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Salahaddin University-Hawler
College of Education
Semantics & Pragmatics
Term Paper
The Use of Facial Expressions and Eye Contact
in Teaching
Prepared by:
Aryan Hamza Othman
Supervised by:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Himdad Abdul-Qahar
Classroom teaching is an activity of communication. Teachers and students
convey messages by both verbal and non-verbal cues. The non-verbal behavior
plays an important role in the process of teaching. Non-verbal communication
makes the teaching environment to be active and the students to feel watchful
and ready to participate in the learning process. Two of the most important
forms of non-verbal communication are facial expressions and eye contact.
The facial expression is an important tool of the teaching-learning process
and could make the teaching-learning more effective and interesting .Teachers
facial expressions positively affect the teaching learning process. Different
facial expressions on the face of the teacher help the students to understand the
lessons better and motivate them to work hard.
The eyes are powerful tools for both the teacher and the learner. The eyes
converse as much as the tongue; and when there is a conflict between what a
person's tongue and eyes say, it is always the eyes which are trusted .Teachers
regular eye contact makes the environment alive. Teachers can make use of
eye contacts to convey messages of appreciation and anger.
Finally, the appropriate use of facial expressions and eye contact makes the
process of teaching to be motivated, interesting and consequently increases the
students’ performance, i.e. a teacher as the master of the situation and the
corner stone in learning process has to arouse joyfulness in creative
expressions and knowledge in his daily teaching. As Albert Einstein has
mentioned in the following speech.
{It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy
creative expression and knowledge}
Table of Contents
1- Abstract…………
2- Introduction……
3- Verbal Communication vs. Non-Verbal Communication….
4- Definitions of Non-Verbal Communication….
5- Forms of Non-verbal Communication….
6- Facial Expressions…
7- Facial Expressions & Teaching…
8- The Functions of Facial Expressions in Teaching…
9- Eye Contact…
10- The Importance of Eye Contact in Teaching…
11- Conclusions & Summary…
12- Bibliography
1. Introduction
Communication is an integral part of our lives. We communicate in
different ways to express our thoughts, feelings, knowledge and attitudes.
Communication is normally identified with speech but it is the combination of
both verbal and non verbal signs. Non-verbal communication has often been
defined as communication without speech.
As Bovee,et al stated," people’s actions often do speak louder than their
words. In fact, most people can deceive others much more easily with words
than they can with their bodies. Words are relatively easy to control; however,
body language, facial expressions, and vocal characteristics are not. By paying
attention to these nonverbal cues, we can detect deception or affirm a speaker's
honesty since the nonverbal communication is so reliable that people generally
have more faith in nonverbal cues than they do in verbal messages. If a person
says one thing but transmits a conflicting message nonverbally, listeners
almost invariably believe the nonverbal signal. Chances are if we can read
other people’s nonverbal messages correctly, we can interpret their underlying
attentions and respond appropriately" (Impact of Non-Verbal Communication
on Students' Learning Outcomes, 2011, p.4).
This paper deals with two important forms of non-verbal communication and
their roles in the process of teaching. Facial expressions and eye contact which
are very essential elements that need to be focused on because of their crucial
roles in the teaching-learning process.
The main goal of this paper is to indicate the important role, and the use of
both facial expressions and eye contact in the process of teaching-learning.
2. Verbal Vs Non-Verbal Communication
Usually communication is recognized as speech, but in fact it has two
dimensions verbal and nonverbal communication. We can say that each of
these dimensions is a face to face method of communication except when the
verbal communication is in need of sound while the latter is in need of sight.
The verbal communication is the communication by using words while nonverbal is the communication by the use of signs without words.
Verbal communication has its own rules and grammatical structures
whereas non-verbal communication has no rules; that’s to say linguistic and
non-linguistic communications.
The verbal communication is conscious while most of the non-verbal signs
are unconscious. For example, facial expressions such as, blushing, sweating,
or yawning…etc is not under the control of human beings.
