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1. For most of human history it was believed that Earth was at the center of the Universe. This idea
is referred to as
2. The possibility of extraterrestrial life was first considered
3. In science, conceptual representations of observed phenomena are referred to as
4. Apparent retrograde motion occurs when a planet appears to
The Ptolemaic model has planets moving in
6. The first person to suggest that the Earth moved around the Sun was
7. In the heliocentric (Sun-centered) model, apparent retrograde motion is due to
8. Stellar parallax is the apparent
9. Which Greek school of thought believed that both the heavens and the Earth were made
of an infinite number of indivisible units made of the elements fire, water, earth, and
13. Kepler's 1st Law of planetary motion states that
14. In its elliptical orbit, a planet is closest to the Sun at
15. According to Kepler's 2nd Law of planetary motion, a planet moves fastest in its orbit
when it is
16. Kepler's 3rd Law of planetary motion states that
17. The astronomical unit (AU) is defined to be equal to the
18. Galileo discovered that Venus goes through a cycle of phases like the Moon. This
suggested that
19. The light-year is defined to be the
20. If we were to send a radio signal to an advanced civilization in 2012 which is located in
the Zeta Reticuli star system approximately 39 light years away, when would the signal
arrive at its destination?
21. According to current astronomical data, approximately how old is the universe?
22. The main chemical building blocks of life, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen were
23. Which planet lies between the planets Saturn and Neptune?
25. In our solar system, Jovian planets are
26. According to the nebular theory for the formation of the solar system,
27. Isotopes have the same number of
28. Rocks are found on the surface of another planet which appear to have been formed at
the bottom of an ancient ocean. Given this, they are most likely to be classified as
29. Sedimentary rocks subjected to heat and pressure beneath the surface of the Earth
(assume no melting occurs) transform into
30. What do we mean by the half-life of a radioactive isotope?
31. Differentiation is a process by which
32. Subduction on the Earth is the process by which
33 What is the most important role that the carbon dioxide cycle plays in the regulation of
the Earth's climate?
If the temperature of the Earth warms up how does the carbon dioxide cycle respond?
35. One astronomical unit (AU) is about 150 million kilometers. How many miles is this?
36. What types of distances are typically listed in astronomical units (AU)?
37.Which of the following rankings is correct for the size of the following objects from smallest
to largest?
38. Retrograde motion is said to occur when a planet moves slowly Eastward against the
background of stars.
39. The size of our solar system (considered to be the size of Pluto’s orbit) is:
40. If a planet’s perihelion distance is 3 A.U. and aphelion distance is 5 A.U. What is the
size of the semi-major axis of the orbit?
41. Approximately how many years would it take light to travel across the length of our
Galaxy (hint: think about the size of our galaxy)
42. How far is it to the planet Saturn?
The fact that all life on Earth uses ATP as an energy molecule indicates
44. Molecules containing long chains of carbon are referred to as
The basic building blocks of DNA and RNA are
46. Cells without a cell nucleolus are called:
47. DNA and RNA both have the shape of a double helix
48. Stromatolites are
49. Isotopic evidence suggests that life was already present 3.85 billion years ago
50. According to modern biological evidence, modern DNA-based life may have arisen
from an earlier:
51. What is one piece of evidence that some organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts
within eukaryotes used to be independent cells?
52. Prior to the Cambrian explosion, life consisted of
53. The Cambrian Explosion occurred approximately
54. The colonization of life onto land was closely tied to the
55. What is the K-T boundary?
56. Approximately how long ago was the Permian extinction?
57. In terms of the amount of species lost, which extinction event was more devastating
58. Phospholipids have one polar side (hydrophilic) and one non-polar side (hydrophobic).
59. Phospholipids are thought to be a molcule that could naturally form a “container”
or life when placed in water.
60. Molecules like water in which electrons are distributed unevenly within the molecule
which creates a positive charge on one side and negative charge on the other are referred
to as
61. Why does the solid form of water float on the liquid form?
62. The Siberian Trapps are associated with which extinction event:
63. Clays made have played a role in originating life on Earth by:
RNA plays a vital roll in modern Eukaryotic cells. Which of the following represents that roll:
Carbon is an ideal atom to make complex molecules out of because
How many mass extinctions have we had since 540 million years ago?
