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Honors World Civilizations
1. Imperialism- The ambition of a powerful nation to
dominate the political, economic, and cultural affairs of
another nation or region – to create an empire.
2. Mercantilism-, economic policy prevailing in Europe
during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, under which
governmental control was exercised over industry and
trade in accordance with the theory that national
strength is increased by a dominance of exports over
imports. The use of colonies as supply depots for the
home economies, and the exclusion of colonies from
trade with other nations produced such reactions as the
American Revolution, in which the colonists asserted
their desire for freedom to seek economic advantage
wherever it could be found.
3. Industrialized nations did not want to depend on
other nations for raw materials in case of the breakout
of war. Imperialism created bitter rivalries between
nations to become more militaristic and capitalistic.
Large navies became more important to the overall
strength of a country. (To protect trade entities)
4. Economic imperialism was first criticized severely by
John A. Hobson, who viewed it as the attempt of the
capitalist classes in industrial nations to achieve
economic gain.
5. Industrial Capitalism- Is an economic system created
by material innovation and based on four things:
1) Growth
2) Extraction of resources from, and pollution into,
natural ecosystems
3) Technological innovations
4) The exchange of material goods in markets
6. Finance Capitalism-Finance capitalism is a term in
defined as the subordination of processes of production
to the accumulation of money profits in a financial
system. It is characterized by the pursuit of profit from
the purchase and sale of, or investment in, currencies
and financial products such as bonds, stocks, futures
and other derivatives. It also includes the lending of
capital at interest. Finance capitalism is seen by
Marxists as being exploitative by supplying income to
7. Marxist theory maintained that imperialism leading
to war was the inevitable and final result of economic
8. Industrialized nations looked for new markets in the
non-industrialized regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America—The Colonies they would add setup in these
countries would add to a nation’s military strength and
prestige as a world power
9. Rudyard Kipling- “The White Man’s Burden,” (To
spread western ideas of religion, culture and
civilization) American’s and Europeans felt they were
helping the people of the colonies
10. Social Darwinism- Theory that persons, groups, and
"races" are subject to the same laws of natural selection
as Charles Darwin had proposed for plants and animals
in nature. The life of humans in society was a struggle
for existence ruled by "survival of the fittest."
11. Colony- An area in which a foreign nation gained
complete control over a given region and its local
population-Colonies in Asia and Africa supplied cheap
labor, raw materials, and ready markets for European
manufacturing, spurred on by the Industrial Revolution
12. Loans were made to poorer nations from richer
nations, (loans the lesser could not pay back), provided
a wedge to take over a country both economically and
13. Protectorate- The local ruler kept his title, but
officials of foreign powers actually controlled the region
14. Sphere of Influence- A region in which one nation
had exclusive economic and political privileges that
were recognized by other nations
15. Assimilation- People of the colonies abandoned their
local cultures and adopted all aspects of the colonial
Imperialism in Africa
21. In 1875, after centuries of contact, Europe had no
more than 10% of African land--Twenty-five years
later, seven European nations controlled over 90% of
the continent. Many African tribes wanted the
manufactured goods brought by the Europeans, so they
borrowed money to buy them.
British aggressiveness into southern Africa was fuelled by
three prime factors:
1. The desire to control the trade routes to India that
passed around the Cape.
2. The discovery, in 1868, of huge mineral deposits of
diamonds around Kimberley on the joint borders of the
South African Republic, Orange Free State and Cape
Colony, and thereafter in 1886 in the Transvaal of a
major gold find, all of which offered enormous wealth
and power
3. Finally the race against other European colonial
powers, as part of a general colonial expansion in
22. The Boer Wars - were two wars fought between the
British Empire and the two independent Boer republics,
the Orange Free State and the South African Republic
(Transvaal Republic).---Boers were certain groups of
Dutch-speaking settler farmers who lived and resented
British rule
23. Initially the Boers defeated the British in major
engagements and besieged key cities. However British
reinforcements relieved the besieged towns and
dispersed the Boer armies. When Boer commando
attacks continued, The British implemented a scorchedearth policy: Boer farms were destroyed and Boer
civilians were herded into concentration camps. More
than 20,000 men, women, and children (including black
Africans) died as a result, causing international outrage.
The Boers finally accepted defeat.
24. In 1854- A French and English company built the
Suez Canal. To avoid the debt the Egyptians would
have to pay, Great Britain buys the Suez Canal (Trade
route from India, Australia, and New Zealand)
British Rule in India
26. The East India Company- An early English jointstock company that was formed initially for pursuing
trade with the East Indies, but that ended up trading
mainly with the Indian subcontinent and China.
27. The East India Company traded mainly in cotton,
silk, indigo dye, saltpeter, tea, and opium. The
Company also came to rule large areas of India,
exercising military power and assuming administrative
functions, to the exclusion, gradually, of its commercial
pursuits. Company rule in India, which effectively
began in 1757 lasted until 1858, when, following the
events of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, and under the
Government of India Act 1858, the British Crown
assumed direct administration of India in the new
British Raj.
