts?
a) creation & science
b) astronomy & astrology
c) marriage & education
11. What is the purpose of yoga?
12. Moksha is the promise of _________________________, or when the individual
__________________ merges with the ultimate ____________________.
13. Four Stages in Hindu Life (put them in correct order)
_____ married life
_____ complete renunciation
_____ student-hood
_____ meditation / away from mainstream life
14. Cyclic Nature of Life
Brahman is the ___________________
Shiva is the ______________________
Vishnu is the _____________________
15. The basic belief of Hinduism is cause and effect (all actions have a consequence)
called ________________________. The goal is to break the chain of
reincarnation by performing proper _________________.
16. One figure that aided the Hindu reform movement was
17. When was full equality granted to women in India? ___________________
18. The mystic word that means “whole universe” and is the symbol of Brahman is
________. When is it used?