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The Founder of Confucianism
Confucianism is a system of beliefs based on the teachings of Kong Fuzi
(also called Confucius), who lived during the Zhou Dynasty. Confucius
believed in Chinese traditions such as respect for ancestors and learning.
When he experienced the disorder and chaos of Chinese states fighting for
power during the Warring States Period, he became sad. His own state was
invaded many times. He also saw that society and government had to
change, if peace and order were to exist. Confucius wanted to teach men of
good character to govern wisely and be honest and fair.
The Teachings of Confucianism
Confucianism is a philosophy that defines proper conduct for people and governments. According to
Confucius, people are naturally good and should concentrate on improving their behavior and doing
what they know is right. He called this proper behavior li. Confucius taught that society would be
orderly and peaceful if everybody followed li. According to Confucianism, there are five basic
relationships between people: (1) ruler and subject, (2) husband and wife,(3) father and son, (4)older
sibling and younger sibling, and (5) friend and friend. All people must respect and obey those who are
above them in status. In particular, they must respect their elders. In return, those with authority, such
as rulers, fathers, husbands, and older siblings, must set a good example. They should be kind, honest,
wise, and faithful.
The Influence of Confucianism
The philosophy of Confucius attracted many students who spread his ideas and teachings. After his
death, these students collected his sayings in a book called The Analects. Few rulers accepted
Confucius’ ideas during his lifetime. However, long after his death, his teaching and The Analects
spread throughout China. The Han dynasty declared it the official belief system of China. Rather than
hire government workers that were family members and wealthy nobles like previous dynasties, Han
emperors made their employees take exams testing their Confucian knowledge and proper behavior.
The teachings of Confucius have had a major influence on Chinese culture. Values such as respect for
elders, proper behavior, and love of scholarship became deeply woven into Chinese society.
The Founder of Daoism
The second great philosophy to come out of China’s time of trouble was
Daoism. According to tradition, the great sage, or wise man, of Daoism was
Laozi (low-dzuh). Some scholars know so little about Laozi that they think he
was only a legendary figure. Others believe he was a real man who lived
during the Zhou dynasty in the late 500s B.C.E. Laozi believed that people
should not strive for power and wealth because it is unnatural. Nothing in
nature strives for fame, fortune, power or knowledge. His ideas and teachings
are recorded in a book called the Dao De Jing.
Teachings of Daoism
Dao (dow) is an ancient Chinese idea meaning “the Way.” Dao is believed to be the force that gives
order to all things in nature and the universe. Daoism teaches that people gain peace and happiness
by living in harmony, or agreement, with nature. To Daoists, nature is full of opposites, like life and
death, or light and darkness. True harmony comes from balancing the opposite forces of nature, called
yin and yang and accepting both as they come your way. Yin means “shaded,” and yang means
“sunlit.” In the same way, human life is a whole made up of opposites. Daoists accept everything that
comes their way naturally, including the good with bad, beauty with ugliness, and pleasure with pain.
According to Daoism, people follow the way of nature by living simple lives of quiet meditation. They
also teach that people should avoid feeling self-important and should not work to gain possessions or
honors. Instead, they should accept whatever comes naturally. The Daoists believed that everyone
must discover the Dao for themselves. Too many laws and social rules conflict with the way of living
naturally and following the Dao. According to these teachings, the best rulers were those who ruled the
least. The Dao De Jing says, “Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too
much poking.” It also tells rulers to be weak and let things alone.
The Influence of Daoism
Daoism encourages rulers to govern less harshly. But Daoism’s more important influence was on
Chinese thought, writing, and art. In time, Daoism developed into a popular religion. During the Han
Dynasty, we learned that Confucianism became the official belief system. However, the Han emperors
also adopted some Daoist principles. For example they made fewer laws and fought fewer wars
because they believed laws and wars didn’t help people naturally. One emperor even followed Daoist
advice and eliminated a heavy tax on poor farmers. For a time, this helped ease the hunger of poor
people in China.