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World History Final Review --- George
The following questions are in the writing section of the final: these will need to be answered in
1-2 paragraphs each (4-6 sentences per paragraph)
The questions are in the order and they come from Chapter 13-24
1. What were the key webs or networks of influence, communication, and exchange through which
peoples of the fifteenth century interacted?
2. In what ways were the early modern empires of Western Europe distinctive from all others?
3. What impact did the global silver trade have on world history?
4. What major movements in early modern India brought some Hindus and Muslims together in
new forms of religious expression, and how do those movements differ from each other?
5. How did new national identities both build upon older identities and take advantage of the
weakening of traditional identities?
6. Why did the Industrial Revolution occur first in Europe?
7. Compare the impact of Europe on China and the Ottoman Empire by the opening of the
twentieth century.
8. In what ways did the lives of women in Africa change with the arrival of colonial empires?
9. What were the key factors that allowed Europe to recover from the Second World War so
10. After seizing power in Russia and China, what initiatives did the communist governments in
those countries undertake to construct socialist societies?
11. Why has there been a remarkable resurgence of Western-style democracy in Africa since the
early 1980s?
12. What factors drove economic globalization after World War II?
World History Final Review --- George
The following questions are in the multiple choice section of the final:
The questions are in order and they come from Chapters 13-24
What was an important force in the creation of the webs or networks of influence,
connection, and exchange that connected regions of the globe in the 15th century.
Where was the key center of Islamic learning and culture in West Africa?
What are some characteristics of the more advanced gathering and hunting societies that
flourished along the northwest coast of North America in the 15th century?
What are some reasons that Europeans embraced oceanic exploration?
What are characteristics of the Columbian exchange?
What are some policies implemented by the Mughal emperor Akbar?
What social group held the highest social status in the societies of Spanish colonial
Mexico and Peru?
What is a feature of China’s rule over its newly acquired Central Asian territories that
made the region more a part of an empire rather than an integral part of the Chinese state?
What are some characteristics of the global silver trade?
What are some long term consequences of the Atlantic slave trade for Africa?
What was an important difference between the Siberian and North American fur trades?
What were the Portuguese able to do once the established sea routes to the Indian Ocean
What are some examples of how Christianity was assimilated into the preexisting culture
of Mexico?
What was the Wahhabi movement?
Describe the Sikh religious community.
What best describes the adoption of modern European science in China, Japan, and the
Ottoman Empire during the early modern era?
What did the Spanish colonies of Latin America fail to unite as a single state?
What are some characteristics of the Atlantic revolutions?
What are some characteristics of the feminist movement by the early 1900s?
What are some examples of the influence of nationalism outside the Euro-American
world in the 19th century?
How was the Industrial Revolution a global phenomenon?
What were the reasons that Europe industrialized first?
Where did industrialization lead to a violent social revolution?
What were features of “dependent development” in Latin America?
What are characteristics of the opium trade in China?
What did the Ottoman Empire do as an effort to modernize?
Japan’s imperial expansion resulted in Japanese colonial rule over what regions?
Following a military coup in the Ottoman Empire in 1908, the Young Turks implemented
reforms designed to create what?
What did the European s take advantage of in creating colonial empires in Asian and
Africa during the second half of the 19th century?
What non-European country built a substantial colonial empire that bore important
similarities to the empires of its European counterparts?
Describe the impact colonial rule in Africa on the lives of women.
What became a more prominent and well-defined identity within the European colonial
empires in the 19th century?
What were the factors behind the outbreak of World War I in 1914?
What was more of a feature of fascism in Germany than in Italy?
What were Japan’s motivations for going to war against Western Powers?
What are some comparisons that can be made between World Wars I and II?
How was the Russian Revolution similar to the French Revolution?
In what ways did the communist revolution in China differ from that in Russia?
After Deng Xiaoping took over as China’s “paramount leader” following the death of
Mao Zedong, what developments did he sanction?
What were the outcomes of the collapse of the Soviet Union?
What distinguished the end of Europe’s African and Asian colonial empires from other
causes of imperial dissolution?
What are some characteristics of economic development in third world countries?
In general, which class benefited the most from independence in Africa?
What were the social or economic circumstances within the European colonies that
contributed to anti-colonial movements?
What factors contributed to economic globalization during the 20th century?
What is a characteristic of the Global North/South divide in the 20th century?
What are characteristics of fundamentalists in America?
What did the Islamic renewal movements derive from?
What factors led to the dramatic increase in the human impact on the environment in the
20th century?
What is an example of the women’s movement in the Global South took shape around a
range of issues that were not always explicitly gender-based?