Download Zoology Semester Exam Study Guide 1st semester 1. Which of the

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Semester Exam Study Guide
1st semester
1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all birds?
a. They have an outer covering of feathers.
b. They maintain a constant internal body temperature.
c. They have two legs.
d. They can fly.
2. An endotherm is an animal that
a. has a low rate of metabolism.
c. can generate its own body heat.
b. stores large amounts of food in its stomach.
d. can see color very well.
3. In which part of a bird’s digestive system is food stored and moistened before it enters the stomach?
a. cloaca
c. gizzard
b. small intestine
d. crop
4. One characteristic that Archaeopteryx had but most dinosaurs lacked was
a. feathers.
c. a tail.
b. teeth.
d. claws.
5. The largest order of birds consists of
a. birds of prey.
c. parrots.
b. flightless birds.
d. perching birds.
6. The muscular part of a bird’s stomach that contains gravel, which crushes food, is the
a. Cloaca
c. crop
b. Gizzard
d. air sac
7.. Which organ is used by a cow to feed her newborn calf?
a. mammary gland
c. marsupium
b. placenta
d. rumen
8. The separation of the three main groups of mammals from one another around 60 million years ago was caused
mainly by
a. continental drift.
b. competition from dinosaurs.
c. the evolution of oviparous development.
d. competition between the groups.
9. To release heat from their bodies when necessary, some mammals use their
a. external body hair.
c. sweat glands.
b. subcutaneous fat.
d. high rate of metabolism
10. The mammalian circulatory system consists of
a. one loop powered by a four-chambered heart.
b. two separate loops powered by a four-chambered heart.
c. two separate loops powered by a three-chambered heart.
d. four separate loops powered by a two-chambered heart.
11. Which part of a mammal’s brain contains a well-developed cerebral cortex—the center of thinking?
a. medulla oblongata
c. cerebrum
b. spinal cord
d. cerebellum
12. The egg-laying mammals are called
a. marsupials.
c. placental mammals.
b. monotremes.
d. insectivores.
13. An example of an animal with a marsupium is a(n)
a. elephant.
c. mouse.
b. sea lion.
d. wombat.
14. Which of the following is NOT a goal of science?
a. to investigate and understand nature
c. to use data to support a particular point of view
b. to explain events in nature
d. to use explanations to make useful predictions
15. The work of scientists begins with
a. testing a hypothesis.
c. creating experiments.
b. careful observations
d. drawing conclusions.
16. Biology is the study of
a. the land, water, and air on Earth.
c. animals and plants only
b. the living world.
d. the environment
17. You propose the presence of water could accelerate the growth of bread mold. This is a(an)
a. conclusion.
c. experiment.
b. hypothesis.
d. analysis
18. A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test
a. a conclusion.
c. several variables
b. a mass of information.
d. a single variable
19. Scientists publish the details of important experiments for all the following reasons except that
a. their work can be repeated.
b. their experimental procedures can be reviewed.
c. they can know only for themself
d. others can try to reproduce the results.
20. When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it produces a growth pattern called
a. logistic growth.
c. demographic growth.
b. growth density.
d. exponential growth.
21. Which are two ways a population can decrease in size?
a. immigration and emigration
b. increased death rate and immigration
c. decreased birthrate and emigration
d. emigration and increased birthrate
22. As resources in a population become less available, population growth
a. becomes negative.
c. reaches carrying capacity
b. increases slowly.
d. enters a phase of exponential growth
23. About 500 years ago, the world’s population started
a. decreasing.
c. growing more rapidly.
b. to reach carrying capacity.
d. to level off.
24. In countries like India, the human population is growing
a. exponentially.
c. logistically.
b. transitionally.
d. demographically.
25. Which of the following is not likely to be a limiting factor on the sea otter population?
a. disease
c. drought
b. competition
d. predation
26. This type of symmetry is associated with the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
a. bilateral
c. anterior
b. radial
27. The upper or back side of an organism is its
a. dorsal side.
c. anterior side.
b. ventral side.
d. posterior
28. Invertebrates account for ___ of all animals.
a. 75%
c. 85%
b. 95%
d. 65%
29. The process of ridding the body of amonia is known as __.
a. Metabolism
c. Excretion
b. Circulation
d. Respiration
30. Animals that feed only on plants are known as ___.
a. Detrivores
c. Parasites
b. Carnivores
d. Herbivores
31. Many small aquatic organisms move oxygen and carbon dioxide through their skin by the process of
a. muscle contractions
c. cephalization.
b. extracellular digestion.
d. diffusion.