Most of the non-verbal signs are ambiguous that is why it is hard to analyze
them easily, for example a smile may have many interpretations according to
different cultures, it may mean happiness, sarcastic, friendliness,…etc.
A child when born has the ability of smiling and crying, while not able to
say a word. So we can say that verbal communication is in need of learning
unlike non-verbal which is inborn and does not need of learning except of
some of them that are culturally bounded. "As Davis (1990) says Caucasian
schoolteachers associate students' avoidance of eye contact with deception,
whereas Asian students see such avoidance as a sign of respect"
(Journal of NELTA, Vol.14, No.1-2, December 2009).
Non-verbal communication is as complex, large, and communicative as
verbal communication. The function of non-verbal communication most of the
time depends on the age and gender, and sometimes on various cultures.
Communication often is a mixture of both verbal and non-verbal cues. A
large number of experts say that communication is %7 verbal, %38 vocal
(tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) and % 55 non-verbals. So even
during verbal communications we use a large number of non-verbal signs.
Non-verbal communication has a very significant role in teaching which is
not realized by educationalists and policy planners. Now, in this era, the focus
of teaching is on communicative approach yet non-verbal communication is
neglected although it involves side by side with the verbal communication. It
will be very useful for curriculum planners to realize the importance of nonverbal communication and make it a part of the teaching programmers', thus
the prospective teachers will be trained in this valuable skill.
Non-verbal communication usually is used for either revealing or hiding
emotions. This function is done mostly by facial expressions. In our daily lives
most of us have to face a situation to hide his emotions and pretend to be
interested in something that he doesn't like it, this is for the sake of morality
and social traditions, also to make life go smoothly and easier.
3. Definitions of Non-Verbal Communication
According to R.L. TRASK in Language and Linguistics, The Key Concepts,
2007" Non-verbal communication is any aspect of communication which
doesn't involve any words. When you talk to somebody else, you stand, you
wear particular expressions, you make particular gestures, and your choices
often communicate things that your words do not express directly: whether
you are interested or bored, whether you are nervous or confident, whether
you are attracted to the other person or not, and so on. All of these are aspects
of non-verbal communication, and many of them are culture-bound, so that,
when trying to speak a foreign language, you may inadvertently convey
something you don't intend".
According to Wikipedia (n.d) "Non-verbal communication is usually
understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving
wordless messages. i.e., language is not the only source of communication,
there are other means also. Non-verbal communication can be communicated
through body movements, facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures".
(Impact of Non-Verbal Communication on Students' Learning Outcomes,
2011, p.2 )
Non-verbal communication can refer to the use of paralinguistics which
defined according to Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics 1990 as the
study or use of non-vocalic phenomena such as facial expressions, head or eye
movements, and gestures, which may add support, emphasis, or particular
shades of meaning to what people are saying".
4. Forms of Non-verbal Communication
1- Kinesics ( Body movements and gestures)
2- Proxemics ( Space management in relation to social and physical
3- Haptics ( Use of touch)
4- Oculesics ( Use of eye contact)
5- Vocalics ( Tone, pitch, volume, and speed of the voice)
6- Facial Expressions (Gestures produced by the muscles of the face)
7- Postures ( The position and orientation of the body)
8- Olfactics ( Use of smell)
9- Silence (Absence of linguistic words or forms)
10- Adornment ( Clothes, Jewelry, and hairstyle)
11- Chronemics ( Time management)
12- Olfactics ( interpersonal communication through smell and perfume)
“The role of Nonverbal communication in Beginners’' EFL
Classrooms, by Mohamed ELFATIHI, 2005-2006, P.16”
All these forms of non-verbal communication share some features
with each other:
1- Most of the verbal and non-verbal signs are in struggle with each other.
2- Verbal and non-verbal communications often are particular to certain
3- A large number of non-verbal communications are function
4- Non-verbal communication usually expresses feelings and emotions.
5. Facial Expressions
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
This saying is a good example to see the use of facial expressions.