67 Given the different Geological Eons listed below, which one came first in the history of the Earth
Which Geological Eon are we in right now
69. The planet Venus is larger than the planet Earth
70. The atmosphere of Venus is primarary made up of which gas?
71. Most of the water on Venus has been lost to the planet due to:
72. The Permian exinction caused:
73. The astmosphere of Venus is:
74. The clouds of Venus contain sulfuric acid.
75. The early atmosphere’s of Venus and Earth contained about the same amount of CO2.
76. Human beings obtain energy from chemical reactions and carbon from other
organisms. Given this, they can be classified metabollically as
77. A photoheterotroph gets its energy from
78.The basic requirement for metabolism inside cells is
Metabolism is a term that describes the
All living cells use the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
At the root of the tree of life
Enzymes are examples of
Microbes in the top layers of living stromatolites in western Australia obtain their
energy from
84. Extremophiles that live in areas of extreme heat are known as:
85. Thermophiles survive their enviroment by having evolved:
85. Where are you most likely to find Endolithic extremophiles:
Liquid water cannot exist for very long on the surface of Mars today because
If a glass of liquid water were suddenly exposed to the Martian atmosphere today,
the water would
The seasonal variations experienced on the Earth are due
Seasonal variations on Mars are due to
The polar caps on Mars are made of
At the beginning of summer, the carbon dioxide at the summer pole
The Southern hemisphere of Mars is at
What are the relative ages of the heavily cratered Southern highlands and the
smooth Northern plains of Mars?
In the Tharsis region of Mars we find
95. Spacecraft orbiting Mars have detected hydrated minerals, such as clays, sulfates, and
silica, and hematite which are known to form in the presence of
Results from the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity suggest that
liquid water
The tiny spheres called "blueberries" discovered by the rover Opportunity are
made of
Even though 95% of the Martian atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, the
greenhouse effect on Mars today is very weak because its atmosphere is very
Which of the following statements best describes the idea behind the Carbon
Assimilation Experiment on board the Viking landers?
100. Which of the following statements is an overall summary of the findings from the
Viking biology experiments?
The interior of Mars cooled more quickly than the interior of the Earth because it
102. Why do we not see Volcanoes the size of Olympus Mons on Earth?
103. Ganymede and Titan are
104. Like our own moon, many Jovian moons exhibit what is called synchronous
rotation. This means that they rotate at the same rate
105. The fact that the strength of gravity decreases with distance means the force of
gravity exerted by one object on another (e.g., the Earth and Moon) is greater on the near
side than the far side. This effect is commonly referred to as a
Why does Europa have an elliptical orbit?
The lack of large impact craters on the surface of Europa is consistent with
Current models suggest that if Europa does indeed have a subsurface ocean, it
109. In addition to being the second-largest moon in the solar system, Saturn's moon
Titan, is
On Titan, methane exists in a liquid form.
Why does Titan have an atmosphere and Ganymede does not?
Methane should be rapidly destroyed in Titan's atmosphere, yet it is still present
in appreciable amounts. How can this be?
supplying the atmosphere with fresh methane
113. Even though Titan seems to meet the three criteria for a habitable world, life
would have a hard time developing and surviving on this world because:
Io is covered in volcanoes while Europa is covered in ice because
It is assumed that, even if Europa has life, the total amount of that life will be
small because:
116. The Tidal interaction between the Earth and the Moon has caused the Moon’s
orbit to:
What is the definition of a star's habitable zone?
118.What compound could be a “food” source for Titan based life.
119. On Earth, we oxygenate our food. On Titan, what element would play the same role
as oxygen.
120. From a chemical energy standpoint, the basic requirement for life is a situation in
which chemicals naturally exist in a state of
Most of the key energy-generating chemical reactions used by life on Earth are
Saturn's icy moon Enceladus
When the Sun becomes a red giant
The Sun will end its life by becoming
What is the power source for a Red Giant star?
Why does the Sun brighten with time?
The total amount of energy that a star radiates out into space is referred to as its