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Review Sheet 4 – Physics 222 – Fall 2016 – RHC
The test will cover chapters 33 through 33 inclusive, plus what we covered in solid state and
basic AC circuits. Labs 6 through 10 and the offline (book) and online (Mastering Physics)
homework assigned for these chapters will be testable material. If an equation or physical
constant are relatively obscure, I will provide them.
1. Fundamentals of Circuits (31)
Using Kirchhoff’s Laws and simultaneous equations to analyze an otherwise non-reducible
2. The Magnetic Field (32)
The three manifestations of magnetism. The five classes of materials according to
magnetization susceptibility. Gauss’ law of the Magnetic Field.
Oersted’s Discovery. The two right hand rules for magnetic flux (straight wire and coil of wire).
Quantizing Oersted: The Biot-Savarte Law, and Ampere’s Law. The magnetic field directly off a
long straight wire. The magnetic field in the center of a solenoid. The two parallel wire
The unit of magnetic field strength or magnetic flux density, the Tesla (for B vector).
The Lorentz Force on Charge Law, The Lorentz Force on Current Law.. Determining a Lorentz
Force direction and magnitude.
Problems involving Lorentz and Ampere. Using magnetic flux density to determine the
direction of a Lorentz Force.
3. Electromagnetic Induction (33), AC and Solid State
Faraday’s Law for a single loop and for multiple loops (a coil). Doing a Faraday calculation
involving Webers.
Lenz’s Law: using it for the different kinds of problems shown in class. How the direction of the
induced voltage changes with each variation in the induction method.
Calculating peak and RMS voltage and current in an AC circuit. How does an ideal transformer
work? The three kinds of impedances. ELI the ICE MAN.
Regular and light emitting diodes: using them to rectify an AC voltage.