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Guided Notes 1: Evidence of Evolution:
1. What was the name of the ship Darwin travelled on? ______________________. What was
the name of the book he published in 1859? __________________________________
2. From Malthus, Darwin understood that not all offspring within a species will
____________________. From Lyell, he knew that the earth is very, very old and that
________________ occurs slowly.
3. _____________________ selection involves the amplification of specific traits in domestic
animals by breeders.
4. ____________________ selection – not all members of a population are equally likely to
survive and reproduce. _______________________ – heritable change in organisms over time.
5. In ___________________, one species resembles another species.
6. Bold, distinctive pattern of color characteristic of a poisonous or unpalatable organism is
called __________________ coloration.
7. How many moths do you see in this slide? ________
8. Overuse of antibiotics leads to the emergence of strains of bacteria that are
___________________________ to antibiotics.
9. List 4 lines of evidence for evolution: _________________________________,
_____________________________, __________________________________,
10. Anatomical features with a common evolutionary origin are called
_____________________ structures.
11. __________________________ structures do not have a common evolutionary origin but
are similar in function.
12. _________________________ structures no longer serve their original purpose in presentday organisms and are usually reduced in size.
13. Give two examples of molecules that are used by all organisms, thus suggesting a common
evolutionary origin.
14. List the 3 tenets of Darwin’s theory of natural selection:
Guided Notes2: Mechanisms of Evolution:
1. Natural selection acts on the range of ___________________ in a population.
Phenotypes are largely determined by ____________________.
2. Can individuals acquire new phenotypes within their lifetimes and pass on those
acquired traits to offspring? ______
3. ___________ _________ refers to all of the alleles of all the individuals in a population.
The percentage of any specific allele in the gene pool is the __________________
4. Evolution occurs as a result of changes in ________________ _________________
within a population.
5. List the 5 conditions that must be met in order for a population to be in genetic
Can all of these conditions exist in a population? _________ What does this mean?
6. _____________________ are the ultimate source of genetic variability within
7. Genetic _______________ refers to fluctuations in allele frequencies due to random
events. Random fluctuations are especially acute in small, _________________
populations. ___________ _____________ is the gain or loss alleles due to migration of
individuals between neighboring populations.
8. What are the 3 major categories of natural selection? __________________,
____________________, and ___________________________.
9. Stablizing selection favors the _______________________ individuals in a population.
10.Directional selection favors one extreme version of a ___________________ or the
other extreme version.
11.In ___________________ selection, both extreme versions of a phenotype are selected.
12._____________________ is the evolution of new species due to significant changes in
the gene pool of a population over time.
13.In ______________________ isolation, a physical barrier, such as a river, divides a
14._______________________ isolation occurs when formerly interbreeding organisms
can no longer mate and produce fertile offspring.
15.___________________ refers to an individual or species with a multiple of the normal
set of chromosomes
16.In ____________________________ evolution, populations change as they adapt to
different environmental conditions, eventually resulting in new species. An
_______________ _________________ is a type of divergent evolution in which an
ancestral species evolves into an array of species to fit a
number of diverse
17.What does the Grosbeak finch probably eat? ________________________
18.In _________________________ evolution, distantly related organisms evolve similar
19.Where do most marsupials live? ________________________________