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Review for test
1 In his first inaugural address, President Abraham
Lincoln stated his main goal for the nation was to
(1) use the vote to resolve the conflict over slavery
(2) free all slaves in the United States
(3) uphold the Dred Scott decision
(4) preserve the Union
4 is answer
“Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri to Enter
the Union”
“California Joins the Union As Part of Compromise
of 1850”
“Kansas-Nebraska Act Establishes Popular
Sovereignty in the Territories”
2 Which issue is most closely associated with these
(1) status of slavery in new states
(2) negotiation of the Oregon Treaty
(3) expansion of land for reservations
(4) influence of political parties on economic
3 The Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a foreign
policy success for the United States primarily
because it
(1) secured full control of Florida from Spain
(2) ended French control of the Mississippi River
(3) ended British occupation of forts on
American soil
(4) eliminated Russian influence in North
4 Which action is most closely associated with the
term Manifest Destiny?
(1) declaring independence from Great Britain
(2) deciding to end the War of 1812
(3) acquiring territory from Mexico in 1848
(4) annexing Hawaii and the Philippines
5 Most Southern political leaders praised the
Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford
(1857) because it
(1) granted citizenship to all enslaved persons
(2) upheld the principle of popular sovereignty
(3) supported the right of a state to secede from
the Union
(4) protected the property rights of slave owners
in the territories
6 A high protective tariff passed by Congress is
intended to affect the United States economy by
(1) promoting free trade
(2) limiting industrial jobs
(3) encouraging American manufacturing
(4) expanding global interdependence
In 1862, the Homestead Act and the Pacific
7 Railway Act were passed primarily to
(1) achieve Northern victory in the Civil War
(2) develop the Midwest and western parts of the
(3) improve the lives of freed slaves
(4) expand overseas markets to Asia and Europe
8 Which statement about the Missouri
Compromise (1820) is most accurate?
(1) Slavery was banned west of the Mississippi
(2) Unorganized territories would be governed
by the United States and Great Britain.
(3) The balance between free and slave states
was maintained.
(4) The 36°30' line formed a new boundary
between the United States and Canada.
9 Which 19th-century event supported the
movement for women’s rights?
(1) Seneca Falls Convention
(2) Dred Scott decision
(3) formation of the Republican Party
(4) Lincoln-Douglas debates
10 The publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by
Harriet Beecher Stowe, contributed to the start
of the Civil War by
(1) exposing the dangers of cotton manufacturing
(2) intensifying Northern dislike of slavery
(3) pressuring the president to support
(4) convincing Congress to ban the importation
of slaves
11 Which Supreme Court decision created the need
for a constitutional amendment that would grant
citizenship to formerly enslaved persons?
(1) Marbury v. Madison
(2) McCulloch v. Maryland
(3) Worcester v. Georgia
(4) Dred Scott v. Sanford
12 Which situation was the most immediate result of
Abraham Lincoln’s election to the presidency in
(1) Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union as
free states.
(2) A constitutional amendment was adopted to
end slavery.
(3) Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.
(4) Several Southern States seceded from the
13 Increased immigration from Ireland to the
United States during the 1840s was primarily a
result of
(1) crop failures in Ireland that led to mass
(2) refugees fleeing the new monarchy in Ireland
(3) unemployment in Ireland caused by
(4) religious warfare in Ireland between
Catholics and Protestants
14 What was the primary goal of President Abraham
Lincoln’s post–Civil War policy?
(1) establishing military districts in the South
(2) extending land ownership to African
American men
(3) restoring Southern representation in
(4) arresting military leaders of the Confederacy