Download Objectives - Mount Notre Dame High School

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Level One Course Objectives for Latin
Before entering a level two Latin course at Mount Notre Dame High School, students should
demonstrate mastery in the following areas.
Level One vocabulary (please see list)
Nouns: Declensions I-V
o Nominative: subject, predicate nominative
o Genitive: possession, partitive genitive
o Dative: indirect object
o Accusative: direct object, accusative of place to which, accusative with
o Ablative: object of the prepositions (a/ab, cum, coram, de, pro, prae, sine, e/ex,
in, sub, super), ablatives of place where, place from which, accompaniment,
means, and manner, personal agent, time when, time within which
o Vocative: direct address
o Personal pronouns: ego, tu, nos, vos
o is, ea, id
o Cum with pronouns
o Interrogative quis and quid
o Hic, haec, hoc
o Ille, illa, illud
Numerals and Adjectives
o Cardinal numbers
o Ordinal numbers (primus-decimus)
o Roman numerals I-M
o 2-1-2 adjectives
o 3rd declension adjectives
Adverbs (see vocab list)
o Positive adverbs from 2-1-2 adjectives
o Quam with adjectives and adverbs
Conjunctions and Enclitics (see vocab list)
Verbs: Conjugations I-IV
o Indicative mood: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future
perfect active and passive
o Present active imperative singular and plural
o negative imperatives with noli, nolite
o irregular imperatives dic, duc, fac, fer
o Irregular verb sum conjugated in all tenses
o Irregular verb possum conjugated in all tenses
o Present active infinitive
o important Italian locations, e.g., Ostia, Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Brundisium,
Apennine Mts.; provinces and major cities, e.g., Africa, Athens, Gaul, Carthage,
Asia Minor, Troy
o Basic historical divisions (Monarchy, Republic, Empire) and associated terms
(king, consul, emperor); kings of Rome and early Roman heroes, e.g., Romulus,
Tarquinius Superbus, Horatius, Cincinnatus
o Olympian deities and associated myths, e.g., Daphne and Apollo, Arachne and
Minerva, Midas
Roman Life
o city of Rome, e.g., Forum, Palatine Hill, Via Appia, Pantheon, Campus Martius;
architectural structures and their functions, e.g.,aquaeductus, thermae,
circus, amphitheatrum, curia, basilica; housing; meals; clothing; names
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