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Around the Room Review for Chap 7
1. The central part of an atom is called the _____
2. A proton has a _____ charge.
3. The atomic number tells us __________.
4. Nitrogen’s atomic number is 7. An isotope of nitrogen containing 7 neutrons would be nitrogen_____.
5. How does the size of a negative ion compare to the size of the atom that formed it?
6. The modern periodic table is organized by _____.
7. Elements in a group have similar _____.
8. How does the size of an atom change when reading across a period?
9. Who developed the first periodic table of the elements?
10. The elements in Group 1 are commonly called the _______.
11. The isotope nitrogen-13 has a half-life of 10 minutes. If you start with 40 grams, how many grams
of this isotope will you have remaining after 30 minutes? Show your work.
12. Rubidium forms the ion Rb+1. Is this ion larger or smaller than the neutral atom?
13. How do you calculate the number of neutrons in an atom using the periodic table?
14. Which element is more dense, tantalum or gallium?
15. Which element is least reactive, rubidium or niobium?
16. Which element is more reactive, sodium or potassium?
17. Which is a better conductor, bromine or manganese?
18. We can stretch metal into wires because it is _____.
19. Chrome is bright and shiny because it has a high _____.
20. Which types of elements are in electronic devices? Why?
21. When an atom of uranium undergoes radioactive decay it looses 2 protons and 2 neutrons from its
nucleus. Into which element is uranium transformed?
22. How many periods are on a periodic table?
23. If you had the ability to take apart and reform atoms, what could you do to turn lead into gold?
24. What subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
25. Which elements are non-reactive? Why?
26. What do all of the elements in Group 17 have in common?
27. Steel, bronze and brass are examples of an _____.
28. Atomic number –
Atomic mass –
Element name Protons Neutrons –
Electrons –
Draw the Bohr model for this element.