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 Heat
and or extreme pressure
 Original rock is the parent rock
• Can be sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic
 The
heat is not enough to melt the parent
 Recrystallization
• Heat and/or pressure can cause the bonds in the
minerals atoms to break
• They join together differently to form new
 The
way most metamorphic change
 Usually the deeper down the rocks are
the more change that occurs
 Usually due to both heat and pressure
 Mountain ranges are examples of large
area metamorphism
 Caused
by heat or pressure but not both
 Magma comes near rocks but doesn’t
melt them
• The heat causes recrystallization to occur
 An
earthquake causes rocks to grind past
each other
• The pressure causes recrystallization to occur
 These
rocks have flat or wavy parallel
 Usually produced by large area
 The minerals flatten out or line up in
 If
a rock only has one type of mineral
there will be no foliation
 They will not split into layers
 Can be formed by heat alone
 Foliated
 Parent
rock is shale
 Changed by Heat and Pressure
 Mica starts to grow as recrystallization
 Used in roofing, flooring, and
•Parent Rock is Slate
•Associated with regional
metamorphism and mountain
•Tends to split easily
 Foliated
 Parent
rock is Phylite
 Contains large amounts of mica
• Allows it to split into thin pieces
 Foliated
 Parent
rock is Schist
 Formed deep within the crust
• Temperatures between 600-700 C
 Usually
does not break along layers
 Nonfoliated
 Parent
rock is Limestone
 Made mostly of one mineral
• Calcium Carbonate (Calcite)
 Used
for tile, countertops, sculptures