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NASA’s 2015 budget request is
18 Billion Dollars
Why should Americans spend this $ on
outer space exploration?
 What are possible outcomes of space
 Would you go to Mars? Why or Why
NASA Goals 2015
Develop better flight technology esp. for the
Air Force
Test duration of life in outer space
Design a new space ship to replace the shuttle
Measure the melting ice sheets of Greenland
and Antarctica and determine the melting flow
Look for places we can live
Go back to the moon
Partnership w/ commercial flights to space
What do Europeans know as the
dawn of Exploration approaches?
Some believe the world is round at this
They are aware of Asia and Africa and
their sense of its size is very vague
Early explorers are trying to find a route
East to get goods from India and Asia
Many believe there a creatures and
natural phenomenon around every corner
The Age of Exploration
Chapter 3
How Do Euros Know Asia and
India Exist???
A. Causes of the Age of
1. The Renaissance
A new attitude emerges during the
Ren. that encouraged people to
question tradition ®
 People naturally become curious
about “what’s out there”
 New attitude inspires people to
2. Fall of Constantinople
Muslims take over Byzantine Empire
Constantinople becomes Istanbul, capital of
the new Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Turks block trade routes by land and
make it difficult for Europeans to trade in the
middle east
3. The Italian Merchants
Controlled trade from the Middle
 When they brought goods to Europe
they raised prices so only wealthy
could afford
 Other European countries will look to
by pass Italians and bring back goods
4. Competition
Portugal and Spain will be the first to
explore around Africa
 Other European countries such as
England, France and the Netherlands
don’t want to miss out
 Land = Power
5. Make Money
Merchants went in search of Asian and
Indian goods such as nutmeg, ginger,
cinnamon, pepper, citrus fruits,
gunpowder, silk, tea, etc.
In huge demand in Europe because most
of their foods are bland and creates
opportunity for merchants to make
money (Capitalism)
6. Religious Mission
Euros believed that all non Christians
were Heathens (a person w/out God)
and uncivilized.
 They could justify conquering and
abusing Native peoples as long as it
was in the name of God.
7. Advances in Technology
Voyages were made possible because of
new equipment
 The Caravel- better stearing ship w/
triangle sails
 Chinese Compass- gives direction
Astrolabe/Sextant- measures distance
of stars from the horizon
8. Adventure/Treasure
Sailors were promised
wealth in gold and
 Some saw it as an
opportunity for a new