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12, 1906
A desert flora i always intere ting to the student. The hard
conditions that prevail, produce variation or elimination. The
unu ual ecological factors give rise to a urpri ingly larg number of forms that . em to have character which are both fixed
and li tinct.
Prof. P. B. K enn dy, of the University of Nevada , Reno, is
favorably located for studying ju t such a flora. Th e Gr at
Basin has interested. others and much is known of it vegetation,
but that vast area will long r emain a fruitful fi ld of inquiry.
1\1r. K ennedy is accumulating data and specimens which will a ld
much to our knowl c1ge conc rning it. H e i kindly p rmitting
th e under ign ed to tuc1y hi. collections with him. Th first
pap r on th e plant of l\It . Rose appeared in the current volum e
of th e Proceeding, p. 35. The present pap r i . . offered as the
fir t of a coordinate eries . Th e results of thi season' fi eld
work will b offered ill ub equent papers.
Sophia paradisa sp. nov.
Winter annual, 1-2 dm. high, branched from the base; stems glandularpubescent; leaves den~ely and finely s t ellat e-p uh e~cent, silver-gray, pin_
nate, 1-3 cm . long; leaflets divided into rounded or lin ear lobes; flowers
light-yellow, minute, clustered at the summit of the fruiting racemes;
mature capsules almo~t glabrou , 4 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, abruptly
attenuate towards the base and apex; pedicels slightly longer, glandularpubescent; seeds oblong, light-brow n, less than 1 mm. long, glabrous.
Allied to Sophia incisa. Found abundantly on dry, light colored adobe
soil in the desert flats of Paracli. e Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada,
April 30, 1905. P. B. Kennedy. No. 1059 (type). A con iderable proportion of the specimens seen were stunted by a white rust, Albugo.
Sphaerostigma orthocarpa sp. nov.
Plant 1-3 dm. high, branched from the base, hirsute-pube cent throughout; stems several, rather stout, purplish below; lateral branches slender;
PRoe. BIOL. Soc.
VOL. XIX, 1906.
1 6
elso{L and IG naedy
"t'{ew Plant· fro??'/, th Great B lsin.
leave variable, from 1-15 cm . long; margin unfH enly undulate-dentate;
apex acute or obtu e, attenuate to a
'I e ba. e; flower terminatillg the
rather long, bracted, fruitinO' racem ; calyx-lobe oblol1O'-lall eolate,-1 mm.
long; corolla yellowi h from the bud, becominO' pink and purple with age;
petal uborbiclllar - mm. 10nO' and -1mm. wide; cap. ule narrowly lin ear.
3-5 ·m. long, attenuate at ba " traight or lightly ('ury d; eed' 1 rum,
I nO'.
Allied to . Lemmolli A. Nel:.
Colle ·t u on the .·hore of Pyramid Lake, \\ a hoe ounty, Nevada, )lay
19, ]90,-, No. 1015a (type) P. B. Kennedy.
Godetia latifolia
Whole plant
y pube._cent; .. tem. purpli h, 1-3 dm. high, erect,
lender; lea
ovate-Ian ceolate, a('ute, entire, the lar est 2.5 Cll . long,
attenuate at the ba. e into a petiole mm. 10nO'; calyx-lobe free, broadly
linear-lanceolate, 8 mm. 10nO'; 'orolla deep purple; petal
mm. long and
6 mm. wid, attenuate at the ba ~e ; ~tamens and tyle of nearly equal
length; ca
I parsely pube (;ent, -12 mm. long, attenuate at the apex.
eare t to G. Tenella from which it i ea. ily . eparated by the hape and
texture of the leaves. Type (a ceo ion Ko. 55,03 ) coll ected at iena
Valley, iena County, California, July, 190-1, ~Iis Helen Hamlin.
Oreocarya hispida p. nov .
Caudex about 5 cm. long, rath r I noel', apparently biennial; stem
veral, about 1-1.5 dID. high, floriferous alnlO t to the ba e' leaves olJlaneeola' -spatulate, with long petioles dilated at the lJa e, 2.5-5 cm. long in_
cludinO' petiole; old leaves !Jube cent-hi. I jd, ilvery-gray; new leave
pilo e-hi pid, gr ener; intlore cen e thyrsoid-glomerate; pedicel about 3
mOl. long; calyx egment 4: mm. long, linear-lanceolate, equaling the tube
of the corolla, very den ~e ly hi 'pid; corolla cream-colored, tube 3 mm.long,
lobe 3 m111. long, orbicular; cr t at ba e of each lobe con pi uou ;
anther almo t e~ ile; nutlet forming an ovoid-pyramiual fruit, narrow d
above, rather acute, more or Ie rugo e or tuberculated on the back, margin angular; tyl elongated .
Coli ct d in Car on Valley, Orm by ounty, Nevada, April 24, }flO':!:.
No. 865 (typ ). G. H. True.
Cryptanthe densiflora p. nov.
R ot biennial, t ut; plant hi pid throughout, about 2 dm.l igb, branching profu -ely from th ba
il1t nlllDerou~ I nel l' tew ; tem thickly
clu t red with fl w r ahove and b 10\"'; leave ~ w, oblong to lin aI', about
1-2 m. long; fruiting 'alyx ·10 d; gm nt linear-lane olate, 2.5 mm.
I nO', hi pid; 'orolla _ mm. 1 n ,it 10
1 mm. long, nutl t 1 or 2, liO'ht
gray, 1.5 mm. long, minutely abrou -llluricat .
Allied to C. mnriculnta but with malleI' nutl
v ry
der numero
branche, and profu e infi reo G nee.
'011 ct d at
reli, 'Va hoe ounty,
Ne ada, 'eptember 2 , 1904, No. 952 (type) . B. K nnedy.
llelson and I{ennedy
New Plants jTOm the Great B
Cryptanthe nevadensis sp. nov.
Plant about 2 dm. high, branched from the ba e; leaves few, lin earlanceolate, pilose-hi pid, from 1-2 em. long, usually one at the base of each
branchlet; fruiting calyx open, egments with a st.rong central vein, lin ear,
5 mm. long, about twice tl1 length of the nutlets, pilo"'e, al 0 beset with
tiff bristles; the e about 2 mm. long and s wollen at the base; corolla
white, 2 mm. lon a ; corolla-lobes 1 mm. long with minute brown veins;
nutlets 4, and all alike, ovate-acuminate, 2 mill. long, minutely-scabrous.
Allied to C. geminutll and C. uifinis. Type (accession 0.55,039) collected
in a dry gulch at Reno, Washoe County, evada, Jun e 16, 1893. F. H .
Cryptanthe Hillmanii sp. noy.
Annual, 1-2 dm. high, v ry lender, pilose throughout· leaves few, linear,
1-2 cm. long, calyx- 'egment den ely pilose, about 2 mm. long, ovute-Ianceolate; flowers mostly in terminal cluster at the end of the stems and
branch lets ; corolla minute; nutl et mooth, solitary, scarcely 2 mm. long.
Distinct from any of the pecie. in the section with mooth olitary nutlet, but perhap nearest to C. glomerifioTa.
Collected on a rocky hill OPI 0 ite Huffakers ranch, near Reno, Washoe
County, Nevada, May 27, 1893, F. H. Hillman. Type (accession No. 55,220)
in Ry. Mt. Herb.