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Ancient Empires
What made Babylon an important center of trade and culture?
Cyrus the Great – what was he famous for compared to other conquerors?
Egypt and Nubia – what was their relationship?
Which Middle Eastern empire was known for their cruelty, especially in warfare?
What kept happening that caused the Assyrians to become a strong military state?
How many empires was Babylon a part of?
What two skills was Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar famous for?
Why did the Pharaohs start to build their tombs underground?
Who were the Minoans? Why were they important?
Royal Road – why?
What was the first major global empire?
What is the name of the modern country that used to be Persia?
Which group of people started the country of Israel?
Daoism – connection to nature
What is the type of government in which the ruler had unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary (random) manner?
The theocracy of ancient Egypt was a belief in the divinity of
This dynasty ended the first warring states period in China and created the Chinese empire:
Describe the contributions of the Han Dynasty in China.
Confucius believed society should be organized around what general category?
The Great Wall of China began as a project of which dynasty and why was it built?
What is the natural barrier in the north that separates China from Mongolia is
How did the geography of Ancient Greece affect the country as a whole?
How did Greek civilization fall?
Compare ATHENIAN culture and SPARTAN culture
What nation was finally beaten by united Greek forces?
What contributions from Greek civilization do we still see use today in Western Civilization?
What contributions from Chinese civilization do we still see use today in Western Civilization?
Know the meaning of the following words/phrases:
Alexander the Great
direct democracy
Mandate of Heaven
Valley of the Kings