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Mesopotamia Lapbook/Notebook
I couldn’t find free mesopotamia lapbook/notebook templates so I made my own! It’s very simple but thought I’d share this if anyone is interested. Just print out 1 copy of the pdf file per child, buy yourself some folders, construcAon paper, tape, etc and arrange it however you’d like. There are some full page pictures and plenty for the sides of the folder. My kids are going to make liDle booklets out of everything using colored card stock and then arrange it however they want. • 
I got most of the stuff from Dr. Donn´s history site, It was a great site. Look at the mesopotamia secAon. • 
If you want to let the kids do their own coloring, you can print out these coloring pages pertaining to mesopotamia, hDp:// • 
Here is a website where you can get info for making a Ameline to use in your lapbook, hDp:// • 
Some more acAviAes. hDp:// I printed out these crossword puzzles, etc and put them in the Mesopotamia Quizes SecAon of the Lapbook. • 
You can also make your own drawings, but we are not very arAsAcally inclined so prefer to cut and paste something already made. Your kids can also write a lot more by not using all the text I put and instead using the blank scroll pictures. • 
Last but not least, We’ve finished this project and I put pictures of our lapbook to give you ideas! • 
Have fun!! -­‐Alicia from Chile The arrows show which way to open or liW Assyria
The Land between the Rivers
Front page 1 Front page 2 Mesopotamia:
A nice place to visit but I wouldn’t
want to live there!!
Women in
W o m e n i n a n c i e n t Mesopotamia were not equal to men, but they did have rights. They could freely go to the marketplace, buy and sell goods, handle legal issues, own property, and start their own business. Upper class women, like members of the royal family and those who gave their life to the temple as priestesses, could learn how to read and write. Some women even had jobs running parts of the t o w n o r j o b s i n c i t y government. WriAng 1 Letter to Father
(write using cuneiform key on next page) WriAng 2 The ancient Sumerians believed in educaAon. Record keeping was very important to them. They wanted their sons to learn how to read and write. Their wriDen language began as pictographs, pictures of things that acted as words. Pictographs worked, but they were rather cumbersome. Soon, the clever ancient Sumerians started to use wedge-­‐shaped symbols for objects and ideas instead of pictures. Today, we call this wriDen language of wedge-­‐shaped symbols cuneiform. Sailboat
The Wheel
First Harp
Cylinder Seal
Number 60
They invented a system of mathemaAcs based on the number 60. Today, we divide an hour into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. That comes from the ancient Mesopotamians. Ziggurat
Legend of Gilgamesh
The ancient Sumerians were great story tellers, perhaps not as good as the Greeks -­‐ but sAll, very good. Thousands of years ago, they created the story of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is one of the oldest recorded stories in the world. It's about an ancient King of Uruk who may have actually existed and whose name -­‐ Gilgamesh -­‐ is on the Sumerian King List. According to the story, Gilgamesh was not just a hero, they thought he was a a superhero, was part god and part human and that he had many powers. Farming in
It did not rain much in the desert, but the early seDlers soon learned that if you irrigated the land, crops grew quickly. These early people built canals to bring water to the land from the rivers. They planted wheat, barley, dates, and vegetables including cucumbers, onions, apples, and spices. When there was a surplus of food, there was a division of labor and people started working in other professions. Hanging Gardens of Babylon • 
(one of the seven wonders of the ancient world)
Legend says ... The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by King Nebuchadnezzar so that the queen, his wife, would have a lovely, private, terraced garden to enjoy. There were paths and steps and fountains and gorgeous flowers, all build to make a homesick queen feel welcomed and loved. It was supposedly built around 600 BCE, along the bank of the Euphrates River (south of the modern day city of Baghdad, Iraq.) No one knows if the gardens actually existed in Babylon, but the legend is a lovely one.
Ziggurats were temples. Like many ancient people, the ancient Sumerians believed that powerful gods lived in the skies. Religious ceremonies were held at the very top that were preDy horrible. All year long, people leW offerings of food and wine on the steps of the ziggurats. The priests enjoyed these offerings, as the gods could not eat for themselves. The Ziggurat was built in the center of town. It was the center of daily life. Except for fesAvals, which, for the most part, were gloomy things, the Ziggurat courtyard was gay and lively. You might see an arAst painAng, a boy racing by on his way to school, someone milking a cow or making a basket. Ziggurats
•  Who was Nebuchadnezzar II?
Abraham´s Journey
Print out the 4 acAviAes on the LiDle Historians Website menAoned at the beginning of this presentaAon. hDp://
ancientmesopotamia.htm Extra stuff for filling in spaces