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Section 11
 Case is that form of a noun or pronoun which marks
its function in a sentence
 There are three cases:
1. Nominative
2. Objective
3. Possessive
 The following are the case forms of the singular personal
Personal Pronouns
Nominative Case
Objective Case
Possessive Case
First Person
my (mine)
Second Person
your (yours)
Third Person
Masculine: he
Feminine: she
Neuter: it
Masculine: him
Feminine: her
Neuter: it
Masculine: his
Feminine: her (hers)
Neuter: its
 The following are the case forms of the plural personal
Personal Pronouns
Nominative Case
Objective Case
Possessive Case
First Person
our (ours)
Second Person
your (yours)
Third Person
All genders: they
All genders: them
All genders: their
 The following are the case forms of the relative or
interrogative pronoun who
Relative and Interrogative Pronoun Who
Singular and Plural
Nominative Case
Objective Case
Possessive Case
 What are the nominative case pronouns?
Singular: I, you, he, she, it
Plural: we, you, they
Simple: who
Compound: whoever
 Nominative case pronouns are used as subjects or as
predicate nominatives
 He and I will be in the library.
 Pronouns used as subject
 The winner will be he.
 Pronoun used as predicate nominative
 Note: A pronoun that is used as a predicate nominative will
follow a form of the verb be
 A nominative case pronoun is used as the complement
of the infinitive to be whenever the infinitive does not
have a grammatical subject of its own
 Example
 He was thought to be I.
 Since to be has no subject of its own, the complement refers
to the subject of the verb was thought, which is in the
nominative case
 You can test if you used the correct pronoun by exchanging
the pronoun complement
 He was thought to be me = Me was thought to be he.
 He was thought to be I = I was thought to be he.
 What are the objective case pronouns?
Singular: me, you, his, her, it
Plural: us, you, them
Simple: whom
Compound: whomever
 Objective case pronouns are used direct object, indirect
object, and objects of preposition
 Examples:
 Dad advised him.
 Him is a DO following the verb advised
 Dad gave him advice.
 Him is an IO between the verb gave and the DO advice
 A helicopter circled above them.
 Them is the object of the preposition above
 The subject of an infinitive is in the objective case
 Example
 They wanted us to go with them.
 Us is the subject of the infinitive to go
 The entire phrase (us to go with them) is the DO of wanted
 An objective case pronoun is used as the complement
of the infinitive to be whenever the infinitive has a
grammatical subject of its own
 Example
 They thought him to be me.
 Here the complement refers to the subject of the infinitive which
is in the objective case
 What are the possessive case pronouns?
 Singular: my, your, his, her, its
 Plural: our, your, their
 Simple: whose
 Compound: whosever
 Possessive case pronouns show ownership or relationship
 The forms my, your, her, our, and their are used before
nouns and function as adjectives
 The forms mine, yours, hers, ours and theirs functions as
pronouns (that is, they may be subjects, direct objects,
predicate nominatives, etc.)
 The forms his and its function as adjectives or as
 Example
 His boat was old, but mine was older than his.
 The first his functions as an adjective
 Mine and the second his function as pronouns (subjects)
 And lastly, the possessive case is used to modify
 Example
 My meeting you here is quite a coincidence.
 We appreciate your visiting us today.
 In order to know which pronoun is correct, you must first
determine how the pronoun functions in the
sentence…then select the pronoun from the correct case
 Most problems occur when the pronoun appears in a
compound construction
 In such cases, try each pronoun alone in the sentence
 If the pronoun is followed by an appositive, try the
pronoun apart from the appositive
 If the pronoun itself is used as an appositive, the pronoun
appositive must be in the same case as the word to which it
 Using who, whoever, whom, whomever can be
 If the pronoun is used as a subject or a predicate
nominative, use who or whoever
 If the pronoun is used as a direct object or an object or
preposition, use whom or whomever
 For incomplete clauses beginning with than or as, use
the pronouns that you would use if the clause were