28. British India- British Raj-- The British government
ruled India’s political and economic systems completely
from (1858-1947)
29. The British improved Indian roads, bridges,
railroads, factories, hospitals, schools (Agricultural
methods, public health, and sanitation)
30. Gandhi believed in a philosophy of non-violent
resistance to create Indian Independence
31. August 15, 1947- India and Pakistan separate from
the British Empire
32. The Kashmir Region- Widely disputed area between
India and Pakistan that could cause Nuclear War
Reasons British Imperialism Did Not Work in India
1. Both Hinduism and Islam stressed age-old customs
and respect for tradition.
2. Western Culture emphasized material progress and
political change.
3. Indians’ felt that religion had to be a part of their
everyday lives.
4. Many Indians yearned for a sense of Nationalism
5. Muslims and Hindus wanted a separate state for
religious freedom
The Opium Wars
(1839-42, 1856-60)
33. The first major military clashes between China and
the West, ended the long Chinese isolation from other
civilizations. For China, defeated in both conflicts, these
wars represented the beginning of a century of
humiliation by foreign powers through the imposition of
unequal treaties that extracted commercial privileges,
territory, and other benefits from the Chinese
34. The First Opium War stemmed from China’s efforts
to bar the illegal importation of opium by British
merchants. Britain scored an easy military victory. By
several treaties China opened several ports to British
trade. They also ceded Hong Kong to Britain, and
granted Britain Extraterritoriality, that is, the right to
try British citizens in China in British courts. The other
Western powers soon received similar privileges.
35. The Second Opium War, or Anglo-French War, in
China also resulted from China’s objections to the
opium trade. A joint offensive by Britain and France
secured another victory. The Treaty of Tianjin
(Tientsin) was signed in 1858, but the Chinese refused
to ratify it. Hostilities resumed, and Beijing (Peking)
was captured by the Western allies.
36. In 1860, China agreed to the provisions of the treaty,
which opened 11 more ports, allowed foreign envoys to
reside in Beijing, admitted missionaries to China,
permitted foreigners to travel in the Chinese interior,
and legalized the importation of opium.
37. The Boxer Rebellion- A nationalist movement in
China against Western Imperialism and Christianity-The uprising took place in response to European
"spheres of influence" in China, with grievances
ranging from opium traders, political invasion,
economic manipulation, to missionary evangelism
38. Eventually the rebellion was stopped and foreign
nations would commit many atrocities to the population
of Bejing-- The "Boxer Protocol"- The protocol ordered
the execution of 10 high-ranking officials linked to the
outbreak and other officials who were found guilty for
the slaughter of Westerners in China.
39. China would not be colonized by any one nation, but
there was an “Open-Door Policy,” which meant most
imperialistic nations could trade with China, without
making it a colony.
Imperialism in Latin America
40. Imperialism in Latin America involved the United
States and European nations seeking to strengthen their
political and economic influence over the region.
41. The United States had become a growing economic
force in Latin America by the late 1800s. Economic
power and political power grew together, and the
United States exerted its influence and control in many
42. Cuba began a revolution against Spain in the 1860’s.
Many Americans felt the need to help the Cubans in the
struggle for independence.
43. The United States declared war on Spain following
the explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor—
The Spanish American War. The war was disastrous for
Spain as the Spanish army was defeated in Cuba and
navy fleets were destroyed in Philippines and Cuba-U.S. won war within three months and received
Philippines, Cuba, and Guam.
44. Platt Amendment- Forbade any transfer of Cuban
land except to the United States- Right to intervene in
Cuban Affairs—also created United States Presence in
Guantanamo Bay.
45. Monroe Doctrine-- A policy that stated that further
efforts by European countries to colonize land or
interfere with states in the Americas would be viewed as
acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.
46. American Isolationism- The Monroe Doctrine
asserted that the Western Hemisphere was not to be
further colonized by European countries but that the
United States would neither interfere with existing
European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns
of European countries
47. Roosevelt Corollary- Any situation threatening the
independence of any country in the Western
Hemisphere, the United States would act as police force
Reasons for Imperialism
1. The need for power and prestige- Ex: Different
European countries would take over colonies for
positioning and to disallow another European country
from establishing a colony. White Man’s BurdenWestern pride= Spanish Influence on Mexico
2. Many colonies were rich in natural resources- that
could be brought to Europe and changed into
manufactured goods. Ex: American Cotton=British
3. The colonies became a market for manufactured
goods- Ex: India/Africa/America became markets for
British Goods
4. The colonies provided strategic points for armed
forces and navy Ex: British- Strait of Gibraltar, Suez
Canal- Naval
5. Labor- The people of the colony could be used for
slave labor and military causes- British-India, South
Africa, Native American in America