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The Age of
Chapter 14.1
The Search for Spices
Cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, cloves
Chapter 14 vocab
1 Circumnavigate 1
Prince Henry1
Vasco da Gama 1
Treaty of Tordesillas 1 Affonso I 2
Malindi 2
Plantations 2
Macao 4
Matteo Ricci 4
Focus Q: Feb. 1
Read page 459, “Asserting Dutch
• Bullet point notes
• 1 sentence summary
• #16 on review sheet
Focus Q: January 19
What does your family do to save/not
waste money?
• Re-use ziplock bags, cut open hand
cream bottles, cut your own hair
• Buy 2 year old cars, use Capital One CC,
• Groceries: coupons, buy on sale
• Cut Downy and Tide bottles to drain em
• Meals at home, fast food rarely
• 10% of notebook grade is
• The Table of Contents is your guide
• Keep things in the right order
• Table of Contents, Title Page face
each other
Which do you agree w/most?
It is okay to conquer other people to:
A. Spread religion
B. Obtain wealth
C. Spread democracy
D. There is no valid reason
We are going to read about the MOTIVES of
European exploration and the IMPACT they
had on people around the world.
Focus Q: Feb. 1
Read “Around the World and into
History” at the top of page 445.
• Who do these explorers remind you of?
• What skills and character traits do you
think they have?
Focus Q
What motivated some Europeans
to explore the seas?
What were some of the risks they
What you’ll learn……..
1. Understand
motivation for
exploring the seas.
2. Analyze early
Portuguese and
3. European desire
for a direct route to
1. Asian spices
change Europeans
2. 1492 Columbus
reaches the
2 new continents.
3. Discover America
and commit
Why Explore the Seas?
1. By 1400s, Europe's population growing—so was
its’ demand for trade goods
2. Spices especially
 Preserve food, flavor meat, medicine and perfume
3. ***Moluccas: island chain, main source of spices,
“Spice Islands”—part of Indonesia today***
Why Explore the Seas?
1. In 1400s, Arabs and Italians controlled most trade
btwn Asia and Europe
2. Muslims brought goods to Eastern Mediterranean
3. Italians distribute goods to Europe
4. Other Europeans knew it would be cheaper if they
had direct access to Asia
Cut out the middlemen
Portugal Sails Africa and East
1. Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460): pushes
exploration for Portugal
2. 1st claims Madeira and Azores Islands
3. ***1st African port claimed by Portugal: Ceuta***
Ceuta: Spanish city in Africa
Ceded to Spain
Portugal Sails Africa and East
1. Henry saw great promise in Africa
– Convert Africans to Christianity
– Find the riches that Muslims traded
– Find easier way to Asia
2. Henry gathers scientists, ***cartographers—map
makers***, other experts
– Redesign ships, prepare maps, train captains and
3. Slowly begin to explore coast of Africa
The Caravel:
lighter, faster,
easier to
Cape of Good Hope
• Henry dies 1460
• 1488
Dias rounds
southern tip of
• ***named b/c it
opened a sea
route to Asia***
Vasco da Gama in India
1. 1497-1502 da Gama creates vast
trading network in India
2. Portugal controls many port cities
around the Indian Ocean
3. Portugal is a world
trading power
Did you know……
1. Sailors often suffered from scurvy—vitamin C
2. Citrus fruits combat scurvy
3. British sailors were called “limey’s” b/c they
carried limes on their ships
Joke of the day…..
• A recent worldwide survey
showed that out of
2,146,703,436 people, 94% were too lazy
to actually read that number.
• Instead of "the John," I call my toilet
"the Jim." That way it sounds better
when I say I go to the Jim first thing
every morning.
Columbus Sails West
1. Italian from Genoa
2. Knew Earth was a sphere
3. (today Indonesia) by sailing west wanted to
get to East Indies
4. Had no idea about North and South America
5. Portugal wouldn’t sponsor him—Ferdinand
and Isabella of Spain did
–Want to bring Spain wealth and prestige
Columbus’ 1st voyage 1492-3
Columbus Sails West
1. August 3, 1492 sails west w/ Nina, Pinta,
Santa Maria—4 voyages to Americas
2. October 12 sites land
3. Cruises the Caribbean for several months,
thought he reached Asia
***islands Columbus explored become known
as the West Indies***
4. 1493, returns to Spain a hero
65’ length
18’ beam
7’ draft
Line of Demarcation
• 1493 Spain appeals to Spanish-born Pope Alexander
VI to support Spain’s claim to “the new world”
• Pope set ***Line of Demarcation:
– Spain gets trading, exploration rights west of line
– Portugal east of the line***
• Treaty of Tordesillas
• Divides the nonEuropean world
Naming the America’s
1. Amerigo Vespucci describes his
voyage to Brazil
2. 1507 German cartographer makes a
map of the voyage—labels land
3. America’s is used to describe western
hemisphere continents of North and
South America
Others Search for Direct Route to Asia
1. English, Dutch, French look for Northwest
Passage—water route from Atlantic to Pacific
***1513 Balboa—Spanish—reaches Pacific by
hacking his way overland through the jungles of
Others Search for Direct Route to Asia
1. 1519 Ferdinand Magellan leaves Spain w/ 5
ships searching for a way to the Pacific
2. 1st to sail around the southern tip of South
–Very stormy, unpredictable tides
–Called the Straits of Magellan
Others Search for Direct Route to Asia
1. Names the sea the Pacific (peaceful) Ocean
2. 1521 reach Philippines, Magellan killed
3. 1522, 1 ship reaches Spain—
*** Magellan 1st to circumnavigate the globe—
travel around the world***