One of the most complicated parts of the human body is the face.
People can communicate silently through their faces. Usually when we
look at a person's photo we see the face but we concentrate on the eyes
and the mouth, that's why these two organs are the most important parts
of the face. Looking at a face can tell you a lot about the feelings and
emotions, while when you communicate with someone and you are not
able to see the face you may have problems and misunderstandings. i.e. in
chat rooms and e-mails. This situation led to the invent of emoticons to
solve such problems. Emoticon is the combination of emotion and icon.
Use icons which are usually consist of eyes and mouth to express
Facial expression is one of the forms of non-verbal communications.
This form of non-verbal communication carries a lot of meaning about a
person, and through it one can predict or know a lot about someone even
if you see that person for the first time. Hall, 1980 states that
“psychologists estimate that humans can produce up to 2000 different
facial expressions." (The role of Nonverbal communication in Beginners’'
EFL Classrooms, by Mohamed ELFATIHI, 2005-2006, P.16). The
different expressions that are made by face are universal, but not all
people are capable of producing these various facial expressions because
of problems with muscles or a brain damage.
Types of Facial Expressions
Haller and Rambaud (1980) classified the facial expressions
into the following categories :
5.1.1.The Basic Expressions. These are the primary facial
expressions that all humans, including very young children can
produce. These can be either positive expressions, like tenderness,
curiosity, in addition to frankness, negative expressions like anger,
disgust, and terror, or mixed expressions such as astonishment,
impatience, and submission.
5.1.2. Secondary Expressions. These are such complex facial
expressions that only adults, normally, can produce. They are also
subdivided into negative expressions such as admiration, relief, and
bravery, and negative ones like disdain, challenge, and despair.
5.1.3. Reinforcing Expressions .These expressions are able to
reinforce the meaning of what speakers can express verbally, for
instance, familiarity, humility, and reflection.
5.1.4. Relative Expressions. These expressions have the function
of relating different other expressions or giving them a distinct
characteristic like remembrance, helplessness, and satiety.
5.1.5.Complementary Expressions. These expressions function
in very particular situations for making them delicate to
interpret such as boredom, and extreme fatigue.
(The role of nonverbal communication in beginners' EFL
Classrooms, by: Mohamed ELFATIHI, 2005-2006, P.16)
Facial Expressions & Teaching
There is a mutual relationship between the facial expressions of the
teacher and the students. That is to say the more the teacher is facially
expressive the more the students are facially expressive. The facial
expressions can be used as a technique of teaching by the teachers not
only to explain the subjects and clarify them to the students but also to
make the class be more interesting and motivated. The teacher’s facial
expressions have a great effect on the teaching process. If the teacher uses
a positive face, the students will enjoy the lecture and feel comfortable,
while if the teacher has a negative face, the students will feel discomfort
and don't understand the subject.
The use of facial expressions by the teacher is not a simple task, because
it takes great skill of how to use it side by side with the verbal
communication during the learning process, so as not to cause
misunderstandings. Woolfolk (2004) stated that the students/learners
would prefer communication more than listening to the teacher’s talks,
i.e. It is more than the words that have been exchanged between
individuals. In fact, we communicate in many ways such as our actions,
movements, voice tone, facial expressions, and many other nonverbal
behaviors which send messages to our students. Often, the messages we
intend to send are not the messages that our students will receive. (Impact
of Non-Verbal Communication on Students' Learning Outcomes, 2011,)
The Functions of Facial Expressions in Teaching
Facial expressions are of great importance and teachers must pay
attention to them. They have to use them effectively in their classes
since they have the following useful functions:
1- Through the use of facial expressions the teacher will have more
impressions than the use of verbal communication, because the
message that the teacher sends will be more clear and diversified.
2- The teacher can use the facial expressions to motivate the students
to study hard and have good results. i.e. the use of smile and anger
during the class on the face of the teacher encourages them because
they make the teaching process to be more effective.
3- The teacher's appreciation of the students during the class through
facial expressions motivates the students.
