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Mrs. Adams
Anatomy I
Anatomical Positioning
1. Mrs. Cicoria is mad at Mr. Cicoria. Her posture is as follows...She is standing
with her left foot pointed forward, her right foot is pointed out the the side, her
hands are on her hips, she is tapping her right foot up and down off the
floor. Which answer best describes the action of her right HIP joint?
B.External Rotation
D.Internal Rotation
2. The reason Mrs. Cicoria is angry is that she held out her right hand, PALM UP,
waiting for Mr. Cicoria to give her some cash so that she could go shopping. What
best describes this movement?
3. GI Joe is working on his third set of thirty push-ups. Which best describes the
position he is in?
4. Ann stands on her "tip toes" to reach her favorite dish in the cupboard. What is
the movement of her ankles?
A.Plantar Flexion
D.Anterior Rotation
Mrs. Adams
Anatomy I
Anatomical Positioning
5. Mark is sitting in a chair, legs out in front of him resting on an ottoman. His
knees are.....
6. Remember when Mrs. Cicoria was mad, she was tapping her right foot on the
floor? Which best describes her ANKLE movement as her foot lifts off the floor
in an UPWARD motion?
A.Plantar Flexion
B.Dorsi Flexion
7. Tom has just received his new Hoveround!
As he prepares to get into his chair
safely, he straightens and braces his left arm on the left armrest of the
chair. He bends forward to flip up the footplate of the chair. Which movements
have occurred at his ELBOW and HIP joints?
A.Flexion of elbow, Extension of hip
B.Abduction of elbow, Flexion of hip
C.Extension of elbow, Flexion of hip
D.Abduction of elbow, adduction of hip
8. Which BEST describes the action do you complete every day when you turn OFF
the ignition of your van?
B.External Rotation
C.Internal Rotation
Mrs. Adams
Anatomy I
Anatomical Positioning
9. Jillian is the cutest little baby, she is lying in her crib playing with the toy that is
hanging above her. What position is Jillian lying in?
10. Which statement is correct?
A.The ear is medial to the eye
B.The chin is anterior to the nose
C.The elbow is proximal to the shoulder
D.The elbow is distal to the shoulder
Mrs. Adams
Anatomy I
Anatomical Positioning
a. Median, Midsagittal – Color Red Divides the body
into left/right halves.
b. Sagittal – Color Green
Divides the body into unequal left and right parts and
parallel to the median plane.
c. Frontal, Coronal – Color Blue
Divides the body into anterior and posterior parts.
d. Transverse, Cross Horizontal – Color Yellow
Divides the body into upper and lower parts.
e. Cranial, Superior – Color Orange
These terms refer to a structure being closer to the head
or higher than another structure in the body.
f. Caudal, Inferior – Color Brown
These terms refer to a structure being closer to the feet
or lower thon, another structure in the body
g. Anterior, Ventral – Color Gray
These terms refer to a structure being more in front than
another structure in the body.
h. Posterior, Dorsal – Color Purple
These terms refer to a structure being more in back than
another structure in the body.
i. Medial – Color Pink
This term refers to a structure being closer to the median
plane than another structure in the body
j. Lateral – Color Dark Green
This term refers to a structure being further away from
the median plane than another structure in the body
k. Proximal – Color Dark Blue
Employed only with reference to the limbs, term refers to
a structure being closer to the median plane or root of
the limb than another structure in the limb
l. Distal – Color Black
Employed only with reference to the limbs, term refers to
a structure being further away from the median plane or
the root of the limb than another structure in the limb.