32. One characteristic that made early animals different from all animals of today was their
a. habitat.
c. body plan.
b. body segmentation.
d. bilateral symmetry.
33. Animals of the Cambrian Period typically had all of the following EXCEPT
a. body symmetry.
c. some type of skeleton.
b. segmentation.
d. a backbone.
34. The classification of an animal as a deuterostome or a protostome is based on
a. its body symmetry.
b. whether or not it has a coelom.
c. what happens to the blastopore.
d. the number of germ layers it has.
35 Which invertebrates exhibit radial symmetry?
a. cnidarians and echinoderms
c. roundworms and annelids
b. sponges and flatworms
d. mollusks and arthropods
36. Cephalization refers to the
a. division of the body into upper and lower sides.
b. concentration of sense organs and nerve cells in the front of the body.
c. joining together of specialized cells to form tissues.
d. formation of a body cavity between the germ layers
37. An endoskeleton is a
a. shell of a mollusk.
b. fluid-filled body cavity that supports the muscles.
c. structural support located inside the body.
d. hard body covering made of chitin.
38. Which statement refers to sexual reproduction?
a. All offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
b. Offspring are produced from the fusion of male and female gametes.
c. An organism breaks into pieces that grow into new individuals.
d. New individuals are produced from outgrowths of the parent’s body wall.
39. Which of the following did NOT occur during the Cambrian Explosion?
a. Animals acquired specialized cells, tissues, and organ systems.
b. There was an extraordinary growth in animal diversity.
c. Animals evolved simpler body plans.
d. Animal appendages became specialized for a variety of functions.
40. Arthropods have
a. Segmented bodies
c. hard exoskeleton
b. Jointed appendages
d. all of the above
41. Insects make up what percentage of all animals?
a. 75%
c. 83%
b. 89%
d. 73%
42. How does a star fish respond to its environment?
a. Nerve ring
c. left side
b. Right side
d. eyes
43. What are the three parts of an insect’s body?
a. head, trachea, thorax
c. caraspace, thorax, swimmerts
b. head, chelipea, cephalothorax
d. head, thorax, abdomen
44. Incomplete metamorphosis produces a ____________ that resembles the adult form lacking many organs such
as sexual organs.
c. larva
d. pheromones
45. Which of the following statements about a vertebrate’s skeleton is INCORRECT?
a. It supports and protects the body.
b. It is an endoskeleton.
c. It grows as the animal grows.
d. It is made entirely of nonliving material.
46. Lancelets belong to the subphylum
a. Urochordata.
c. Vertebrata.
b. Cephalochordata.
d. Annelida.
47. In most fishes, the structures that are most important for obtaining oxygen from water are the
a. scales.
c. lungs.
b. gills.
d. vertebrae.
48. Fishes that lived during the late Cambrian Period
a. lacked paired fins.
b. had powerful jaws.
c. had limbs.
d. had soft bodies with little or no armor.
49. After passing through the gills of a fish, blood circulates through the rest of the body and then collects in the
a. atrium.
c. bulbus arteriosus.
b. ventricle.
d. sinus venosus.
50. Most fishes get rid of nitrogenous wastes by
a. taking in ammonia through the gills and eliminating it from the kidneys.
b. taking in water through the kidneys and eliminating ammonia from the gills.
c. eliminating ammonia from the gills and from the kidneys.
d. eliminating urine from the gills and ammonia from the
51. All fishes in the class Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays) are alike in the
a. foods that they eat.
b. size and form of their teeth.
c. shape of their bodies.
d. composition of their skeletons.
52. Which feature distinguishes most fishes from most amphibians?
a. a vertebral column
b. scales
c. breathing with gills during at least part of the life cycle
d. living in water during at least part of the life cycle