4- The teacher can understand the performance of the students via
their facial expressions.
5- The heavy make up by the teacher particularly female teachers
have a negative effect on the process of teaching. This situation
will distract the students to not be aware of what the teacher says;
only paying attention to the face. In fact, there are also female
students who do the same and use heavy cosmetics on their face
which makes the teacher to have negative opinion about them for
spending much of their time on this not on studying. So, both of
them especially the teacher should realize the nature and sensitivity
of their works.
6- On the other side if the teacher has an angry face all the time the
students don't like the lecture, get bored, and even don't want to
attend his lecture.
7- If the teacher has a sleepy face the students will feel sleepy with
him and get bored, this situation I experienced it myself. I used to
have a teacher that we (my classmates) called the lectures of this
teacher the lecture of sleeping because he had a sleepy face, and
sometimes during the class he was a sleep.
8-Eye Contact
"The eyes of men are converse as much as their tongue, with the
advantage that the ocular dialect needs no dictionary, but is understood
the world over"
"When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man
relies on the language of the first" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oculesics is the use of eye contact in communication. Eye is one of the
most important organs of the human body. The eyes are used for
communication as much as that used for sight. It is something natural to
see two people look at each other's eyes when they participate in a
conversation because the eyes take the role of turn taker. (The role of
Nonverbal communication in Beginners’' EFL Classrooms, by Mohamed
ELFATIHI, 2005-2006)
Miller (1988) stated," The most important and reliable features of the
face, the eyes provide a constant channel of communication. They can be
shifty and evasive; convey hate, fear, anger, and guilt; or express
confidence, love, and support. Studies show that gaze and eye contact can
provide information, regulate interaction, express intimacy, exercise
social control, and facilitate goals." He further stated, "Teacher can have
individual contacts with every student in the classroom through eye
contact. Attitudes of intimacy, aloofness, concern or indifference can be
inferred by the way a teacher looks or avoids looking at a student. The
level of credibility and honesty has been found to be related to the
amount of eye contact exhibited by a speaker. Thus, if a teacher has an
eye contact with only a selected few alert and interested students, other
students might consider this to be biased and favoritism." (Impact of nonverbal communication on students learning outcomes, by: Muhammad
Nadeem BUTT, 2011)
9- The Importance of Eye Contact in Teaching
1- Through the use of the eye contact with the students; the teacher
delivers an optimistic message and makes them to be motivated to
like the lecture.
2- The teacher can use his eyes as a correction technique with the
students so as not to embarrass them, when they make mistakes.
3- The teacher can use the eye contact to save time during the class to
make approvals, appreciation and encouragement.
4- The good eye contact doesn't mean to gaze or stair at the students
because this makes them uncomfortable and cannot concentrate on
the lecture.
5- The eye contact can be used by the teacher to show attention and
interest towards the students.
6- The teacher can use his eye contact to provide feedback during the
class and to reveal attitudes of the students.
7- It can be used by the teacher to dominate and control the whole
class and affects the students.
8- Teachers' continuous use of eye contact will make the class to be
active and alive.
9.Conclusions and Summary
This paper studies one of the most important issues of the teaching
process, which is the use of the nonverbal communication equally with
verbal communication in teaching. Non-verbal communication has many
forms but I have chose the most important ones which are facial
expressions and eye contact. Eye contact or let's say eye is a part of the
face and they complete each other during communication. These two
forms are two effective techniques of teaching if the teachers realize how
to use them in the class.
Teaching is an art, and this art needs skill and power to know how to be
a successful artist in your field. The educationalists should realize the
significance of the use of facial expressions and eye contact in the process
of teaching. They have to open courses to the teachers to make them how
to use them during the class. Because this is like a weapon in the hand of
the teacher and doesn't need effort or endeavor.
In this way, the learning process will be interesting to the students and
the teaching process will be more like acting to the teachers. So, the
students will have good achievements and each one of them will choose
one of their own teachers to be their model.
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